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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Obviously you haven't been paying attention. Oakspear and Radar can attest personally, and Insurgent is still experiencing it.
  2. the code should be 8 or 12 digits or so, you need to move the lamp up and down
  3. dmiller, do you have a key and a code? you might also have the security card and a screwdriver, they are unnecessary
  4. Ohmygosh, I just realized - right here in our midst, the OLM of all OLM's - Rafael OLMeda!
  5. Yes, you need to go to the basement. Start by filling the entire left side with green lights - that shouldn't be too tough. Then any light that you want to turn green, click on the one to the right of it. Work from top to bottom, left to right. You'll end up with 4 dark lights, but the wall will move.
  6. When the green wall moves back, 2 rooms are revealed. I think it's in the one to the left.
  7. dmiller, there is a pair of wirecutters somewhere.
  8. Put the log on the machine and turn it on. The log will catch fire. Put the log in the fireplace. The fire will start and the heater will shut off, and then the machine will be up to full power. Put the triangle on the machine and turn it on. Take the triangle pieces and put the small triangle in the bottom corner of the security pad and put the rest of the pieces into the security pad.
  9. Bees may be on their way out within a couple of years. There is a mite that likes to live in the air passages of bees. This causes the bees to suffocate. This mite has been spreading for a number of years. The domestic honeybee may soon be extinct!
  10. Act2 - post it as a picture, and then I'll tell you how to make it an avatar.
  11. We'll be requesting "I Knew I Loved You" and "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden Those songs have deep meaning for us
  12. Dots, we've got no problem there! How about "Tainted Love", no message in that, it's just a good partying song.
  13. I've never been a huge fan of in flight entertainment of any kind. Of course, now they have "strip-o-flights". Anyway, my work-issued laptop computer has a DVD player, so when I fly to Connecticut on Monday, I may bring a DVD for the flight. Of course, it is only a 2 1/2 hour flight, so I will probably finish watching the movie on the return trip.
  14. dmiller, i forget which level that is. have you gotten past that part yet?
  15. Are you ready for this? there are 12 levels in this game! You people are only at level 4!
  16. I finally got to see Mercury on Monday night!
  17. Oh, btw, Zixar, don't forget - you've also got to come up with a really kick-*** toast at the reception
  18. Did you put the floppy into the floppy drive and THEN start the computer?
  19. There are like 9 levels in this game. I've gotten through level 4. In the first level, just keep clicking on stuff - everything! - until you find some things, and then try using those things in unusual ways. You'll need the poster, a key, a screwdriver, and a screw
  20. Whaddayamean, we weren't impressed?? We both liked that place, and we both enjoyed the music! You just caught us in a state of exhaustion.
  21. Shellon - It's a URL, a web address. You have to type in a web address to get to da gspot. You type it into the address line.
  22. Okay, I'll fess up. I've enjoyed PB and bologna more than once.
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