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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. She kinda looks like death warmed over, doesn't she? Is there anyone that would hire her for, oh, let's say a customer service position? Teaching? Hotel maid? I think the only thing she's now qualified to do is to run an ultra-controlling religious cult in a cornfield. And she's barely qualified for that! Of course, once she figures out how to access the million$ without having to show up at Way Nash, that's the last anyone (except Donna) will ever see of her.
  2. That's a type of phishing. One thing that you did was verify that that email address is a valid email address. On some server somewhere, a note was logged saying "Score!" Also that web page might have loaded spyware on your system, or a "trojan horse", or something. I'd run every scan I could think of on my puter, ifn I were you. If you have spyware on your machine, and you go to an internet site and buy something using a credit or debit card or your checking account number, the spyware will pull that info and forward it to a waiting willing recipient.
  3. Yeah, I've been to some elementary school productions, too, and they brought me to tears. But what do you expect from gradeschoolers? ;)-->
  4. Waitaminnit, Reverend Mother Sister Excathie - you're talking about GB? Was that something you heard from someone who heard it from someone else who heard it from someone else, or was it someone that you consider very credible? I'm not trying to sound like I'm attacking you here, because I'm not, and wouldn't. Reason number 734 for private topics
  5. Ummm, before everyone goes and gets their undies in a bundle - This thread was started completely as nothing but a joke. It was sarcasm aimed at a group of posters that were starting threads about "I reject xxx" or "I reject yyy" and at the same time there were a bunch of threads started about and/or on behalf of John Lynn. This thread looks hateful and ridiculous when taken out of context the way it has been. I bear the man no animosity. He ain't never done me no wrong.
  6. Ick, Clutch Cargo, that cartoon where the characters were all completely still and they filmed someone talking and used just the lips in place of the character's lips. Thanks for THAT memory!
  7. Mark - Are you kidding?? Do you want me to take my life in my hands? Take away her Tigger? Yeah, I'd sooner tell Mr. T. that his mother dresses him funny. Besides that, it's my sex life we're talking about.
  8. It's pretty hard to convince Cindy! of anything right now - she's on major dosage of codeine. But I agree - long live THE!
  9. Scary, ain't it? But you'll hafta excuse Cindy! Well, you don't *have* to, but it would be nice if you did. See, she's on drugs. So she can't be held 100% accountable for her actions.
  10. Whaddaya want more posts fer?
  11. It's 7 degrees here in the Chicago area, but I'd swear that it's no more than 6 degrees.
  12. Sudz - Right now is a *great!* time to buy a car at a lot, because they are ALL trying to reduce inventory before 12/31. You can certainly call us - we can give directions and/or info on where to buy a car. As to how you can get our phone numbers - you DO have email access, right? Email me at stevelwall99_NOSPAM@yahoo.com but take the _NOSPAM part out first
  13. Ohmygoodness, Cowgirl, that is WAAAAAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION. Are you sure he's up to all that activity after his recent recovery?
  14. Yes! That's exactly the kind of stuff we need. And I even had to use an RSA keyfob at my last job, I forgot all about those! As for topography, user database, etc - those are already established, and in the fashion you describe. And secure pages are already restricted in terms of database access - we do use views, and the data access occurs not in the servlet but on the server. The servlets merely format the display of the data. Great, thanks guys! See, I *knew* I'd get good answers here!
  15. Yeah, I saw on that site that they have a machine that would handle up to 750K concurrent connections, sweet. We already enforce medium strength passwords, and ageing - but our ageing is set at 60 days. And no question, there's absolutely no anonymous login to anything secure. We *do* have some nonsecure web pages that need to stay that way, but this new website will have nothing unsecure.
  16. Hmmm, that could be interesting. 50,000+ vpn tunnels, though? And I wouldn't be responsible for installing it - we are an $8 Billion company, we've got a department for that kind of thing. The HIPAA part is a very good thing. After all, it is medical/prescription data that the pharmacists will be looking at. For those of you that don't know: HIPAA stands for Health Information Portability Accountability Act. It's a set of regulations dealing with medical information. If, for example, I were to view personal data in the course of my job, and print it out, I would have to shred that document when I was done with it. Bluzeman, I figured you would be one of the responders to this thread. I'll have to look that up, and see if it would be cost effective enough, and feasible in other ways. That sounds really good.
  17. I don't see anyone "belligerently" bashing TWI. I see people decrying the evil that they do, and I see people bringing to light the sins of docvic(praise be his name), but I don't see anyone being belligerent about it. But what I do see is anytime a poster feels like his theology is being cut across, that poster accuses other posters of being belligerent. And that is part of the condition known as waybrain.
  18. Probably. But that *would* make a great name for a security software, or for a net nanny kind of thing!
  19. Yeah, I know this is the Open forum. But I wanted more exposure for this thread because there is such diverse knowledge and experience here at the G-Spot, and I didn't want this thread to only be seen by technogeeks. At my company, we deal with pharmacies - 55,000 of them across the US. My company owns about 5000 of them. Pharmacies have pharmacists - 3 or 4 each, generally. So we're talking in the range of 200,000 users for a new website that is being developed. The website will make available to these pharmacists a gihujic amount of prescription records and medical records - all of the recorded data regarding their own customers. The problem is - we need to figure out some sort of authentication for all of these users. First we have to figure out a way to verify that each person is who he says he is, and that he has the right to log into the website. Let me backtrack a bit and mention that we contract with pharmacIES, not pharmacISTS. Second, we need a way to make sure that these pharmacists are blocked from logging in if they should leave employment of their pharmacy. There are other minor issues as well, but if we deal with the 2 big ones, the other ones will be a piece of cake. So has anyone dealt with internet security before? Any ideas on what we could do?
  20. All I want for Christmas is a wonderful Christmas for the kids. Oh, and that CD by Eumir Deodato that has "Theme from Peter Gunn" on it.
  21. That's true, tcat, you'd think that, wouldn't you? He was asked that question once, and he responded, "I'm rich enough to wear my hair any way I want!" I heard another story about him, he was walking in New York with his daughter, and they passed a homeless person begging for money, and she said, "Don't you feel sorry for him?" and he said, "His net worth is about $1 Billion more than mine."
  22. There are still cases where an innocent person goes to jail even with our current forensic technologies - it will happen no matter what, the system will never be perfect. But our system is a durn sight better than most of the other systems out there. But there is something you should realize about those folks that are innocent that go to prison. The majority of those people were/are in the system already for some other infraction. So even though they may be innocent of the crimes for which they are incarcerated, they are still guilty of other crimes for which they weren't caught.
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