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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. JustThinking - are you reading this thread? Do you see what I mean about omPhil's tactics? Slow to judge? Please! He HAS judged, and continues to judge. He has been very QUICK to judge - and to criticize anyone who says anything against his beloved TWI I.
  2. OM CERTAINLY couldn't be a brain donor - you can't give what you don't have.
  3. Well, one person told me to keep it out of direct sunlight
  4. Do they contact a vet to verify a prescription?
  5. We were given some gen-u-wine Kentucky moonshine as a wedding gift, and having no prior experience with moonshine, have no idea how we should store it until such time as we decide to drink it. So does anyone know how we should store it? Should we keep it in a freezer? or is it better warm? Perhaps G-Spot's resident Kentuckian, Littlehawk, would be the best person to answer, since it did come from him. But if anyone else has any thoughts about it, it would be much appreciated!
  6. Recently I had to create a startup disk in order to get rid of some spyware on 2 of the PC's that we have. Some of this stuff is really getting nasty!
  7. If you get returned emails from emails that you never sent, it might not be anything as nefarious as someone using your actual account. It could just be someone spoofing your email address. It's not all that hard to do. I've sent out emails to other people that have looked as if they came from someone else, just as a demonstration. So don't get your undies in a bunch if you get those, unless you have more reason to believe that someone actually used your account.
  8. Daryl! How could you forget Frisky? The other cats are Ceecee and Moon.
  9. Actually, one of the 2 guys that invented D&D *was* at one time involved with TWI!
  10. I know I'm really pathetic, posting from Jamaica, but . . . This is going to be our ONLY post this week! We'll be back in civilization next Monday. Everything has been beyond wonderful so far!! The good stuff (I mean, apart from the obvious, nudge nudge, wink wink) started on our flight down. Cindy! told the flight attendant that we were on our honeymoon, and they moved us from coach to First Class! and gave us 2 bottles of champagne, and 4 of those little shot bottles, 3 of Amaretto and 1 of Bailey's. And things here in Ocho Rios have been pretty awesome as well. Yesterday we were almost mugged, but because God worked some wonders, and because Cindy! and I are such a team, we knew to leave, at just the right time. Other than that, during the day, we're lazing around in the sun at the beach and at the pool, drinking wine and rum, and at night, well, I'll leave that to your imagination. Well, that's all for now. See everyone in a week! Steve! and Cindy!
  11. So THE Raf, what song by Fastball are you talking about?
  12. Use the screwdriver on the bottom part of the puter looking thingy.
  13. You have to move the light up and down to see all the numbers. The code is for the last door. The wire cutters and screwdriver are for the second laser barrier. You can get there by punching the buttons in the first room that looks like it has a computer thingy.
  14. JT, that's a very nice sentiment, but OM has not changed his MO one little bit from the time he first started posting. First he will argue with whoever has a point of view that is Anti-TWI I. Then when anyone responds he will dodge and distract. He will also project the attitude that if he didn't see it personally, it didn't happen - never mind the countless firsthand reports here. He will ask questions like "Where's your proof? Where's the documentation?" when he knows darn well that most of what happened was NOT written down. And then finally he'll start pretending to understand, or he'll seem to almost start agreeing, only to lay off posting for a couple of days or weeks, and then come back and start all over again. Slow to anger? No. Slow to comprehend that other people may have had experiences different than his own, and that those experiences are just as, and oftentimes more valid than, his own. And when I say "slow", I mean that the RC church will allow priests to marry before OM actually changes his tune.
  15. Yep, that would do it. In Oregon they used to call it "Beaver Fever"
  16. Well, there's a key on top of the overhead lamp.
  17. They say that ignorance is bliss. OMPhil must be one of the most blissful people anywhere. It's one thing to not know something, but it's a different animal entirely to completely ignore first-hand testimony after first-hand testimony and completely disregard court depositions. I'm happy for you, OM, I really am. It must be really nice to not be burdened with any semblance of reality.
  18. OM - Are you completely oblivious? Loyboy had had extramarital affairs for several years by that time. Carnality is all he was/is about! How can you POSSIBLY think that anything he did or said came from a sound mind?
  19. You've got to first get through the secret passage from above, but that's after moving a wall below.
  20. Oh, and the letters on the computer are different for different people. Just punch them in in the order you see them. Last time I was through it, the letters were DAEH, and I punched them in in that order, then hit and got out.
  21. Yes, there's a key in the pool table. Yes, you have to sink a ball. To do it, get the cue stick pointing as far to the right as you can.
  22. I told how to get past that wall, didn't I? Start with the left. Go down the left and get all the lights green. Then work from top to bottom, left to right, clicking on the light to the right of the one that you want to turn green.
  23. CW: yes, it does. You've got to get past that wall. You'll need wirecutters. Whoops, let me clarify. You won't need the wirecutters to get past the wall, you'll need wirecutters to get past the laser barriers.
  24. The piece of metal will allow another door to open. Type TSAE into the keyboard. That will unlock another door. Cheer up, the hardest is yet to come!
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