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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. If one of dmiller's brownies is eaten in a forest, does it still taste like dog poop? If om says something in a forest, and there is no gspotter around to hear him, is he still wrong? ;)-->
  2. My momma always told me that brownies is as brownies does. Or was it that my brownie always told me that life is like a box of brownies?
  3. Well, yeah, Doctor Yank, Cindy! and I probably WILL do a little drinking. And you are more than welcome to join us, if you like.
  4. Steve!

    Early Voting?

    Krys - don't let one or two bad apples spoil your fun. And I wasn't teasing - I was serious in my question about people that have registered to vote in both Florida and New York, and get absentee ballots from Florida while in New York. Are there safeguards for that kind of thing?
  5. Just when you thought it was safe, *BAM!*, the worshippers of docvic(praise be his name) return with a vengeance.
  6. What kind of costumes are your kids getting into this year? I told Josh that he should put on a blond wig and carry a broomstick, and he would go as Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Okay, kinda sick, but SOME people would get it. Jess is going as a devil girl, Tryna's going as a Vampiress, Zach is going to wear a "bleeding Scream" mask, and I'm not sure what Josh is doing, except that his hair will be green. ChasUFarley, what about KG? Is he dressing up this year?
  7. Shewt, I have trouble just sitting through a Cub Scouts meeting - and it's been 12 or 13 years since my last Bible-type fellowship.
  8. Steve!

    Early Voting?

    But Raf, what about absentee Florida ballots sent to people whose primary residence is New York? Are there safeguards in place for that situation?
  9. So mstar, I guess you wouldn't be interested in a couple of tickets for game 6, then, would you?
  10. Dog poop is disagreeable, for sure. But would I eat some for $10,000? possibly. For a million? Absolutely. Think of the amount of mouthwash you could buy with that money.
  11. . . .and your Bostonians shall drink beer . . .
  12. docvic(praise be his name) attended. He just wasn't the guest of honor that he said he was. He was just a face in the crowd.
  13. So okay, on the one hand you claim to cleave to the beliefs of TWIt, and on the other hand you believe in a CurseTM. Curious.
  14. I would do it for WAAAY less than a million! A beautiful woman, when propositioned by an older gentleman who asked her, "Would you have sex with me for $50,000?", enthusiatically replied, "Why, yes!". He then asked her, "How about $250?" She said, "What do you think I am, a prostitute?" He said, "We've already established that, now we're just haggling as to price." We've ALL got our price - Raf, if someone seriously offered you a cool mil CIF to eat dog cr@p, you wouldn't even ask how much dog cr@p.
  15. Oh, so you believe in a curse, om? ;)-->
  16. Wow, the Bosox about to take the World Series. It's got to be a sign of the Apocalypse! I mean, Korn did a cover of "Word Up", and now this - SOMETHING's sure happening!
  17. Well, you could try doing a restore to a previous image. That is, resetting your computer to the way it was several days ago. This might not do it, but it's worth a try.
  18. The blind squirrel, docvic(praise be his name), didn't stumble onto a nut of truth, but rather stole it from EW Bullinger.
  19. Johnyouare, I was at that one too. I mentioned to someone recently that I spent a couple of weeks in Kansas, he asked where, I said "Emporia", and he said, "Gawd, the only place I know of worse than there is Emporia, Virginia!"
  20. Sure, it was Tony Collins of the New England Patriots, and he got one of his teammates to take piffle as well.
  21. That sounds like Klinkenburg, all right, banging his head on a closet bar. He was never too graceful.
  22. WashingtonWeather/DaddyHoundog - if you would be so kind, please send Flat Stanley on his way to: WhiteDove, who will then send him to Wyteduv59, then Raf, then ZShot, then Jim Martin, then dmiller, then ex10, then Radar O'Reilly, then Sadie, then ex70'shouston, then Tom Strange, then Pawtucket and Pawtucket will send him on to places forward. WW, I'll email you an address.
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