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Everything posted by FreeAtLast
MPM, You are right about being turned off by religion in general. I tried to go back to some church, but I haven't been able to stick with any one group. I always find something I disagree with or can MPM, You are right about being turned off by religion in general. I tried to go back to some church, but I haven't been able to stick with any one group. I always find something I disagree with or can't tolerate. Truth is I get this ugly feeling in my gut in church settings.
Have an awesome birthday girl. Throwing a special one up for you today.
Bolshevik, I know some that are tied for financial reasons too. they gave their whole lives to the ministry and have no skills that will pay outside of the Way. It's really sad. I know and you know that they can break out of it but when you are in the situation and unable to see a way out it can be difficult to realize you can escape.
Tumbleweed are you saying you are Orlando Lilly. If so nice to hear from you dude. Always great to catch up with a 17th corps bud. Holly
RG you are a the bomb. i love you girl
Interesting Hammi, There are some women who would go for it. As for me I have a hard time taking over my own life, let alone a country. lol. Some other women can do that Just as long as it's not led by Hilary.
I have a brother still in and we don't talk. He has definitely been a company man. He tried to talk me into coming back after I left and would let up on his speach. The way is kinder nicer etc. I hadn't been out very long so when he was saying that I knew it was just what he was trained to say. I finally had to tell him to stop trying to talk me into coming back, to which he replied that he wasn't trying to do that. But in his next sentence started talking about how wonderful the Way is. I finally had to tell him that I would love to continue to communicate as long as I don't have to hear the Way mentioned anymore. I never heard from him in a personal sense again. It's been about 5 years now and I get pat birthday greetings and holiday greetings by way of emails. It's so generic I know it's what he sends to everyone on his list. Nothing like, hey sis just wanted to pop you a line and say happy birthday. Give the kids my love. Nothing like that it's your basic. Happy Birthday and greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ or something to that effect. Real personal. Not!! I think the way has bred a bunch of robots that way. They all say the same things and believe the same things and no one dare defy the current winds or you might get the boot. Or demoted or treated like crap until you leave of your own accord. I hear ya and I feel ya. Hang in there and maybe they will come to their senses. You know my brother and I graduated the Way corps together and during that time he was considering leaving because someone he respected got to him. I managed to talk him through it and he stayed. Now I wish I had let him leave. Then he wouldn't have become this Way robot.
It's amazing how times have changed but my parents were raised in that era. My ex still thinks that way and has told my oldest that she shouldn't go to college unless her future spouse allows it. Well I know that was a slur because I am attending the University which is something else he refused to let me do. But, she just laughs at that because of the way I have brought her up. Her whole focus in high school is only what classes she needs to have and what gpa she needs to achieve in order to attend UCLA. But her dad is still somewhat way brained and has the gender roles from the 50s stuck in his mind, and she realizes how ridiculous his suggestion was.
I am taking it then that your folks still follow the Way?
Well I was in the Way most of my childhood. My parents weren't so stringent about us attending fellowship. I think they were more absorbed into the Way. We used to have lessons and sports before the way and after that we didn't have any fun activities outside of fellowship anymore. No dance no baseball no piano lessons etc. Now that we are all out of the Way my mom has apologized over and over for getting me in the Way. However, I am thankful for what I learned while in. Furthermore, mom never pushed any of her children. She did encourage my brothers who weren't in but never pushed them to be involved against their will. I guess it depends on the parent how they handled the pressure of the Way. I would suggest to you that you talk to your parents. They may be feeling pretty badly about how they responded as parents while they were in the Way and just don't know how to let you know how sorry they are.
Ok I found the article. Here is the link Good Housekeeping link
Well we continue to make progress. Heck we can vote now! That wasn't always a reality. Before WW II it was rare that women were even in the work place. I had sent to me an old article from Good Housekeeping and there were rules that women were supposed to follow with respect to their husbands. l will have to find that article again and post it here. It was incredible that they believed women were so sub human. I will look for it after I pick up my daughter.
Wow you guys are busy. RG you know I think you are the bomb girl. I love you and if any woman has strength it's you. What you had to endure for Josh. You are a awesome lady. I know what you mean about that knight in shining armour. Sometimes I wish someone would rescue me from this lonliness, but then I think of all the drama and uncertainty that is involved in relationships. I don't know maybe when life is less complicated I will be ready for my hero. lol Kathy What a generalization they make with regard to men and women. I am in the IT field and I study math and physics in college. I can reason mathematically just as well if not better than some of the guys in my class and in my workplace. Funny thing is I am not good at planning. I try and never can keep to a plan, when asked for an estimate for my work time I can never give an accurate estimate as I fail to foresee pitfalls that others plan into their estimates. From what I am learning in my ed classes in my day and time it was just this kind of thinking that kept little girls from achieving in areas of math and science. We need to eliminate the "stereotypes" we place on gender and allow our kids to flourish in their strengths regardless of their sex. I believe that we are getting to this in the educational system. But as QT pointed out women are still being paid less than men when performing the same role.
