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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. You know why, right? Same reason we say "Goodbye" - that's a shortening of "God be with ye", which changed to "God b'ye". It used to be called "God's Friday".
  2. Steve!

    11th Corps

    Dot Matrix was 11th corpse, but she has been a bit absent from posting for a few days. There's all kinds of threads about the current state of affairs (and I use that word as a double entendre) of TWIt. Check the "About The Way" forum.
  3. It'd be so much easier if you could cast out viruses in the name of Jesus . . .
  4. Juan - that was also played at rox o ages
  5. Rascal, by now you should have figured out that mj is incredibly ignorant, and extremely proud of it.
  6. Wordwolf - yes, the scene is in there where Snape attempts to work the map.
  7. And beautiless ohio was played every f-in morning at the rocka, too.
  8. mj, you said you cried for 20 years because of being kicked out. So which would you rather rascal had gone through - crying for 20 years for being kicked out? or enduring the pain she's had to endure due to a decision she made back then? If your posts are any guide, you'll say "neither!".
  9. I've never actually heard this song, and I've only seen the lyrics once, but the name is enough to qualify it as completely non-Christian. The song, of course, is "Wash My Feet in the Blood of the Wicked". As if the blood of the Lamb weren't enough.
  10. You STILL don't understand the point of the thread. And it's not about looking for approval in others' eyes, but rather carrying on a conversation, and adding to it rather than pretending to and deceiving yourself in the process. It's as if most everyone on this thread was talking about cars, and you come along and talk about Japan - well, after all, cars are made there, aren't they?
  11. Oh, mj, that is just so nice. Why don't you go and play with bits of colored glass now, or spend time tying and untying your shoelaces for laughs?
  12. Again, mj, you just don't get it. As someone once said, I think it was Mark Twain, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  13. mj, you and om should get together, you would make a great couple - you are so much alike in your inability to relate to other people, to facts, and to reality in general. We've got 2 ears and one mouth. That would seem to indicate that we should listen twice as much as we talk. So far you've done absolutely no listening whatsoever. You have an astounding knack for completely missing the point. Why don't you sit back and listen for a while, instead of trying to sound intelligent? and then try and empathize with what people say, or at least try to understand it. And then maybe some of the posters here might have a little more respect for you.
  14. None are so blind as those that will not see.
  15. Good point, Shaz. Umm, oldiesman, I think that using that name may be going over the line. Current and past BOD members and their wives, current region leaders, current cabinet members of TWIt, etc, are all fair game. I don't think that you intended for that to be insulting to her, although I can see how it could be construed that way.
  16. At the banquet she was told she should not eat of it, neither should she touch it, lest she die.
  17. There was a Third Aid tent at the Rocka 79 and forward. First aid is when you go directly to God. Second aid is when you have a bleever minister to you. Third aid was "worldly" first aid.
  18. The wine glasses were given out at the 40th anniversary regional banquets around the country.
  19. Ummm, dante, there is already a thread about the THIRD annual weenie roast! It's set for Columbus Day weekend, in a state park in Tennessee! And there's a thread about a Minnesota get-together, I think in July if I'm not mistaken! But that doesn't mean that you can't get something going in Iowa for Labor Day weekend as well. There are ex-wayfers in Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri and Iowa that might be inclined to attend.
  20. Oh, and when they changed from limb LEADER branch LEADER twig LEADER etc to whatever COORDINATOR And now to househole fellow.... coordinator If you want to see their waybrains go gaga, start talking about limb LEADER, twig LEADER, etc. Heck, I'm sure that some of you even react to it still
  21. Hmmm, except for Shatner, I'm detecting a theme here Somehow it seems strangely appropriate to have dead guys portray all those other guys
  22. mj, I don't see where rascal has made ANY accusations against you. I think that you are being overly sensitive. And sometimes I too have trouble reading your posts.
  23. docvic(praise be his name) had talked about his family being Huguenots - a group that fled due to religiious persecution, thereby establishing his pedigree as someone that Gawd had called to Special Service.
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