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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Steve!


    Not Marsha - Dottie Moneyhands.
  2. So Raf, get the heck off of AOL, already! AOL = "The Internet on training wheels"
  3. You're right about that first note. Was that her real son that played the son in the series? I had heard a rumor that it was.
  4. R O'R, that's a beautiful idea!
  5. Steve!

    TWI math

    Someone mentioned TWI math in another thread, and I thought that it would make a great thread of its own. Okay, how about: TWI minus 90% of its followers = a "much cleaner, stronger household" (in their twisted thinking, anyway) loy martinpuke plus other men's wives = "the right of the king" you + God = "absolutely ridiculous! That's what the leader.... is there for!" 15% of your income = God's spit
  6. A b*dard of brownnosers. A g*er of @ssh0les.
  7. By all means, then, go with Dell. You'll probably get a better deal that way. Just know, though, that if you need warranty work, you'll ship it to Texas. They're reliable, sturdy, nice looking. I haven't experienced a lot of problems with them.
  8. I use a lot of different computers, due to working at a technical university, and working in a technical job, and having 4 computers at home. The PCs that have given me the least amount of problems are the HPs, or that is to say, HP/Compaqs. Watch for a sale - with graduations coming soon, and PCs being a verrry popular graduation gift, there will be *LOTS* of good deals on PCs available. DON'T buy over the internet, because you have to wait for shipping, then if you have any kind of problem with the PC you have to ship it somewhere, etc. PCs all come with an ethernet port now. Try to get one Bluetooth or Wireless enabled.
  9. Steve!

    When is it OK?

    And what about that case recently in the UK, where an abortion was performed on a baby that had a cleft palate? The baby would have been born with a physical deformity, and potential handicap - but I know people with cleft palates, that doesn't stop them from living full lives.
  10. Steve!

    If Steve! Were God

    Perhaps brie with Pepperidge Farm goldfish crackers? Or Cindy!'s famous home-baked sourdough bread?
  11. Ummmm, OM, "Patty" is a woman's name. You mean "Paddy".
  12. One summer I took B vitamins regularly, and noticed that mosquitos and biting flies weren't bothering me at all, and I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, could there be a connection?" Just a few months ago it was announced that mosquitos avoid certain people, and one thing these people have in common is taking B vitamins.
  13. Suz, call Cindy! or me about this weekend!
  14. Steve!

    If Steve! Were God

    Raf, I get the wine, but why pound cake?
  15. Gaaah, I just had a really ugly thought. Could you imagine growing old while still in that cult? Reaching retirement age, in such a sheltered environment? Ick.
  16. A moneyhands of false counselors. A waycorps of anal retentives. A panar*llo of idiots. An edh*rney of micromanagers.
  17. It's Dicky! or was that Mickey? I get those 2 little rascals confused.
  18. If ExWayDaryl *were* straight, then he'd be owed apologies by several guys . . .
  19. Part of me thinks that the defense attorneys keep the appeals going as long as possible to keep the revenue streams from drying up.
  20. Yes, Zshot, your postcard made it! OnionEater, your envelope made it to the school as well!
  21. Kill Bill: Volume 1 Daryl Hannah Memoirs of an Invisible Man I think you got the spelling right, Belle!
  22. Awww, do I hafta? ;)-->
  23. He won't be in with the general population - he'll be on death row.
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