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Everything posted by Steve!
Yep. Lots of teachers here at G-Spot - high school, middle school, elementary school, college, bible school - you name it! I teach at DeVry University a coupla nights a week.
Nice! When do you start back up, February? My break won't happen until after tonight, and it's only for 2 weeks. I give the midterm exam 3 weeks from today.
Free Mumia! There's NOBODY that's guilty in prison - just ask ANYONE that's in a prison. They'll ALL tell you that they're innocent. On balance, waaaaay more people are in prison for just cause than for not. The percentage of people in prison that are truly innocent is *very* small.
Uppity, I'm pretty sure that the intent was "what has your involvement with TWIt cost you?"
What are you 2 hot babes whining about now?
Smatter of fack, we *do* have some par juice left over!
Logoslupos - yep, that was it!
I disagree, JT, UH has displayed a *very* active imagination.
dmiller, there were many places where docvic(praise be his name) lifted entire passages, pages from the works of others and never cited them.
Not really, not once you get used to it.
So, Krys, you're advocating an "Escape From New York" type scenario. That has its possibilities . . .but bleeding heart liberals would NEVER stand for that!
Pawtucket, don't those packages usually say something like "Warning: avoid prolonged contact with skin"?
Okay, I'm not saying that honest discourse is equivalent to hatred. I've just seen far too many posts where a pretense of honest discourse was made as a cover for hatred. And I am completely against the use of the word "homophobe". I just think that if God is totally against homosexuality, it's up to God to work in an individual for that individual to "overcome" that proclivity. It ain't my job to decide what's right and what's wrong.
Oh yeah? My uncle's wisdom teeth grew back! But this time they weren't impacted, so he hasn't had them out - so far.
Yeah, really, what a maroon! Oen, I at first thought the same thing, until I started reading. It's an easy mistake to make. I, for one, am getting used to the taste of my own feet.
Okay, Oakspear - Happy Household Holiday!
Well, GStG(aka S), when you think Radar O'Reilly, think Julia Roberts with 5 years on her, and when you think ExCathedra, think Uma Thurman. They don't look *quite* like that, but there's certainly no harm in thinking that they do!
I have it on very good information that loyboy is into 3-somes. As far as him not knowing about Donna and Rozilla - it is likely that he *did* know. I think one of the reasons that Rozilla got the positions that she got is that she has the goods on loyboy, and the knowledge of how to access the Swiss bank accounts. She knows that if she goes down in flames, so does loyboy. So he gave her everything she wanted.
Well, it's all done, and she's feeling okay and she's on her way home. Either she or I will post more later. Thanks, everyone, for your concern!
Well, it's gonna be bad. It's sideways and into the jawbone. Prayers would be appreciated.
In this instance, the system worked beautifully. The bastard's in prison where he belongs.
Cindy! just got to the dentist office, she'll be in the chair in just a few minutes.
Okay, Belle - you're a hot babe!