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Everything posted by Steve!
Raf, think "classic movies". Hmmm, maybe I can add to it - They're playing actors. A movie about movies. A sweet love story.
Cindy! and I were just there a couple of weeks ago. We stayed at the St. Regis 2 blocks from the White House. It's overpriced, like any of the downtown hotels. (We stayed there for free because I earned Starwood points at my last job). They bend over backwards there with hospitality. I would absolutly recommend staying at a hotel somewhere along the metro instead of downtown. Go with hotels.com and get yourself a good deal. And be sure and look up the Flow7's or Perusers while you're there - they are good people.
Do you really think God gives a flying f**k about who you're married to? God wants your heart to sing. God wants your life to sing. Come on, think big picture here. Our lives on Earth are a flash in the pan, a mere twinkling. Do you think that God will think badly of you if you get a divorce? if you marry someone else the second time? Oh, He'll shake his head, "Tut tut, for shame!" and give you a time out. Hmmm, I just can't picture that. Yeah, God prefers that you keep the commitments you make - look at His examples, He keeps His commitments. But do you really think that God would want you to stay in a situation where you are completely miserable just because you made a promise?
YES. Life is just too darned short to spend it unhappy. In our cases, miserable.
Dustin Hoffman Tootsie Bill Murray
I was previously married as well. As far as we are both concerned, if our previous partners had lived up to their vows, we'd both still be married to them. *shudder!* When our partners walked away from their vows, in our minds it released us from ours.
I see a *huge* one floating in FRONT of the ladder!
http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory...TC-RSSFeeds0312 This link is to a news story about how Microsoft is building robots that will watch kids, allow plumbers into your home, etc. Home robots has been the stuff of science fiction. But now, not so much. What do you think? Will it be good? bad? indifferent?
I don't know about that, but I have another question: if you get married in Kentucky and then divorced in Tennessee, are you still brother and sister? bad steve! As far as my marriage to Cindy!, it would never even enter my mind to not follow through on the vows. Yeah, it's "just a piece of paper", but the psychological and legal benefits have been much more significant than either Cindy! or I counted on.
Well, as DMiller mentioned, there *is* a party house in the Windy City area. Cindy! and I would certainly be glad to host a party at the house of !.
Ya gotta wonder what the first guy to ever eat lobster was thinking.
That's right, when confronted with a decision, just think to yourself, "WWHD"?
Moonstruck He died but he lives She got kidnapped and married True love conquers all
The Sound of Music Christopher Plummer Dreamscape Au contraire, Hoper, there were *plenty* of names in ET - Peter Coyote, C. Thomas Howell, Henry Thomas to name a few.
Dang, if you had waited until this morning, Raf, I woulda gotten "Benny and Joon" from that grilled cheese quote.
Hmmmm. I got a Motley Fool free newsletter recently, invested in the 6 rule breaker stocks, and my and Cindy's position has improved better than market almost every day since. I might just take you up on that, mo.
Hammer, are you gainfully employed? Need a hobby? Do you have issues that need to be dealt with? ;)-->
Well, o&a, just so you know, T*m and B*rb L*lly disappeared from the face of the earth once they left TWI. As far as I know, they've not been in contact with anyone here at GSpot since leaving. They packed their house and moved in the middle of the night and left no forwarding address. I daresay they may realize the number of hearts they shattered. Or perhaps their reasons for such utter isolation could be more mundane than that - no one here knows!
Yeah, Raf, I think a different movie would be good. Her lover/boss/whatever in Flashdance was the only "name" that I saw at IMDB for that movie, and I doubt anyone will be able to come up with another movie that he was in.
Sounds like a Warren Zevon song to me . . .
Onionman, I'll set up a PT with you once I get an address from the next person.
I'm without a clue.
Uppity, didn't Raf guess the first movie correctly?
Uppity, I looked up the character in IMDB, so to answer would have been cheating.
Geeze Louise, those leadersh!ts were stupid! They gave some of the worst commands/advice/suggestions that I've ever heard! Just so that they could feel like they were in control. Of course, the tighter they squeezed, the more people just slipped through their fingers.