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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Steve!

    Christmas Shopping!

    You'll get a good deal on a musical instrument on Ebay - if you don't mind poor quality. Don't get me wrong, the instruments we've gotten are playable. But we showed them to the kids' music teachers, and they found it difficult to keep from snickering. Caveat emptor.
  2. I was wondering if anyone was going to respond to that . . . I almost think it's not too early to declare defeat for the 2007 Cubs. It sure would be nice if Chicago had *any* professional sports teams.
  3. Welcome to da G-spot, Knuck. First cuppa cawfee's on Raf. You been lurking a while, or didja just find this place?
  4. That's a pretty fugly watercolor!
  5. Satori - I know exactly what you mean. I hate the physical click of the mouse, too. It is NOT necessary, IMO. I once had a completely silent keyboard, and was that ever nice!
  6. Well, now that the Chicago Cubs 2005 season is over, all I can say is, "Wait until 2006!"
  7. I'm confused. Who is Officer Obie? Why does he need a seeing-eye dog? What 8x10 glossy photographs used as evidence for what?
  8. Belle - Yeah, a 6th corpse woman told our wow team that you should count the stairs that you climb in case the power goes out or whatever. I've seen value in it from time to time, but very rarely.
  9. About time you chimed in, Raf! ;)-->
  10. 3 - forgive my being anal, but did you mean Krohn's disease? I knew someone with that, it is *not* pleasant. You should perhaps put a request over in the prayer forum. You are absolutely right about the dirt, btw. There are two types of households where asthma occurs at higher than normal rates - houses that are too clean, and houses infested with cockroaches. And kids that grow up in houses that are too clean also tend to have more allergies. That's because when a child's immune system is developing, it has to have something to practice on, something to recognize as an attacker. If it has nothing to fight, it will look for something to fight - and that something will be the child's body. Hence the asthma and allergies. All of these antibacterial products just tend to exacerbate the situation. 99% of all bacteria are either neutral to humans or they are beneficial. Or they are needed to develop that immune response. If you go filling your house with antibacterial surfaces and antibacterial soaps and on and on then you are asking for trouble.
  11. Oh yeah, the extra freezer. Cindy! and I got one last year, and it is a tremendous time and money saver. Like Cindy! said, we go to a butcher. We get a month's worth of meat at a time, and it usually only costs around $150 - and that's including steaks and porkchops and roasts and ribs and whole chickens and on and on.
  12. Cindy! and I do a couple of things. One thing we did was get a membership at a wholesale club, Costco. That saves *a lot* of money over what we would pay retail. And the Costco near us has a gas station which charges about 20 cents a gallon less than other stations. Another thing we do is buy the Entertainment coupon book. That saves at least enough to pay for itself, so that alone makes it worth it. And then we save more on top of that.
  13. Mr. Onion, I'm sure I can add you to the list.
  14. As soon as he leaves California, he's going to Florida, then to Arizona, and after that to Missouri. So it could be as early as maybe December 1st, or it could be as late as January. It all depends on WhiteDove, Wyteduv59, Raf and ZShot.
  15. I wrote lyrics to a few songs for the band "Zoe", in Portland, OR back in 80 or 81. But I don't think I would care to have the copyrights on them. Those songs are SO full of wayisms that if I heard them again I think I would gag.
  16. Flat Stanley should be on his way to or should have arrived in California, I think. He was or is being sent by White ("I'm in Kansas") Dove to Wyte ("too dumb to post pics" duv. Dovey, when you get him let me know, okay? so I can get you the next address to send Flat Stanley to.
  17. To the woman who has changed my life for the better, immensely To the woman I can't live without, and wouldn't want to if I could I love you, and happy birthday!
  18. Peggy Bell! Wow, is *that* a name from the past! I never actually met her, though. I spoke with her on the phone a couple of times when I was living in the branch leader's wayhome in Po'land, Oregon, back in '80 - '81. And then it was only, "Hello, may I ask who's calling?" and she said, "Peggy Bell, may I speak to Bl*ir All*n?"
  19. Well, Raf, if you really want to. Godspeed!
  20. Steve!

    Expired Meds

    Well, I sure hope that you can find another doc that's just as good, I know that they're hard to come by.
  21. Steve!

    Expired Meds

    And once again mj412 leaves no doubt as to just how ignorant she can be. It *is* the overprescription of antibiotics *and* not completing reccommended courses of antibiotics that has done the most to create the superstrains of staph and tuberculosis that we have now. It's those moronic parents that get antibiotics for their kids when they get colds that contribute to this problem. Antibiotics do *nothing at all* for colds, because colds are viral in nature. Yes, doctors are just as culpable as the complete idiots they prescribe antibiotics for. But many times they do it because the cretinous parents keep pestering them for antibiotics when their kids shouldn't be getting them. And in our current litigious society, those same doctors will prescribe antibiotics a little more quickly lest they be sued for not doing all they can for a patient. And then those same drooling mouth-breathers that shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive give their kids the antibiotics for 3 days when it's supposed to be for 2 weeks. And we wonder why there's an antibiotic crisis. And don't *even* get me started on the antibacterial handsoaps and highchair trays etc.
  22. And it's considered poor form to insult other posters just because you didn't get the answer you were looking for.
  23. Does anyone else remember back in 83 or so when Day-timers were big in the minus-try? What I mean specifically is - a bunch of wayfers were into selling them. The whole Day-Timer system, with cassette tapes and everything, on how to get organized or some such. I listened to one apprentice corpse girl talk about these things and try to sell me on it, and then tried to let her down easy. I didn't end up buying it, by the way. Some of you may know her, V*da C*labrese, she ended up marrying R*cardo C*ballero, I think. About 4 or 5 other apprentice corpses approached me about it after that. Was this happening country-wide, or was it only in certain areas?
  24. Hahahahaaaa, you so funny, rev. mother excathy. Much of David Blaine's street magic can be explained by psychological factors, gimmicks, and good editing. You'll notice that he doesn't do that street magic on live TV, it's all pre-recorded. That should tell you a lot in itself.
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