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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. I didn't really want to set it up to be a controlled thing, but so many g-spotters wanted to be involved, and I couldn't think of another way to do it so that everyone could receive a visit from Flat Stanley. Of course, once he leaves Pawtucket's hands, he'll be roaming quite a bit more freely.
  2. DaddyHoundog/WashingtonWeather - I'll ask Zach tonight when I see him, and I'll let you know.
  3. Gosh, mstar, NOW ya tell me! If I get Flat Stanley back with any time to spare, I'll send him back your way, or I'll send him directly to your nephew. Or another thing I could do is find out if any of Zach's classmates has a Flat Stanley that wants to go to Iraq. Yeah, that's what I'll do, and I'll get back to you about it as soon as I can.
  4. So simonzeloaded, are you saying that the cubbies are in the wildcard race? (shows how closely I've followed baseball this year).
  5. Yes, it has - I can't say too much, because I don't want to betray a confidence, but rozilla and donna were seen coming out of a bedroom together right "after".
  6. Um, om, it HAS been confirmed, by several posters.
  7. exwayfer - If you do a "people search" on Yahoo.com, or some other services, you'll actually find that Loy is a common first name. And that the name "Loy C. Martindale" applies to more than 10 men in the U.S. I'm thinking it was probably his grandfather's name.
  8. Hegotout posted about a year ago or so that TWIt's got something like $40 MILLION in assets.
  9. Well, just keep me posted! Here's the list of g-spotters that will be getting Flat Stanley, and the order they should be receiving him (unless something changes): A La Prochaine WashingtonWeather/DaddyHoundog WhiteDove Raf ZShot Jim Martin dmiller ex10 Radar O'Reilly Sadie Tom Strange Pawtucket and then Pawtucket knows who to forward it to. Let me know if you aren't on the list but want to be! Figure about 3 days to a week from one person to the next. I will contact each person in turn with addresses as the time comes closer.
  10. Okay, I just received an email from an innie who gave me one name. Ang*la Cap*llary is one of the 5, and she is probably going wherever R*dney Gr*lliot has been assigned, so as to marry him, unless they broke up in the past year. *ngela lived with the Moneyhands for years, so she must be well-versed in coldheartedness and disingenuity. I'm not saying that she is either of those things, but the Moynistinks have been revealed to be so, and you know what they say about evil associations.
  11. So does anyone know the names of these people? Were they corpse returnees? That is, did they graduate from an old wineskin corpse and have to go back through like so many others did? Or are they new to the corpse?
  12. House, I do understand why you put an asterisk in place of a letter in the titles - so that there was no copyright violation. I am very grateful that you didn't completely (and unnecessarily) obliterate the titles like so: T** l********* l********* like so many posters will do, except with names. Like what you did, it's only necessary to change ONE letter so that the name or title will not show up in a search engine.
  13. Holy mackerel!! I could build one NOW for a couple thousand, if that! And the wonderful OSC building was originally roofed (along with parts of the Indiana Campus) in a sprayed-in-place urethane foam insulation which then had a latex coating sprayed over it (the actual "roof" part of the application). Well it worked for a few minutes, maybe, and then promptly started to leak. Years of slap-dash measures to try to keep the rain out finally gave way to the whole mess being scraped off and a proper roof installed in it's place. Yeah, that cost a few dollars. On the way home from the ROA in 81, the VW bus that I was a passenger in broke down (hah! novel concept!) first as we were about to leave nk. There was a garage outside of nk where the owner was a wayfer, and he was *very proud* of the fact that the roof of his garage was insulated with that spray-in polyurethane, and then latex. And he said, "Yeah, it's the same stuff they'll be using in the OSC, because it was so successful here! it's revolutionary!". I've seen the same stuff used successfully other places - it just has to be done right. Which obviously didn't happen with the Overpriced Second Class building. (After that breakdown, we broke down again in Kearney, Nebraska, and I hitchhiked back to Portland, OR, and ended up getting back 4 days before everyone that stayed with the VW bus. The owner of the bus, Bob Lacy, was really a great guy, but his bus had some problems.)
  14. I remember you posting about that incident before - wasn't that here on G-spot, back in the early days of this site?
  15. Well, I don't know how long it will take for Flat Stanley to get to Canada - he should be there Monday, I think. He's going to stay with A La Prochaine and family for a few days, and then he'll be coming down there to the WashNWear and DaddyHounDog family! So you should expect to see him in about a week! And then I'll be asking you to send Flat Stanley along to WhiteDove in Kansas.
  16. Oh yeah, the good ol Sony betamax, that went obsolete in record time - was it 3 years, or 4? and in short order, no videotapes were available at all in beta format. Sound revelation from God there!
  17. Well, then, I sit corrected. Yes, they were copyright violations.
  18. Well, Jim, the shrinkwrap license agreement concept HAS gone to court. In the city of Chicago there's even a whistle-blower hotline for people to call in about software license violations, and some companies have paid pretty hefty fines in the last several years because of license violations.
  19. Okay, for me, the speed makes a difference. With all of those plug-ins in there, it seems to take FOREVER to load a pdf page, but without them it's almost lightning fast.
  20. Umm, it looks like the televangelist's last name is her MARRIED last name.
  21. CW, if I were you, I'd just completely ignore mj's screen diarrhea. Unless you LIKE feeling very unclean just because you read a post.
  22. Speaking of deals for students - if you are a student or work for a university or other school, sign up at studentuniverse.com and you can get GREAT! deals on airfare.
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