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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Of course, a new name for the current incarnation of TWI might be: The Dog Soldiers Ministry hehehe, that's a snide reference to the current prez and her first beeyatch
  2. The "Twice the Commitment" Ministry (translated: twice as many people get commmitted to institutions)
  3. I don't know, I'll check with Zach's teacher on Monday.
  4. Frankee - Mike will agree with you more than wholeheartedly! When I first took piffle, I liked many parts of it too.
  5. HC, actually, loyboy *did* have a couple of books published. O course, he probably had ghost writers. docvic(praise be his name) and me rise and expansion of the first century church which should be retitled: bloat and crash of a twentieth century cult
  6. Nope, I'm pretty sure there are no alerts when it's not up and running.
  7. Okay, it's a generally accepted fact that the only names that can appear in their entirety in these forums (besides your own, of course) are those of the current boring directors, er, bored of misdirectors of TWI. I *think*, and Pawtucket, correct me if I'm wrong, that Rico Magnelli's name, as PR spokesdude of TWIt and therefore a public figure, does not have to be obliterated. Now, one of the main reasons for '*'ing out some of the letters in people's names is so that GreaseSpot Cafe doesn't show up in search engine results when someone does a search for a particular name, such as Blob Moneyhands. If you were to actually put his real complete name in a post, then GSpot would show up in a Google search and Pawtucket could be subjected to litigation, right or wrong. Remember, it doesn't matter who's right in a lawsuit if the purpose is to drain someone's resources. So typing in B*b M*ynihan should be adequate obliteration. But many of you would post that as B** M**n****, and many would not recognize that as Blob Moneyhands without additional clues. That ain't necessary. Examples: E* H*rney is adequate. *d H***** is overboard. D*b Olth**se is adequate. D** *l***u** is overboard. There are some occasions where you really only want a very few people to recognize who it is you are talking about, but wouldn't that be better addressed in a private message? The reason for my post is this: I just received a private message, and part of the message is about an innie who would be interested in knowing who the leader.... is in a certain area, but can't tell who the hell it is because of the obliteration of the name. Okay, the purpose of this website is to expose the excesses, crimes, sins etc. of TWI, and not to talk about individuals from our past, because that would invite a lot of "well, he was such a d*ck to me" and "no, you're nuts, he was okay in my book" etc. And okay, I'm not the proprietor of this website, but I think that the rules about names should be somewhat (not completely) looser when it comes to current leader.... of TWI. So as a matter of courtesy to the people that will be reading your posts, I am making a request that names are NOT obliterated to the point of being unreadable, but just unsearchable.
  8. When I was born, my father accused my mother of infidelity. He had jet black hair. My older brother has dark brown hair, and was born with it. My mother's hair started out as dark brown, and she was born that way. I was born blond. Now my aunts and uncles and cousins on my dad's side look at me and tell me that I look exactly like him. Oh, and, Reverend Mother Sister Excathie - I don't see any orange soda or moustache in your avatar. What's your girlfriend talking about?
  9. They had to be pretty darned hungry to eat the pizza anyway. Having worked at many levels of restaurant management and in many customer service positions, I feel qualified to offer a small bit of advice. And that is - if you have a problem with a food item, DON'T destroy/consume/dispose of that food item. Keep it as proof. He would not have been able to say "I don't believe you" if he had a slice of that pizza put in front of his face.
  10. If I were to hire a carpet cleaner, I would be inclined to choose one from one of those Advo mailers. Their ads always say "Special! Get two rooms done for the price of three! And if you act now, we'll even charge extra to do your hallways!" or something like that. I guess KSearsMart does a lot of that kind of advertising. One thing that I continually keep learning is that you can't argue with success. Well, you can, but it doesn't make much sense to do so.
  11. How's that groundhog thing work, anyway? What, do you take a pig and put him through a mill and get ground hog? And then you take that outside on Febrooary 2nd, and if you see a shadow, it's only 6 weeks until the end of winter, but if you don't see a shadow, dang, there are *still* 6 weeks left of winter?
  12. It could be a firewall or applet thing. If you have your browser set to not allow applets or activex, you might not get the music.
  13. At the top of the screen, click on "Go", "My Space", "Private Messaging".
  14. I dunno, McHammer. Every time Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey come to Chicago, people are lining up with their wheelbarrows and claiming that it's so rich, their gardens go wild. Maybe the folks you're talking about don't let it season enough, or maybe it needs to be mixed with something.
  15. Mike - your head is spinning? completely around, like in the movie "The Exorcist"? Qu'elle surprise
  16. Well, Jim hasn't let me know that Flat Stanley has arrived in Missouri, so I'm assuming that he is lost in the postal system. Jim will probably receive him in 2015.
  17. Proper punctuation, please. You forgot a couple of commas. Or perhaps /es, or new lines: Dah/ di di di dit/ dit/di dah dah/ di dah/ dah di dah dah/ di di dit/ di di dah/ dah di dah dit/ dah di dah/ di di dit. Dah di di di dit dit di dah dah di dah dah di dah dah di di dit di di dah dah di dah dit dah di dah di di dit. Or even - .... . .-- .- -.-- ... ..- -.-. -.- ...
  18. om, in case you haven't noticed, this is an ANTI TWI site.
  19. McHammer - 30 to 35 wpm??? Holy mackerel!! The fastest you have to be able to do in Amateur Radio for the highest license (Extra class) is 20 wpm! I think I got up to 12 or 13 or so, I can still do about 8 or 9 I think, and it's been over 20 years since I let my Advanced license lapse.
  20. THE cannot die! That would be sacrilege! I know - we need Mike here! All! Hail! THE!
  21. Chef - not "what", "who". Kid Rock was dating Pamela "I've got implants!" Anderson for a while.
  22. I don't know if I'm happier knowing what I now know about TWI, or if I would have been happier not knowing. I guess on the whole I am happier, and better to be around, what with not having so dang much waybrain.
  23. Galen, I hate to tell ya, but Weather Bug is spyware.
  24. HCW - here we go again! There's been thread after thread about personal responsibility, and how each person is responsible for his or her own actions. That's true - up to a point. In many documented cases, there's been coercion involved. If a woman was led to believe that if she didn't "bless" the MOG, that dire consequences would befall her and her family, she might do things she ordinarily wouldn't do. Imagine person "A" holding a gun to the head of person "B" and saying, "Do this or die". Is person "B" accountable for his or her actions at this point? 50% accountable? 25% accountable? You cannot accurately say that each individual is completely responsible for his or her own actions when there is coercion involved. If both parties involved were there completely of their own wills with no other influences then yes, you are right, each person is responsible for his/her own actions. But there was much more to it than that.
  25. Maybe so, but sometimes harshness is called for. he does not know how to take a hint, refuses to answer legitimate arguments in his threads in the doctrinal forum, and routinely dismisses (in an unfriendly way) other posters that disagree with him - which is almost 100% of g-spotters. he has co-opted several threads in other forums to promote his spewth, and deserves no quarter.
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