OMG I laughed my Arse off. Did you see the one where they were talking about his weiners. It was Alec Baldwin as well same radio skit
great posts guys. I don't have time to respond to everything but wow! QT and Like an eagle. Great posts. I don't even know where to start to respond to those or maybe I should just do what Kathy did.
You say it's no wonder the international folks have a problem with our language. Heck no wonder our kids have a problem with their own language. My head is spinning!! lol
Joe, welcome to the site. It's a pleasure to have you aboard. Anything I can do to help you feel comfortable (within my power of course) just let me know. welcome
Yeah I am the one who made the pms hormone joke. Well you know how to make a hormone don't you? Don't pay her. da dum. Thank you thank you. Personally I think if I were running for president then maybe it would be ok to have a woman in the office. :P Well I would elect someone like Maya Angelou, level headed moral woman, but the women that would consider running are women like our former first lady. I think an evil self serving woman is worse than an evil self serving man because of hormonal issues. Even those in menopause could be driven by hormonal issues, and believe me I have know women going through that stage that would rip your head off for looking at them funny. So T-Bone what was your opinion on the matter? Thanks for filling in the gaps t-bone.
Oen and Waysider, thanks for the input. It's great to hear the opinions of you men on this topic. Maybe Mars and Venus can converge. In the marriage: It's hard for me to say this with confidence since I didn't have a successful marriage. Given that what I ultimately want in a man/woman relationship for myself is a partnership. A partnership glued together by the love a man and woman have for each other. I don't believe a man should lord over the woman and that a wise man will listen to his wife. But then there are times a wife should trust her husband as well -- a partnership. Ultimately though someone has to make a final decision. Is that biblically the man? That's what I have been taught, but maybe I don't really know what I thought I knew about the bible in that category. In the workplace Whoever is the best person for the job. If a woman is more qualified then she should have the position In Society in General Well I still think a woman can have authority here. I have met 3 such women in the last 3 years. I am awarded a large scholarship given by the Women's alliance at the university I attend. These women have made such large impacts in our community and yet they think I am amazing because I go to college, work full time, and raise three kids. When in my mind they are the amazing ones. They are doing what I want to do -- making an impact on society -- something I would like to achieve before I die. One woman in particular I met was the daughter of Brown in Brown vs. the Board of Ed. She spoke at one of our dinners and what an amazing lady she is. She has a positive influence on the education system, on the lives of black women in the US and among women in general. She is without a doubt one of the most influential and amazing women I have ever met, and an articulate speaker as well. One woman I would love to meet eventually is Maya Angelou. A poet but a philosopher of sorts. She has also had an amazing impact on women with her words of wisdom. In political positions Hmmmm, well I don't have a problem with the fact that we here in Kansas have a woman Governor. As a matter of fact when I wrote her of a concern of mine she actually wrote me back and put one of her staff on solving the problem. I don't have a problem with the women we have in public office on the national level either. Meaning the senate and the congress. I just have a problem with a woman being the president of the US. But maybe that's my way upbringing, maybe that's some waythink I haven't removed from my mind yet. I like Kathy's suggestion In the bedroom Well I guess that just depends on the couple and what they are comfortable with but I think taking turns being the one in authority would be fun. tee hee hee. I was so busy writing my last post that I almost missed the silliness. I often said that bobbits name was appropriate.
Skeers me as well. I have asked what they do when a master is beating their slave to a pulp. Well the slave gets a free woman to represent her but she still lives in the house with her master. They take it before a board of all men to determine the fate of the slave. If the man is found guilty he is reprimanded, but of course the slave has the choice to return or not. But most choose to return. Now where does she go. They have no resources to move on. I say RUN!!!! Run as fast as you can!!!! Scarey.
QT it's interesting you mention the school of thought that says men should dominate. I have friends who have adopted the Gorean philosophy to their relationships. The women are slaves (there are free women too but they are still under the men) and the men dominate. Their belief is that the women are wired to be submissive to their men and that they are in their rightful place and happier when serving a man. This one girl I know is very strong emotionally, mentally and physically and she has chosen to 'serve' her 'master' in the Gorean way. Her master and I were friends before he was shipped his little slave girl and he was trying to "recruit" me. I told him that I just got my freedom back there is no way I would relinquish it to a man with his belief system. Well this woman enjoys her life with her master. Her master shared with me that he had to SPANK her to keep her in line. I told him if I were her I would have kicked him where it counted and headed out the door. But the point is she has chosen to live this way and for some sick reason feels fulfilled in that arrangement. I wonder what horrendous event could have caused a woman to want to give up her free state and enter into that of slavery? But this is a huge sub-culture that exists in the United States there are even web sites where masters can find their potential slaves. These sites are akin to the dating sites for vanilla relationships. There are other variant societies that believe this way as well. One that evolved from a celtic background and is now sweeping the US. I write a lot of blogs on line and I am presented with these people regularly and have been "educated" to their ways. What is freightening is that the Gorean sub-culture is based on a series of fictional books, that these people took to be the gospel for their lives.
Thanks Abi great post, and great biblical points. Loving it.