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Everything posted by Steve!
You HAVE said that there were tons of things that you never saw. You have not necessarily out-and-out said the other things, but you sure as shiznit have implied those things - many, many, many times.
No, j@ckfoot, you get hassled so much because you keep on insisting that in your world it was always all daisies and goodness and light and "whatever could all o' y'all be talkin' about? there were never problems!" and you keep on discounting the experiences of others and you keep on calling them liars! Idjit! If you wouldn't insist on doing that no one (or hardly anyone) would hassle you!
"90% goes farther WITH tithing than 100% without." "You'll grow 10 years spiritually in 1 year."
A good movie for showing how people like Benny Hinn operate is "Fletch". Fletch visits a TV ministry show and adopts the persona of Claude Henry Smoot. Or is that Smmoot? or is that Smmoott?
So in other words, the ends justify the means. j@ckfoot.
And the job she left to go back to Fox had someone that was fired for sexual harassment!
Did you know that they are starting to put urinals in ladies' rooms??? And did you know that there are websites and tutorials and and pamphlets and everything to teach women how to pee standing up??? For real!!!
I wouldn't get taken in by what om says. He may be sincere - this time. But it's his typical MO - he states his opinion, he receives all kind of flak for it, he acts all repentant and says he's "considering" it, and then he disappears for a short time, only to come back in a few weeks with his original points of view and message about how the women involved were culpable too.
Hey, speaking of which, Pink Floyd is getting back together and going on tour!
I've heard lots of good things about this movie, I think I'll try to take Cindy! to see it.
Must be one o dem Canadian terms, eh?
Try a lookup on onomatopoeia.
If they had come out and said they were making a profit, they would not have been considered a non-profit organization.
Yup, it's oil-based and it spreads fast!! Dishsoap is a good way to help combat it - if you think you may have come into contact with poison ivy, wash the affected areas with dish soap.
I'm not defending docvic(praise be his name). Nor am I defending TWIt. I'm saying that if they had been honest about it, and came right out and said, "Yes, we're making a profit - on everything", then there would be no moral basis for a complaint.
NOW you get it, om!!! UH's parable SHOULD have included that the guy with the water didn't OWN the well - he stole it. Actually, om, YOU are the one who keeps saying that those who have experiences different than yours are the ones that are wrong and that all of those experiences are irrelevant.
I don't think that it's necessarily MORALLY wrong to sell classes, or Bibles, or whatever, for profit. As to whether or not it's BIBILICALLY wrong, that's another discussion entirely.
Okay, also remember that coffee does not make a good cleaning solution for monitors. I found out the hard way - after reading humorous posts by Raf and others while drinking coffee. And if you don't get the coffee off quickly, it can leave a stain on your monitor's housing.
Believe it or not, the best cloth to use on a monitor or your glasses is a cloth diaper! A wayfer optician once told me that he uses cloth diapers from a diaper service because the chemicals they use to wash the diapers are great for glass. (apologies to waterbuffalo)
Hey, I wouldn't have a problem with it if he had been honest about it. If they had come out and said that they were selling a product and making money from it etc, that would have been fine. In this country, you can sell anything you want as long as it's legal.
Okay, there's sunglass cleaner from Polaroid that works wonders on a computer screen. Or - go to any computer store or Radio Smack, they've got lots of different computer cleaning products.
So where is Flat Stanley now? Has he made it out of Montreal? Did he make it to Ottawa? Is he on his way to New Mexico? And how about Flat Stanley II? did he make it to Massachusetts? is he on his way to Iraq? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
Okay, Raf, now I have coffee all over my monitor! Thank you SO much!
There's nothing at all wrong with gleaning what good you can. Nothing. There's nothing at all wrong with you "getting yours". Nothing. When you excuse docvic(praise be his name) or tell people that "I just got over it, why can't you?" you are minimizing what they went through, you are treating them as if their emotions and experiences are unimportant.
om, you know full well that the context of my post was not about the quality or lack thereof of what we learned while in TWIt. The context was excusing the sins of docvic(praise be his name) because you learned some good things. It's as if you are excusing a pedophile (NO, I'M NOT CALLING docvic(praise be his name) A PEDOPHILE) because the little kid got candy. Well, he gave the child some Swiss chocolate! And he knew some really good people! You should just get over the fact that that guy was a pedophile! And I repeat, what a j@ckfoot.