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Everything posted by Steve!
Lindy - do try, it would be way kewl to see you folks again!
I concur. Keep it all professional, and never respond in kind. When someone is behaving this way towards you, just do everything exactly by the book, and while you're at it, CYA (that means "cover your butt"). That is, document the hell out of everything, and hang on to those documents until you are *absolutely* sure you don't need them any more. If you can show that you've done absolutely nothing outside of company policy, you're in the clear.
Outandabout, you can't use Tom Cruise twice in a row for the same movie, so I'm picking up where Shegotjohn left off. Rebecca De Mornay The Three Musketeers Keifer Sutherland
Shewt, old subjects get resurrected all the time, no worries. Lotsa new posters here, lotsa people that may never have seen that video, actually, commercial for TWIt. No reason to feel foolish at all.
Good Will Hunting Matt Damon The Bourne Supremacy
Yeah, HN, there was a thread about this last year, with much discussion and criticism. Smatter of fact, there was somewhat of a call-in or write-in campaign by ex-wayfers to that network, and TWIt was pulled as "pick of the week" very quickly, and you can't find it on that network's website any more - but you can find plenty of other past picks of the week.
Life is too damn short to be so uptight all the time - constantly acting as a security guard, constantly checking every single post to see if it's from an innie or if it's pertinent to one of the current lawsuits, or whatever it is they do. The WayGB'ers *had* to have seen the mistreatment that went on. They *had* to be in the know about loyboy martinpuke's extracurricular activities. They *had* to have seen many mark and avoid sessions, and some of the consequences thereof. One explanation for them staying "in" that I can think of is that their consciences are seared with a hot iron. And now as a result they are rationalizing it all away. "Well, now the household can be strong, without all of those spiritual weaklings dragging us down. Now what's left is the elite-of-the-elite, the best of the best of God's true family. Those people whose faces were melted had it coming!" It's gotta be that, or maybe rozilla and company have some sort of hold over the WayGB'ers, like maybe they have photographs of them in, um, interesting situations, or maybe some kind of blackmailable goods on these people. I can't think why else these people would want to keep doing what they do.
Now that you bring it up - I remember *always* being available to help people move, paint, etc. I helped LOTS of bleevers with these things. But then when it came time for me to move, it was just the 3 of us - me, myself, and I. I didn't get any assistance despite all the times that I had helped out.
Danny DeVito Twins Arnold Schwarzenegger
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I always mix those 2 up. Bruce Willis Die Hard With A Vengeance Samuel L. Jackson
Michael Douglas Jewel of the Nile Diane Keaton
Holes Sigourney Weaver Galaxy Quest
I guess he's still in transit, because Zshot hasn't posted about his arrival yet. And considering the fact that he took more than 2 weeks to get TO Missouri from Florida, I guess that the amount of time he's taking to get to Arizona shouldn't be considered excessive. Maybe the pack mules they're using for the United States Postal Service in Missouri balk at the cold winter weather. Flat Stanley is certainly giving new life to the term "snail mail"!
Peruser - sounds great! Because of various considerations - parking charges, children in attendance, etc. - it looks like the better option is for this to happen at Flow7's place. Peruser, email me at stevelwall99@yahoo.com and I'll get you Flow7's address.
So way corpse grads would be highly trained highly committed standing non-members, corpse alumni would be still pretty darned committed but not totally, standing non-members WD would be oh you're getting pretty close to being there committed standing non-members twigleaders would be not quite scum of the earth standing non-members twig leaves would be scum of the earth standing non members and of course everyone else in the entire world would be lumped into the slime-of-the-slime, cream-of-the-crAp category, non-standing non-members.
Laura SanGiacoma The Stand Molly Ringwald
Well, from Gspotters, California, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, Massachusetts, Canada - am I forgetting anyone? From other Flat Stanleys - Hawaii, Illinois, Washington DC, New York, Okinawa, Guatemala, Mexico, and England.
To Be Or Not To Be Mel Brooks (Anne Bancroft's husband) Silent Movie
Well, Raf, dangit, why couldn't you have made it DC the following weekend instead of New Yawk?
Well, he *did* take forever to get to Missouri. Maybe the USPS suspects him of terrorism, and like OE said, Homeland Security is interrogating him. The reason the interrogation takes so darn long is because Flat Stanley just flat out ain't talkin!
Ahaaa, now I understand your icon!
As has been posted on another thread, Cindy! and I will be in Washington, DC on 2/19, 2/20, and 2/21. So to all the Gspotters in the DC area (or who will be that day), let's party on that Saturday night (2/19)! We've got 2 options! One option is: Flow7 and his wife have graciously invited any and all to a Potluck at their house in the suburban area. That sounds kewl. Another option is: any and all come up to our hotel room that night and we'll do pizza or Chinese food or . . .? Hmmm, shades of "Party in the Pastor's room!" at our wedding, eh Raf? Heck, if ya ask nice, we might even bring our leftover LilHawk Patented P'ar Juice! Let us know if you're gonna be there, and which you think would be the better option - hotel room or Flow7's place!
HCW - there's some history here that you might not be completely aware of. oldiesman is pretty much pro-twi, and in general has a very 2-dimensional point of view. Satori is absolutely not the first to tell him that he may be incapable of understanding. Just look up any threads that include the subject of women being victims due to TWI unwritten policy, or any thread about adultery or coerced sex, and you'll see what I mean. Heck, if you were to ask Rascal her opinion about oldiesman, she would likely echo that sentiment. As would I.
Darryl Hannah At Play in the Fields of the Lord Kathy Bates
If you tell a mistruth, whether you know it is or not, it is a lie. But that does not make YOU a liar. Look at all the well-meaning people that forward urban legend emails, such as "Bill Gates is going to send me to Disneyland!" or "Watch out for strangers that tell you you dropped $5!". They are propagating lies. That doesn't make them liars. So you need to differentiate between lies and liars. There is a *huge* difference between these 2 statements: "You are lying" and "That's a lie" (almost the same as "that's not true" but with more emotional weight) In some cases in some posts that have been referred to in this thread, it perhaps would have been more appropriate for one party to say to the other "that's not true" rather than "that's a lie".