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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Pi - that's what Hollyweird wackos do.
  2. And don't forget your extra, extra strength Geritol.
  3. I knew a TWI couple that adopted a baby from a TWI woman that already had 4 children, was pregnant with her 5th, was single, and just absolutely could not afford the 5th. But I don't think much money changed hands - they paid some of her expenses, and covered the hospital bill, but that was it.
  4. Pawtucket's dad knew it was his time to go. All of the family, as much as possible, were there with him, and were able to say goodbye. Which in itself is cause for rejoicing. So often the family doesn't get to say goodbye. So this is one of those situations where it's hard and yet it's not so hard. Pawtucket's dad lived a good life, and had lots of loved ones surrounding him in his final moments. So it is definitely a time of sadness, and yet it's a time to revel in the wonders of life. There are worse ways to go than to die surrounded by those you love, and those who love you. And now he is at peace, and so is the family. Praise God.
  5. As you may already know, Pawtucket's dad has passed away. It's a really hard time for him. If you want details about Pawtucket's dad's funeral, please private topic me.
  6. Ummm, Johnnysocks? and I mean this in the best way possible - you're twisted!
  7. Whoops! okay, sorry about that! mistaken assumption on my part! I hereby retract my previous post: .ekil d'uoy fi seipocotohp ekam tuB !esaelp ,faR ot gnola meht dneS
  8. I'm pretty sure that Pawtucket still has some GSpot shirts for sale. They're pretty reasonably priced, too!
  9. Send them along to Raf, please! But make photocopies if you'd like.
  10. And the draft bill was being sponsored be dimmiecrats. If Bush had wanted a draft, he could have gotten one passed in his first term. It ain't gonna happen.
  11. The 2 new ones from GSers were from Pueblo, New Mexico and Albuquerque, New Mexico - thanks, Lianne!
  12. Last I heard, B*ll and Marc*a Gr**ne were the limb and region leaders in Atlanta. Sad thing is, when they do retire, they will be royally screwed, because they're counting on TWI for their retirement.
  13. Wyteduv - check your PT!
  14. And the chief speaker would shout at that blow-up person for at least 10 minutes, and get madder and madder at the lack of response.
  15. Belle, that's a real good question. Flat Stanley *should* have made it to California by now. And from there he's going to sunny Fort Lauderdale.
  16. Now that martinpuke isn't involved, TWIts no longer need to bring face shields and raincoats to protect from the flying spittle.
  17. Those glasses with eyeballs painted on them, so everyone thinks you're still awake . . .
  18. Hmmm, I hope Dallas is ready for them. After all, 14 people can make quite an impact on the economy of a city!
  19. Does anyone know if there's sposed to be a Whap! advanced class special this year? Or do they do it every 2 years now? If there is one, about how many will be in attendance? What a crying shame it is to miss Thanksgiving with your loved ones so as to attend such a cr@ppy event!
  20. And within the last couple of weeks, Artest had asked for a leave of absence so that he could tour and promote his rap album. This guy's sidewalk ends in a ditch, if you know what I mean.
  21. Why would they even feel the need to spend ANY time on bestiality? Oh, maybe it's because of docvic's(praise be his name) old home movies that he used to show to the advanced piffle class.
  22. Okay, listen good. With today's mortgage interest rates, you are INSANE to pay off your mortgage early. That's right, I said insane. Instead, take that money that you would be using to pay it down and invest it instead. If your mortgage interest rate is 6%, and your investment pays you 6%, you break even. I know, this is a bit oversimplified, but you get the point. If you make any more than a 6% return, you are making money. Smatter of fact, many very wealthy people *gasp!* take out mortgages on homes that are already paid off so that they can do that very thing. So you "save thousands by paying off early". Yeah, right. But you miss out on MORE thousands that you might have earned. If you are in a home that's paid off, you are sitting on a lot of capital that could be working for you. So DON'T pay off those mortgages - instead, refinance to the best rate you can get, and for the longest time period you can get (30 years is best), and put that money to work for you. Shewt, if you can handle managing rental properties, use your idle capital for more real estate, and build more wealth faster!
  23. As far as AAA - Many auto insurance companies offer towing and rental reimbursement coverage for less than the cost of AAA. Does AAA even offer rental reimbursement? I've used the towing coverage only once, and then RR a couple of times. Was it worth it? Probably not, not in my situation. But it is a viable alternative.
  24. Reverend mother sister excathie, you so funny!
  25. Pawtucket - is that the face of Jesus on your grilled cheese sammich?
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