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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. I think the rat should be removed from the record book entirely.
  2. Krys - Put your hands side by side, so your thumbs are touching. Push them together real hard. One of 2 things can happen. Either one hand will go under the other, or one will slide south, the other north. In the case of the Ramapo fault, as in the case of the San Andreas fault, one part will slide north and one south. So it won't be that a huge chunk of New Jersey (or California) will slide into the sea.
  3. Steve!

    One hand.

    One hand, two ducks, three squawking geese, four corpulent porpoises.
  4. Steve!

    One hand.

    One hand, two ducks.
  5. Steve!

    One hand.

    Geeeze, you people! It's a game, it has nothing to do with what's going on in your gutter minds. And Cindy! and I are *very* happy in that regard, by the way.
  6. Let's say I have a highly profitable business (perhaps a McDonald's restaurant) that I want to open in YourMajorCity, USA. If I were to go to the city council and ask for them to construct my facilities and my parking lot at the city's expense, what do you think they would say? Do you think they would tell me to pound sand, or do you think that they would say, "Well, let's talk about it"? So where does a baseball team get off telling a city to build them a stadium or they'll move their team elsewhere? If it were the city simply financing it for them, I wouldn't have a problem with it, because they would pay it back. But I have a real problem with a city paying for a stadium for a for-profit baseball team. What city and team was it last week, Washington DC was in negotiations with the Montreal Expos, right? Montreal will move their team to DC if DC pays for a stadium. And DC is seriously considering doing it. I don't get it. Can someone explain to me why I would go along with that as a citizen of DC?
  7. Ummm, Johngotout, do you really *need* or *want* to send emails with attachments > 5mb? I know that *I* hate receiving emails with that amount of stuff attached to them. When I need to get that much stuff to someone else, I'll upload it to a website and send a link.
  8. That may be so, WhiteDove, but not all ebayers know that. She may get a good buck for that CD.
  9. The sad thing is that there are a lot of people that *would* and *will* go back.
  10. Tref of course does not need me to defend him. But apart from him mentioning that he is homosexual, where has Tref done any of those things that you mention? He usually maintains a very level, almost unemotional, tone in his posts. Never accusatory or inflammatory. He doesn't seem to be pushing any kind of agenda - he just seems to want to take part in discussions. So why this frustration directed at Tref in particular?
  11. Daryl - not intending to throw water on your fire, but the Matthew Sheperd incident turned out NOT to be a hate crime against a gay, but rather a drug deal gone bad.
  12. I would say that they have their noses so far up your financial backside that they know what it is you ate the very second you ate it.
  13. He was also the voice of Lumiere in the movie "Beauty and the Beast".
  14. I dunno, I don't see too many places in the Bible where leaders point and say, "Thou sinner! Away with ye!" One of the only places I can think of where a sinner was being accused was where the Pharisees were about to stone a woman caught in adultery, and Jesus came and said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." If homosexuality is a sin, why is it my job to go pointing fingers and screaming? We've ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Isn't sin that's something between an individual and God? Isn't it God's job to turn someone's heart away from sin? You don't convince someone to turn away from sin because he ought to. Smatter of fact, I've never turned ANYONE away from sin except myself - but I've shown a few people HOW to turn from sin.
  15. This earthquake was exactly 1 year to the hour after the earthquake in Bam, Iran, that killed 26,000 people.
  16. "Dear Abby: I want to continue with the GreatnessTM of God, but my husband wants to trip out. I love him dearly, and we have 3 children together, and he's my best friend, and we've been together 12 years, but I just don't know what to do. Can you help? Wondering" "Dear Won: You must Mark and Avoid this worthless bastard! Remember, evil associations corrupt good morals! He will drag you down and your children with him! If you stay with him, God won't be able to even spit in your direction! This is your *only* alternative! Remember, you have NO friends when it comes to The WordTM"
  17. "Dear Abby: No matter how many times I whack my 2-year old with a wooden spoon, he just will not sit still for more than 45 minutes. We're not even done with the prayer portion of our HouseHold Fellowship by that time! What am I to do? signed: AtALoss" "Dear AAL: You really should send that wicked, wicked child to live with someone else. There's no way that that child will *ever* be able to live up to the standard of the Word. Mark my words, he'll be toting 5 star general devil spirits in no time!"
  18. Yup! We'll be up at least until midnight, and probably somewhat beyond.
  19. Good info. But what the heck is the difference between a Divorce and a Dissolution of Marriage? Isn't the end result about the same? What am I missing here?
  20. It may just be that that guy is embarassed, or has issues with any situation that would require action on his part. He may feel inadequate or unprepared. It may just be a crisis of faith.
  21. Flat Stanley never gets too cold, that's one of the wonderful things about being flat, and made of paper. I think he would love to attend new year's festivities no matter where he is. Yes, he goes to ZShot next, in Arizona, to shake off the chill for a bit, then on to Minnesota.
  22. That's true, the BoSox *did* take it all, didn't they?
  23. Ham - Matilda *can*, even on a triple-dog-dare, because she lives in Flahrida - the lightpoles there never get too cold to lick.
  24. jen-o - sudo and satori are being facetious. Much of what they've written in this thread was written with tongue firmly in cheek.
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