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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. At the time when God instituted circumcision, men were worshipping the penis as a god - phallic symbols were everywhere. God said, "Ya wanna know what I think of that thing? Chop off part of it! that's how much it means to me!"
  2. Pat, I'm sure that was a lot of work. But ick!!! I could barely stomach that sappy homespun parable - where'd they come up with that cr@p? Yucko!! And then they go right into a teaching. Back in my way daze, I would have devoured it. I barely even skimmed it, especially because it kept referring to docvic(praise be his name).
  3. Steve!

    Lets Have Sex

    So, dig, you're saying that you named a dog "sex"?
  4. Yeah, the way ragazine might be considered advertising, because most magazines are usually just vehicles for advertising.
  5. Hmmm, probably not, since it would be too large. But it could be fun to try.
  6. Hey, getting thrown out into the street can be very much character building - look at some of the characters we have around here! ;)--> Since donna has very little character, perhaps a sojourn on the streets of some town besides cornfield, OH would actually do her some good.
  7. http://www.noedesign.com/dev/KerryEdwards/index.html
  8. Laleo, I know what you mean about waxing philosophical. It usually takes me 4 or 5 drinks, though.
  9. All I'm saying is that the About:blank page is irrelevant - it's a common occurrence with popups, both malignant and benign.
  10. Rascal - You are wrong, in my opinion. They SHOULD experience some of the grief that they caused. They SHOULD be made to feel the pain, the anguish, that they inflicted on others. Just so that they can grow as humans, and can understand, if not empathize, with those whose lives they racked and ruined.
  11. about:blank is just sort of a placeholder, that one is kind of meaningless. A lot of popups start out with about:blank. What's the page that opens AFTER that? because if you wait a few seconds, a new page loads.
  12. OM - I agree that it seems to be a fair and reasonable conclusion. Except something that I saw with my own eyes one time convinces me otherwise. I saw Howard Allen chiding a bookstore person, and his last comment to her was "Got to sell these books, got to support our ministry!". It was all about profit$.
  13. Shazzy! You started a thread! Congratulations!
  14. Yes, you can post them. Start a thread in "every picture tells a story" and click on the paperclip thingy and type in the place where the picture is - if it is on your desktop, it is probably at something like c:documents and settingssomethingorother. Act just as if you were attaching the picture to an email.
  15. Keep in mind, Oakspear wasn't corpse. That could be the difference in his case. Also, there are posters here who have personal knowledge of DM and Rozilla's "friendship" - it is NOT simply a buddy-buddy thing.
  16. Hammer - If you are comparing loyboy martinpuke to a monkey in tights, you need to apologize. To monkeys everywhere.
  17. Steve!


    Well, I reread my original post, and realized that it could really hurt Zixar's feelings, and that was not my intention whatsoever. It was meant entirely tongue-in-cheek, and I don't think that Zixar is in a mood for that kind of thing right now.
  18. Steve!


    Lindy - I see that grin, and I can guess what you've been eating! There are only 5 slots available for poll choices, perhaps we need a second poll, if you can come up with some good sigs.
  19. Go to the "Every Picture Tells a Story" forum, there is a "How-To" thread there.
  20. I concur with danteh and wordywolf. My work laptop is a PIII with 512 MB RAM, and it runs XP pretty okay. I upgraded the RAM from 128, as it was running pretty slowly with that. So if the laptop has less than a PIII with at least 500 MHz speed, and less than 128 MB RAM, leave 98SE on it.
  21. Steve!

    Lets Have Sex

    The more you protest, Lingus, the worse you look! Hey, don't blame me! You coulda said something like "ha ha very funny!". ;)-->
  22. Are you experiencing performance problems with it? perhaps PCViagra . . . If you are just noticing some slowness, or there are applications that won't run on it, etc, that would be good reasons to upgrade. Of course, the slowness might come from spyware apps that may be on there. Have you recently run Spybot Search & Destroy and AdAware on that machine? Given the state of technology for laptops, Win98 ain't all that bad.
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