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There's an interesting phenomenon occurring. As the use of cellphones is increasing in the UK, the reported incidents of UFO sightings and ET contacts is rapidly decreasing.
So Jim, has Flat Stanley been sent on his way to Arizona? He could probably use a bit of a warm-up right about now, he's heading for some colder weather after that! Did he behave appropriately while he was there? I hope he wasn't an undue influence on the kids he visited!
Hmmm, Pawtucket and 3, I think you're both right. I'm going to try a couple of things and post them if they work.
Yeah, I don't remember a 1976 edition either. Is docvic(praise be his name) wearing skinny ties in the video? That's the '68 version. All I know is, we were using the '68 version all through the 80's any time we ran a piffle class.
He Said She Said Elizabeth Perkins Big
None are so blind as those who will not see.
Well, it sounds to me like you are taking other posters to task regarding the scripture. That would be like me taking you to task over something it says in the Koran. You obviously don't value the Koran as your source of faith or of truth, so why would it be appropriate for me to refer to something in that book?
Antonio Banderas Shrek 2 John Cleese
Ummm, om? it may have escaped your attention, but this is NOT a Christian website, and not all here adhere to the notion that the scriptures are God-breathed.
I thought it was (phonetically) mah-ree-cone?
Krys - nowadays, the biggest reason to partition your hard drive is if you are going to have a "dual boot" situation - if you are going to have Windoze and Linux on your machine, and you want to pick which one to boot from each time you start up. As for migrating your stuff from one machine to the other - One option is to take the hard drive out of your old machine and install it as a secondary hard drive in your new machine. Another option is: Start out by installing all the software that you want to use onto the new machine. Then after that most of what you will want to move is likely to be in the "My Documents" folders. Just burn those to a CD and copy that onto your new machine in your "My Documents" folder. Okay, question time. Do you have Quicken? MS Money? something along those lines? If so, there is backup capability built into the software. From within the software: do a diskette backup, then on the new machine, do a restore from backup. What other software packages do you have on your machine? Do you have lots of music files, etc? And you probably need to save and copy over your Internet bookmarks. You'll be surprised how little stuff you really end up having to copy from your old machine to your new.
HA = Howard Allen.
Am I mistaken, or is Arthur Koestler the author of both books?
Yep. And that's a brilliant suggestion about the image. GIF or JPG format are a bit better than PDF. For a project a few years ago I wrote a search engine that searched through and indexed the contents of PDFs. But a PDF is still better than straight HTML. Now whadda we gonna do about all these damn acronyms? ;)-->
Rosemary's Baby Ralph Bellamy Trading Places
Hmmm, I think your info may be a bit off. I've heard that spiders look for the @ sign, and don't need the href mailto hyperlink stuff.
DMiller - ZShot will be forwarding Flat Stanley to you - check your Privates!
Ewwwwwww! That was hard to read, even! Gag me!
The usual "I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advise" disclaimer. The assets of TWI are owned by the corporation, not by the directors. The IRS puts fairly detailed limitations on how the assets can be bought and sold. If the BOD should wish to disband TWI, they would have to give the assets to a "like" non-profit group. So it's a lot more fun to just "play fort". Again, this particular asset is NOT LEGALLY ASSOCIATED with the Way Irrational. The deed has the names of the then boring trustees on it - loyboy, rozilla, and I think harvey the rabbit. Again, PJ Roberge would know for sure, I think he's got the doc posted on one of his websites.
I believe that copies of the legal documents are on Pat Roberge's site(s).
Chef - *Legally*, Gunnison is owned by loyboy, rozilla rivenfart, and a third person, I forget who. But it is in the current possession of TWIt.
Jim - I tried emailing you but got a mail failure. So check your Privates, please! (messages, that is)
Cindy! bought more than half the stuff for our wedding on eBay. We ended up paying about 1/3 of what a wedding like ours normally costs.
That reminds me of a time back when I coordinated a Way home in Po'land, OR. R*ndy F*eese was the Region Leader, and All*n R*pke was our Limb Leader. I can't remember exactly what the occasion was - an area-wide twig leader's meeting? an area meeting? but All*n R*pke was leading this meeting and R*ndy Fe*se was teaching etc, and the meeting was in my house (because it had the biggest living room out of all the way homes in Portland, and it was short notice). Anyway, that night there were gunshots next door during the meeting. There were 75 people in my house and *I* was the *only* one that noticed the noise. I got verification when the cops came the next day and asked if we had heard anything. And that was the *only* interaction I ever had with those neighbors.
Awright!!! Bout dang time! Didja give Flat Stanley what fer for lollygagging and carousing? I'll email you ZShot's address post-haste. Give my warmest regards (and I mean that both figuratively and literally!) to Flat Stanley, and tell him that it's nice and warm down in Arizoner.