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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. And apart from all that - I don't know what to believe regarding homosexuality. But you know what? It doesn't f**king matter what I believe! Or what you believe! God didn't put us here to judge. He put us here to love Him and to love people. Guess what? We're *not* going to make this world a better place. There will never be anything like world peace - that is, until the return. As long as people continue to focus on things of the flesh, they'll be taking time away from positive things they *could* be doing instead. God doesn't tell me to ostracize. All God tells me to do is to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and love my neighbor as myself. I don't have the space available in my head for harboring hatred.
  2. Ummm, Eagle, males have XY and females have XX - there is no such thing as YY. The mother *always* contributes an X chromosome. The father eithe contributes an X or a Y. Hence the XX or XY. In vitro, everyone starts out female. During development, the hormone Androgen kicks in and turns people with XY chromosomes into males. If something goes wrong with the process, then unexpected results occur. One of those results is hermaphroditism - that is, someone that has the sex organs of both genders. Another result of a mistake is someone that is genetically male but is female in appearance - including the sex organs.
  3. Steve!


    That's right, Robin, and besides, JM's a girl, and I'm pretty sure that Jim Martin is not.
  4. Well, TommyZ, he wouldn't find it. And that would be because he knows *exactly* where to look for it.
  5. Exie's married and has a kid. And she's pretty happy in her marriage, to boot. And she *is* pretty good looking.
  6. And besides that - In California, a death sentence is equivalent to life in prison, since it's been a while since anyone was put to death in that state. And it will be a long time before it does happen there again, if it ever does.
  7. Ummm, no, our system *generally* DOES work. There are miscarriages of justice, occasionally egregious, but in general, the system does exactly what it's supposed to do.
  8. Steve!


    Oh, suck it up already, at least you'll get to spend today and tomorrow getting waited on hand and foot.
  9. They ran? The good thing about Yugo's was that they got something like 800 miles to the gallon - because you'd drive it for 20 miles, and push it the rest.
  10. Raf will be sending Flat Stanley to Jim Miller, who will be sending him to ZShot, who will be sending him to you, Mr. Miller. I spoke with Raf yesterday. He said that Flat Stanley's having a great time in Flauderdale. He also said that Flat Stanley is *terrible* at Karaoke - he can't hit the high notes very well. As a matter of fact, Flat Stanley pretty much stays silent, which doesn't work so well with Karaoke. Of course, Flat Stanley is not very offended by that - he is a realist, even if he's not real.
  11. Ham - Even if enrollment in the way corpse were free, the cost would be way too much.
  12. Try this link: Yahoo People Search (Bentrup)
  13. Well, the thing about Echinacea is that it works pretty okay at first but then it doesn't take too long before your body ignores it. In order for it to regain its efficacy, you have to avoid all Echinacea for at least a couple of months, and then it will work pretty okay for a couple of weeks again.
  14. Well, niKa, I'll get you on the list, and OE, Flat Stanley might not make it out to you until January. Right now he's between California and Florida, then he's going to Missouri. It all depends on how much Flat Stanley enjoys those two places.
  15. George Burns said that sex at 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.
  16. From what I've heard - 40's - tri-weekly 50's - try weekly 70's - try weakly
  17. om, i'll try not to hurt your feelings any more. Besides, you've proven my point.
  18. om, I didn't call you anything, and I didn't intend that as insulting, merely as a statement of fact. You have repeatedly shown that analogies are lost on you, and you have also repeatedly shown that even basic logic is generally beyond your grasp.
  19. Belle, just don't go gettin your undies in a bundle over om. he's got severe tunnel-vision regarding anything to do with TWI. Trying to argue with, reason with, or demonstrate logic or analogies for om is just like trying to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and it annoys the pig.
  20. The attitude of "Well, I'm just exactly completely right" has a name. It's called "waybrain". Those suffering from it usually don't see it that way - until later.
  21. I've been out since the LOYalty oath. I stuck with a sphincter, er, splinter group for a coupla years, and have been completely cult-free since about 92 or so. I first found Waydale in 99 or thereabouts by surfing the net, and stayed wide awake for like 3 days reading. I had had no one to talk to about my experiences with TWIt, and now all of a sudden here was this forum where suspicions I had were verified, questions I had were answered, lots of events that had been cloudy before were explained, many many things that I never knew about were exposed, and I could also tell about some of the things that I had seen that I had thought were isolated incidents BUT WEREN'T. Plus the "friend finder" forum told me a lot about people I used to know. And I followed the crowd to GSpot when Waydale shut down.
  22. Rokman - then it would by a. craig stinkendale, or a. craig martinpuke
  23. Steve!


    JM, you've really done nothing to apologize for. I don't see anything that you've posted that is even remotely offensive.
  24. Well, whether or not it was granted to him, he often took it!
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