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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. We don't need to put that in a PT. We'll be there Saturday, February 19, Sunday, and Monday, the 21st. Our flight back that Monday is around 2:30 p.m., so activities that day will have to conclude no later than 1 p.m.
  2. By the way, Noneya, it's okay according to Greasespot Cafe's rules to put in a person's complete name in the Friend Finder forum, which is where this post should go.
  3. So did you try the link?
  4. Hmmm, looks like OutAndAbout "won" this round. New round? 48 Hours Nick Nolte Down And Out in Beverly Hills
  5. Try this link: Yahoo! People Search (Janet Myracle)
  6. I kinda wonder if ol' docvic(praise be his name!) et al met in a room after an astounding revelatory teaching and laughed out loud? Says docvic(praise be his name!) "They believed that cr@p? I wonder what we can get them to go for next time!" Says Uncle Howie "Yeah, and they keep coming back for more!" Says Uncle Harry "Hahahaaaaa! It's like they're just dropping their pants and saying 'give it to me daddy!'" Says docvic(praise be his name!) "Hmmm, ya think?" Stuff like "the original sin was masturbation", "the universe is surrounded by ice", etc.
  7. Steve!

    First Date Food

    What I mean by "just a salad" is: when a woman says, "Oh, I'll just have a salad" - not meaning a chef's salad or a caesar salad, but a plain dinner salad. This tells the guy that this girl is either continuously dieting, or ate beforehand, or is thinking about ditching you and meeting up with someone else. Or it says that she's trying to show the guy that she's frugal or something. Or has self-esteem issues. If "just a salad" is ordered, it makes one think that that woman is pretty tense about something or other.
  8. Steve!

    First Date Food

    Believe what you want, Garth, my scenario happens WAY more than yours. All I'm saying is, you are much better off if you never send your food back to the kitchen to be redone.
  9. Steve!

    First Date Food

    One rule to keep in mind, whether you are on a date or not, is: NEVER, EVER send back your meal to be recooked. If there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with it, like it's half raw, or there's a cockroach, leave the restaurant. Make sure you talk to the manager, and don't pay for the meal. If it's just not quite the way you like it - a bit too salty, medium rare instead of medium - just eat it, and make a mental note to either never go back to that restaurant or to give them a second chance later, and have a brief conversation with the manager. If you ordered onion rings and got fries, that's okay, have the server switch that part. If it's a restaurant that you've been going to for a long time, well, everyone has an off day. But if it's so serious that it's inedible, they don't deserve your continued patronage - a problem like that is never a one-time occurrence. And if they served it so bad the first time, what makes you think that the next time will be better? And if it's only a little off, why make a fuss and make the servers and cooks work harder and make everyone else at your table a bit uncomfortable? I say all of this after having managed restaurants for 10 years. Trust me, you do NOT want to .... off the people that handle your food.
  10. If DSO Exploit was not something to want off of your computer, Spybot wouldn't look for it. You have to start up in Safe Mode, and start up Spybot. Then when it comes back with DSO Exploit, it will give a registry entry. Click (or double-click, I forget which) on the registry icon, and get into the registry editor. The entry it takes you to has a DWORD that says "1004". Delete just that entry, and then create a new string, and put in the value 1001, and I think that should do it.
  11. Steve!

    First Date Food

    "Just a salad" - when you order just a salad, a guy will take this as a HUGE red flag! He will take it that you are not being yourself.
  12. Steve!


    When we were living in the city of Chicago, we had a bunch of bicycles stolen and a window in my car was shot out. Apart from that we've been pretty lucky. Have you considered booby traps? Of course, that could cause retaliation - someone breaking into your truck getting broken glass embedded in his hand might get so ....ed off that he takes a baseball bat to all your windows. And there's always the possibility that you'll forget about the booby traps and harm yourself inadvertently.
  13. Spiderman Tobey Maguire (sp?) Pleasantville
  14. Why would you go around setting fire to those poor animals? I've just never understood bearlighters.
  15. Groundhog Day Andie McDowell Michael and I challenge the next player to NOT go for the low-hanging fruit from "Michael"
  16. Didn't you get the memo? To a dog, you're family, to a cat, you're staff!
  17. Uhhhh, noooo, in one HUNDRED years it will be twenty one HUNDRED. In one THOUSAND years it will be 3000. Back in the 19 teens, they said "nineteen thirteen" or "nineteen seventeen" or whatever, it wasn't until the "roaring twenties" that they dropped the century. Of course, they had dropped the century back in the 1800's - the 80's, the "gay 90's", which in this last century took on a whole new meaning.
  18. That program is called "Way Disciple", urgggghhhh. Last year there were 5, count them, 5, corpse grads, and I think they were all re-takers. I guess your brother must like being micro-managed.
  19. I've heard it most commonly reffered to as the "oughts".
  20. Okay, hehehe. Who Framed Roger Rabbit Bob Hoskins Hook Happy now?
  21. Back to the Future Part 1 Michael J. Fox Teen Wolf
  22. I know the feeling. I started noticing that a lot of Mexican restaurants were named "Desayuna", and there were an awful lot of hispanic movies starring "Pelicula".
  23. Okay, here's what you do: replace the "@" sign with "@" - everything BETWEEN those two double quotes - in every email address in your database. The email addresses will show up perfectly on the website, but they won't be searchable. Make sure you use EVERYTHING - the ampersand (&), then the pound sign (#), then 64, then the semicolon (; ) - 5 characters in all.
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