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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. I'm pretty sure that a brace of anything is 2 of them.
  2. "Order Me Around with TWI's Word"
  3. Okay, Krysilis will be forwarding Flat Stanley A to Ex10, and dmiller will be forwarding Flat Stanley B to Radar O'Reilly - after Flat Stanleys' visits, of course. Dmiller, please check your PT.
  4. John Mills was? a movie director and actor, he's the father of Hayley Mills, of Pollyanna and The Parent Trap fame.
  5. Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone Alan Rickman Galaxyquest
  6. Tref - it isn't necessarily the age of a movie at issue, but rather how many people here at GSpot have seen the movie in question, or have seen movies with the actors in question. I guess no one here (except you) has seen very many movies with Noel Coward in the cast.
  7. What she needs is a lot of prayer, and she needs to pray a lot. I applaud her for her desire to keep her marriage together, and her willingness to keep up appearances until such time as they are both out. I think that John "igotout" Richeson and his wife Hope are the examples that your friend should follow. Hope waited for 5 years for John to reach the conclusion that they should leave TWItland. I think that Hope would have a lot of good advice for your friend on how to cope, how to gently nudge in the right direction, etc.
  8. So who is Ashley Smith, and what did she do?
  9. According to this article , the chatting you do on AIM (that's AOHELL Instant Messenger) is not private any longer. Enjoy!
  10. Steve!

    E-mail Scams

    It is possible to send an e-mail with a flag that tells the sender if a message was read (like a postal "return receipt"). When I receive such an e-mail, my Norton Internet Security program asks me if I want to send the return receipt. (Usually, I don't.) I imagine that other virus protection software does the same thing. George Also, emails containing HTML graphics can alert a sender that this is a valid email address, and therefore you end up with more spam.
  11. Ummmm. What? Translation, please!
  12. My knickers ain't in a twist, I'm just trying to help Chattski understand what was said. I didn't think that "Ang" was all that understandable, is all.
  13. Oh, jaro, don't kill yourself! Get counseling, or something, don't do this! Alfa the kat, everyone needs a pair of socks!
  14. What's an Ang? --> Ummm, that would be better spelled "Andge" or "Anj" rather than Ang. It was the nickname for one of the main characters of the show, by the other of the main characters.
  15. Steve!

    A Thread For Quitters

    Well, yeah, but . . . she SMOKES. and I mean cigarettes.
  16. Steve!

    A Thread For Quitters

    I'm so glad you approve! I wasn't sure you would like that idea!
  17. Hmmm, Tref, perhaps you could choose a different movie for Michael Caine, or a different actor from "The Italian Job"? I did a lookup and found that Noel Coward's films were all pre-1970, and none of them with the exception of the aforementioned was all that successful here in the colonies.
  18. Steve!

    A Thread For Quitters

    Yeah, anything that will hold your attention for a while. Like, maybe, um, karaoke?
  19. Steve!

    A Thread For Quitters

    The trick to it is . . . Don't think about cigarettes. Don't you think about them! Stop thinking about them! Don't you dare think about cigarettes!
  20. Steve!


    Q. Why are divorces so expensive? A. Because they're worth it! A comic I heard once said, "Marriage? Why would I want to get married? If I ever feel like getting married, I'll cut out all the middle steps, find some woman I hate, and give her a house!" Of course, now that I'm so happily married, statements like these no longer carry any emotional weight for me.
  21. Steve!

    A Thread For Quitters

    Hmmm, where's MIKE? How many would you execute for a *good* drag?
  22. Steve!

    Naming Names.

    Washer of Moddishes, you shoulda closed this topic when you had a chance! muhahaha You're probably asking yourself, "Is nothing sacred?" And the obvious answer to that is "Duh! Of course not!"
  23. Steve!

    Naming Names.

    Yeah, I know, Raf. I was trying to be "nice", I guess it just doesn't work for me.
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