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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Good, you just ain't Johnny Socks without Calvin.
  2. Good, wb! Are you also running Spybot Search & Destroy? And a virus scan? I don't know that you need a daily virus scan, weekly should be good, as long as you have some sort of real-time protection. And if you run Spybot 3 days in a row and always come up clean, you could probably run that one less frequently, say once a week.
  3. Well, I just wonder why a pic needed a certificate anyway. It doesn't seem to me that a GIF file should be loading anything on my machine that requires a certificate. That usually happens only with applets.
  4. Wow, and all the kids at RC with spirit that knew how to work the system did whatever the heck they wanted. As long as they played the game, they were pretty much just left unsupervised by the time they got to be pre-teens. At least, so go the stories I've heard. There've been several ex "mini-corps" that have posted here, and many of them posted about losing their virginity and smoking weed at the RC campus.
  5. Ummm, I think the expired certificate is coming from Socks! I think it's due to the icon that he's using. Go to any thread where Socks has posted and you get that warning.
  6. yougotout - That is addressed specifically to m3c, but in general to anyone who is playing along at home. What I did was I took out the plugins one at a time and then started and shut down Reader. I did this until something broke, then I figured out what to do to fix it. I believe that the plugin that you want to put back in is "updater.api". Garth - good tip. It goes right along with "nothing is foolproof because fools are ingenius" and "You've got a PEBCAK error - 'problem exists between chair and keyboard'".
  7. Include the escript.api file in the plugins directory. There are 2 subdirectories to plugins - annotations and multimedia. Move "annots.api" and "multimedia.api" from those directories to the optional directory, and you should be all set.
  8. mj, how can anyone twist what you say? you meander all over, you write in stream of consciousness as if you are stone drunk, you don't allow complete thoughts to form before you start typing. It's just screen diarrhea. Oh, "diarrhea" means runny poop. You only think that you think. You don't have a head, your neck's just blowing bubbles.
  9. *shudder!* If I had known about that incident when I first got involved, I woulda high-tailed it outa there!
  10. Things you can say in church, but not to your wife or girlfriend: I'll start - "You can choose to receive the host in your mouth or in your hand." Who else wants to play?
  11. Rascal, you may be much better off just ignoring mj and her mental diarrhea. she never waits for a thought to fully form in her head before she vomits it out, polluting herself and her computer keyboard and the screen and anyone that actually takes the time to read her inane, insane rambles. Honestly, her posts make about as much sense as a box of hair. Do like I do, anytime you see any posts by mj just hit the page down key, skip right past them, you'll be much happier, and she'll end up sounding like a torn flag flapping in the wind.
  12. Someone get mj412 a diaper, or a barfbag, or something.
  13. "some of the states"? There's only Ohio and Colorado, now. And the property in Gunnison isn't even in TWIt's name - it's in the name of the former Den of Thieves, er, I mean, Board of Rustees. I mean Board of Dictators, er, Directors - loyboy "the forehead" martinpuke, rozilla rivenbarf, and harve "the hitman" platig. Or was it john "john" reynolds?
  14. Oh, but women that have sex with ministers are accountable for their actions, too! They could have said no! They could have left! They could have told someone that this was going on! How dare they call themselves victims!!! Oh, wait, I'm not oldiesman. Please disregard the preceding. Especially since it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand. It is a distraction and derail to get a one-track opinion across, which of course is what om specializes in. Okay, now I'm going to pretend I'm mj and dirty the screen with babbling and nonsense.
  15. I got to Oregon in 79, then I was in Po'land from 80 - 84. Johnny Lingo was there the year before, 78-79, I believe, and he can tell you that there was a lot of activity there then as well. 80-81 was the year that Po'land was an "Outreach" city. That year, they only sent WOWs to Outreach cities, 100 or so per city. So Po'land got 100 WOW's that year. And besides those 100, Po'land had 2 full branches of at least 10 fellow****s each. The late Don Brunelle was one branch leader, and Blair Allen was the other.
  16. Like I said before, mj just lets loose with diarrhea all over the screen. I don't think there's ever been a cogent thought in that remarkably empty head.
  17. "I don't care if he was a plagiarist, molester, rapist, conman and overall fraud, HE TAUGHT ME THE WOOOORD... I got mine-who cares if YOU suffer?" om has a piano that has only one key. It's a KMart piano, definitely KMart. And mj412 just lets loose with diarrhea all over the screen in her posts.
  18. om, people get born again in the Roman Catholic church. Does that make the pope "the man of God for our day and time and hour"? There are some truths taught in the Mormon Church. Does that mean that Joseph Smith should have his feet kissed?
  19. Waterbuffalo - "roflmao" - "rolling on the floor laughing my foot off" or "roflpimp" - rolling on the floor peeing in my pants
  20. Dmiller, so kewl! Wow, I've got quite a list of people that are waiting for Flat Stanley! He's really going to enjoy his travels! And I've been told that he is "unbearably cute", too.
  21. We don't know that the destruction wouldn't have occurred anyway, and besides, you think VPW warning us to remove LCM and the BOT would have helped? HA. I think that would have been a circus. On his deathbed versus at conversion, hmmmm. After having spent the remainder of his life going against the woooooord, versus doing his best to uphold the woooooord, hmmmm. Apples and oranges.
  22. Well, just about everyone's okay with me, except people that say stuff like "Heed! Pants, now!" and don't explain it. Okay, then, who's your mommy?
  23. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know your position on this, om, that there was absolute complete freedom of choice for the women involved, and that any of them that say that they felt coerced should be rebuked harshly. How dare they consider themselves to be victims of heartless leader.... and heartless policies!!! Oh, but that's right, the topic at hand is NOT about whether the women felt like victims or not. The topic at hand is Child Abuse in TWIt, and the subtopic is that leader.... really didn't care about the children all that much. NO ONE was saying that the women were victims. You've got a piano, but it only has one key. It must be a KMart piano, definitely KMart.
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