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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Good points, Garth. I think that vouchers would also give public schools a much-needed kick in the but. Cindy! is a school teacher, and she recently came out of the Chicago Public School system, and into another. When her kids were in CPS schools, she would much rather have home-schooled them, but for us it really wasn't an option. Now in the suburbs, the schools are much better, and are meeting our children's needs much better. Although we do still consider home schooling at times.
  2. Garth, do you have children? I'm not asking this to say that if you don't, your points aren't valid. But the answer does help to put a frame of reference on your comments.
  3. If Cindy!'s and my finances were just a bit better, we would probably be there. As it is, it is reaaaallly tempting. But unless we receive some sort of windfall, it ain't gonna happen.
  4. And if you were a "volunteer" on the crew of a piffle class, it was even worse. I was the chart-flipper for one piffle class, I forget if it was just for a few sessions or if it was for the whole thing. One session I had great difficulty staying awake. And that's not such a good thing when you are being stared at by 30 people. I pumped 4 cups of coffee during that 10 minute break! Another session, there was a sickth corpse grad among the attendees, St*ve Kunkl*, and he was trying to get me to crack up. So finally he put his index finger up to (but not in) his nostril, circled it around as if he was in there digging for gold, and made a big circle with his arm, finally ending up with his index finger and imaginary booger in his mouth. It was all I could do not to wet my pants in front of the class - I dashed out of there so fast, ran outside, and just lost it. I can't remember a time when I was on the crew where I didn't almost fall asleep during one session or another.
  5. Awright, Hammer, now you've done it - I just spewed coffee all over my monitor and keyboard! "But you're so fugly!" hehehe, "pretty is as pretty does" they say, right? Even with that as a standard she's pretty - pretty fugly!
  6. Well, we'll just let om enjoy his 3-day old carp, not bought at Walmart but at Kmart, definitely Kmart.
  7. Steve!

    Careers Poll

    Cindy!, I bet you can guess how I voted!
  8. Yup. His brother is gay. According to ExWayDaryl, he's a handsome man that lives in the Chicago area. loyboy hasn't spoken to him in y-e-a-r-s. Well, what would you expect from such an one as him?
  9. JT - There ARE posters here with firsthand knowledge, and one of them has had conversations with me about it. This poster is rather credible, and that coupled with what other posters have said in the past add up to what's going on. This poster saw rozilla and donilla right "after". This poster has a reason for remaining anonymous, and so I will not add to the information here. But yes, it has been confirmed by numerous people that rozilla is a lesbian.
  10. Dovey - I'll make sure that you get on the list for a visit from Flat Stanley.
  11. You outies that have left within the last few years, what prompted your departure? JustThinking, you say you've been out less than 2 years. Grasshopper/Ryan Cawdor, you've been out, what, a year? - I know that you were planning on leaving, but you haven't yet shared what was the instigator of your leaving. And by no means is this thread limited to JT or GH. According to sources, "M&A" is an "old wineskin" (yeah, uh huh, I f-in believe THAT). So were you impelled out the door? did you leave of your own volition? did you finally get fed up and decide it ain't worth it? And if you'd rather not say, no problem, I guess ;)--> .
  12. I've never tried making it non-blended, because everyone I make them for likes it blended just fine. But I imagine it would work. I think all you would need to do would be to add just a bit more water. But don't add the water unless you need to. And even if it didn't turn out perfectly, it would still be pretty good! Why don't you let me know how it comes out?
  13. Another reason they keep Gunnison is for tax purposes.
  14. Well, Mr. Simon the Wize, I don't really care for either paper, except very occasionally. Half a game back, you say. Well, they won't go anywhere - you know the motto of Chicago's "Professional" sports teams - "One stop short of the top!"
  15. They never really DID allow the TWIt public in general to take vacations there.
  16. Here is my Killer Margarita recipe: 2 cups of ice 1 cup of Tequila 1/4 cup of Triple Sec 1/2 can or 6 oz. limeade concentrate 1/2 can or 6 oz. water juice of 1 lemon salt and lime wedges Put the ice in a blender, and add the Tequila and Triple Sec. Take your lemon and joice it, giving the ice and liquor a bit of time to start mixing. Add the limeade and water, blend on high until the whole mixture is a nice slush, pour into Margarita glasses, salt the rims and garnish with lime wedges and enjoy! To change it up, add a bit more Triple Sec, or switch the Tequila for Amaretto - the flavor is not biting like a Margarita - it's nice and mellow. So does anyone else have a good mixed drink recipe that you'd like to share?
  17. Okay, I just heard from Zach's teacher. First, make sure that you mention Zach's name in the postcards you send. Second - I was wrong about the number of postcards they've gotten. Again, getting info from Zach can be tricky. They've gotten 3 altogether - one from Massachusetts, one from Maine - and one from Wisconsin.
  18. There are 20 students in Zach's class, so there are now 21 Flat Stanleys out there. They got Flat Stanley's postcard from Arizona (thank you, WashingtonWeather!), and at least one from Maine (thanks, Shaz!) - sometimes it's a bit tricky getting information out of Zach - he IS a typical 2nd grader, after all. And besides postcards from g-spotters, they've gotten 13 or 14 other postcards, and thats about it.
  19. Mstar - News Flash!!! Zach's teacher sent along - ANOTHER FLAT STANLEY! He will be on his way to you early this afternoon, and you can send him on his way to Iraq! This new Flat Stanley will be a lot more free-wheeling right from the start than the other Flat Stanley.
  20. A la - that is good news! I'll tell you what, why don't you send him to Montr?, Qu?c, then have him sent to that niece, and then SHE can send him on to New Mexico. It will put Flat Stanley in Rhode Island long about December or January, I think that's workable.
  21. HAPe, what is the cost for the new, self-cleaning window?
  22. Technically, you are supposed to be able to uninstall it. If that doesn't work, you should be able to restore the system to a prior image. I wouldn't completely trust either of those options, but you can mostly trust them.
  23. Oh, by the way, mstar, yours was the first postcard to arrive in Zach's class, and were they all excited!
  24. Oh, a la minkee, there are LOTS of posters that can show you how to add music to your posts - but there aren't any that WANT to. In the words of that darkest of dark monkeys, darkvic(praise be his name), "I've got a jack, but I'm not going to help YOU!"
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