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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Steve!

    Feelin down?

    Well, my co-worker said the he wants to commit suicide by getting caught in bed with the wife of George Foreman.
  2. Steve!

    Feelin down?

    Hmmm, death by pastry, I can think of worse ways to go! Personally, I want to die in Cindy!'s arms after having just experienced yet another Earth-shattering O. I'd have the unique experience of coming and going at the same time. Yeah, suicide by sex bad steve
  3. Steve!


    JM, just in case you haven't read about it, you should know that the previous president of TWI was ousted for what were called "extramarital affairs", but should REALLY be referred to as rape. This is a matter of public record. Innies will say it was a one-time consensual thing. But the court records show that it was coerced, and that it was an ongoing pattern with him, and the current president of TWI *knew* about it since at least 1995. Again, this is a matter of public record. And the current president of TWI is a lesbian. That in itself is not necessarily a problem. What's problematic is that TWI's stance is ragingly anti-homosexual. The previous president used to froth at the mouth when he was spewing his venom - he even said on more than one occasion (paraphrase) "If only we were in Old Testament times, I'd gladly kill some fags".
  4. me: Why does your class cost money? TWIt: It doesn't cost anything for the class - but there's a minimum required donation. me: Why is there a "minimum required donation"? TWIt: If you don't make a commitment you won't get the full value of the class.
  5. NOBODY starts a topic on the Silly forum! The modulators move a topic there once they've decided that it is silly.
  6. Steve!


    JM, oldiesman provides a perspective from someone who would attend TWI meetings if they were within a reasonable driving distance. I think that what would be valuable would be the postings of those that are still "in" or are very recently out. Belle is a poster that left within the last several months, and there are a few innies that post here. Before making a decision one way or another, perhaps you want to look up their posts and read them. Oh, here's something to try - say "Merry Christmas!" to the fellow.... coordinator, and see what kind of response you get. He may very well respond in kind - but I think if you catch him off guard, he'll get a look in his eyes while he's thinking. Or he'll stammer or respond, "Thank you!" or "Happy Holidays" or some such. You see, "Christmas" is not an officially sanctioned TWIt word. Their jargon for "Christmas" is "Ho ho" - they say "Happy Household Holiday" or "Happy Ho-ho".
  7. Weren't you just recently asking about switching computers? Now seems as good a time as any - that is to say, about 3 weeks from now. All of the post-Christmas sales will be going then, and you will be able to get an *incredible* deal somewhere, I am sure.
  8. Steve!


    Look at some of their doctrine. In their current "bible" class, the Way of Abundance and Power, the original sin is declared to be that Eve had lesbian sex with Satan. Even most people that are involved with TWI have difficulty with that. Tell them that you have a lot of debt, and therefore very little money to abundantly share. See how fast they turn. They have a weird stance on debt - if you have leadership aspirations, or if you want to attend the Advanced Class on WAP, you can't have a mortgage. That's right, you can pay a higher rent than a mortgage payment and be golden, but you can't have a mortgage. Oh, the exception to that is if the mortgage says somewhere on it "Rent to Own". Many many wayfers have had to sell houses to get out of debt because of their non-policy policy.
  9. If you can switch a car battery, you can change a computer fan. It's no big shakes. You actually have to switch power supplies, or put in an auxiliary fan to take the place of the old one. Yeah, you may have messed up the CMOS. But if it keeps "finding" new hardware, that's because the hardware's settings aren't being saved. And that might not be the CMOS.
  10. Well, I'm sorry, I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. But . . . Here's a kid who is not completing his work, and has already been to the principal's office, and gets sent again. If you are the parent and you assume, as abi seems to, that the school is somehow targeting her child, or that the school is overreacting, then you are setting yourself up for potential future problems. Say what you will about the Michigan school system or any school system, these are people that have dealt with these situations before - whether they did it correctly or incorrectly. If it were my kid (and I *have* been in this situation), I wouldn't assume any of the above. I would think to myself that I need to find out more, and - here's an important part - I would need to think that MY KID MIGHT HAVE BEEN IN THE WRONG. As sweet-natured as Jacob may be, he may have been (dare I say it?) obstinate in his refusal to return to class. I don't know. I wasn't there. And even if I were to question Jacob, if I were his parent, I wouldn't necessarily rely 100% on his word. 5 year olds have a much different perception of the world, and will say whatever they need to say to stay out of trouble. No matter how well-behaved they are usually, or how sweet-natured they are. And on top of all that, consider the insurance implications. If Jacob had injured himself on that playground, the school would be liable. In today's litigious society, that is NO small concern.
  11. Okay, first off, you're taking college courses, right? so by now you really should know the difference between "oldest" and "older". When you have 2, one is not "oldest" than the other, one is oldER, one is youngER. So you do NOT have an oldEST and a youngEST, you have an oldER and a youngER. Second, you weren't there, so you don't know if he was being deliberately disobedient or belligerent or whatever. Sure, he may be sweet-natured at home, but children's personalities often change somewhat at school. So since you don't have all the facts, you really shouldn't take the attitude "my kid right or wrong".
  12. I think that the only reason Donna wouldn't sue Rozilla is because Rozilla has the goods on Donna.
  13. When I was a restaurant manager, I had an employee end up in the hospital when he mixed bleach and Comet cleanser.
  14. JP - they aren't rumors. There have been enough credible witnesses that have posted here to settle that.
  15. Umm, and as far as remembering the names of the characters - there were only 3 characters that had names, Santa, Billy and Sara. The rest were called "hero kid", "conductor", etc.
  16. Macs are supposed to be way easier to deal with than PCs. And they are supposed to be excellent for graphics.
  17. WW - just to be anal, 2GN is right WRT "mongooses". It *ain't* mongeese.
  18. Krys - You hook up the hub to the computer with the use of a USB cable. So you don't have to get the hub back there.
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