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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. AND in court proceedings Rozilla admitted that she knew about loyboy's "liaisons" as early as 1995. Non-supportive? HAH
  2. *shudder!* You've got a mean streak in you, you have!
  3. Steve!


    Frankie - Tom's real last name is Strangegezorninplatz. He had it shortened when he emigrated to a foreign country - Texas.
  4. Steve!


    We just got a DVR, and we love it. Cindy! doesn't have to miss Dr. Phil any more. As far as the kids waiting for a commercial - we only got 1 DVR box, and it's attached to the TV upstairs, and the kids are allowed to watch the downstairs TV. But I still make them "Do it now!" regardless of the progress of the TV show - if I let them wait for a commercial, the task would never get done.
  5. Steve!

    One hand.

    Yeah, really! One hand. Two ducks. Three squawking geese. Four limerick oysters. Five corpulent porpoises. Six pairs of Don Alversos tweezers. Seven thousand Macedonians in full battle array. Eight brass monkeys from the ancient sacred crypts of Egypt.
  6. Well, the New Orleans hurricane thing was pretty close.
  7. So you are reccommending that I put this movie on my list of "flix not to see", then, right?
  8. Steve!

    Dealing with Anger

    Well, there've been times when I've shouted myself hoarse in a car driving down the road. That has helped to take the edge off. The solution to my anger was to get myself removed from what was causing the anger. I still feel some measure of resentment from time to time, but now that it's over, the resentment fades quickly every time it comes up.
  9. And if you're REALLY lucky, maybe she'll even take her teeth out for ya!! nudge, nudge, wink, wink! Hey, WayGB, I bet *that's* how she gets you guys to do this!
  10. dpi=dots per inch, or pixels It tells the resolution of your computer monitor
  11. If Pawtucket is out of invites, I've got 6.
  12. Well, I would imagine he spent NYE in Missouri. At least, I haven't heard otherwise. Jim Martin, have you gotten Flat Stanley yet?
  13. You know, techy. What would Jesus do? Jesus would Read The Manual. Often when a tech person goes to a guru for technical assistance, whether it's a software or hardware installation question, a configuration question, etc, the first thing that that techy is asked is, "Have you read the manual?" and if the answer is no, the immediate barked response is "RTFM!" (READ THE MANUAL!)
  14. Steve!

    One hand.

    Uh huh. ;)-->
  15. Steve!

    One hand.

    One hand. Two ducks. Three squawking geese. Four limerick oysters. Five corpulent porpoises. Six pairs of Don Alversos tweezers.
  16. Here's a techy response: WWJD? JWRTFM
  17. LindaZ, Who said anything about "being accused of turning a blind eye to the bad?" If that's what you read between the lines of this thread.....then, I want to be upfront, THAT IS NOT MY INTENTION. I was very specific in stating that if 350 were to give their opinions on the corps training, then there would probably be 350 different responses. I don't know how to be any clearer. ????? skyrider skyrider, I think that LindaZ is just saying that that is generally what happens, not necessarily that it has happened in this thread.
  18. Steve!

    the Penguin Game

    I think some of you people have WAAAAAAY too much time on your hands!!! 593
  19. 77 er, what were we playing?
  20. 1. What time do you get up? Mon.-Fri.: 5:30; Sat. and Sun.: around 7:00 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? well, besides Cindy! ... perhaps Rush Limbaugh 3. Gold or silver? Gold! are you kidding? 4. What is the last film you saw at the cinema? The Polar Express 5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s) Star Trek: TNG, Whose Line is it Anyway? 6. What did you have for breakfast? Eggs and sausage 7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? people who say things like "great minds think alike" or "think outside the box" 8. What is your middle name? Lewis, after my grandfather 9. Beach, City or Country? BEACH!!! where else? 10. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate 11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? None of the above, mostly because I don't like the husks that get caught in my teeth, and I'm sitting there sucking my teeth for an hour and a half until I can get my hands on some dental floss 13. What kind of car do you drive? Ford Taurus Wagon 14. Favorite sandwich? A Potbelly's Italian sub - mamamia! 15. Favorite flower? Roses - especially peach/red mix, or miniatures 16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? The UK and/or Italy 17. What color is your bathroom? Like Cindy! said, no comment...it needs a major redecoration!!! 18. Favorite kind of clothing? Brands? Hmmm, Tommy Hilfiger is the only brand I know besides Kirkland 19. Where would you retire to? The beach somewhere. 20. Favorite day of the week? Why? Friday. 'Cuz that means I get two and a half lovely days with Cindy! and the !ettes 21. What did you do for your last birthday? I was reaaaaalllly lazy that day 22. Where were you born? Chicago, IL 23. Favorite sport to watch? I don't like to watch sports much, but I'll pretend to golf, and I'll fish 24. Who do you least expect to respond? uncle hairy 25. Person you expect to respond first? I have no expectations in this area 26. What fabric detergent do you use? Costco brand liquid 27. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke with a shot of vodka, and some vanilla extract 28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning...definitely morning 29. What is your shoe size? 12 or thereabouts 30. Do you have any pets? Just about any kind of pet you can imagine - 4 cats, 1 dog, 1 hermit crab, a firebelly toad, a hamster, several fish, 2 bunnies - well, that's what Cindy! and I and the !ettes have. I just brought a dog to the situation 31. Are you happy with your job? Ecstatic! Did I mention that the profit sharing plan usually matches 3 to 1? 32. What is one thing you want to do in life that you have not done yet? Get my doctorate. 33. If you had the chance to get married again- would you? After Cindy! it just wouldn't be the same 34. If you won the lotto what would you do? Everyone says, "I wouldn't change". That's BS, I'd change a bunch, and in a hurry. If it was at least $10 Million CIF, I'd stop my 8 to 5. 35. If you had three wishes - what would they be? I have almost everything I could ask for 36. What are your hobbies? Cindy!, golf, Cindy!, bonsai trees, and Cindy! 37. What are some things you always hope you get for christmas? Thick wool socks, you can never have enough of those. For some reason, people are always giving me books.
  21. Krys - yes, I should have prefaced my response with "this is a gross oversimplification". The fact of the matter is that most likely, we will NOT lose hundreds of square miles of land when (not if) that quake occurs, but rather that land will become part of southern New Jersey instead of northern New Jersey.
  22. Yeah, it'll bring in more revenue. But how does that benefit Joe Average Taxpayer? If I help pay for a stadium, what benefits do *I* receive? Do I get a discount on tickets? No. Do I receive the benefits of the additional revenue coming into the city? Not really - the additional revenue goes to pay for additional services, and doesn't really offset it by all that much. I would not quibble whatsoever with a municipal bond that the team paid back - even a very low interest bond.
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