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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. And in the process be condescending and accuse all other posters of having no social skills. Of course, it takes social skills to recognize the existence or lack thereof of same in others . . .
  2. Al Pacino The Devil's Advocate Keanu ("I'm as wooden as a cigar store indian!" Reeves
  3. Nope, guess again. Here's another quote from the same movie. You have never once thanked me!
  4. diazbro - I don't see anyone here speaking against the marriage. I went and reread the whole thread, and not one post criticizes the marriage. I think that as humans, they are entitled to seek happiness, and if I knew them, I would certainly wish them every happiness possible.
  5. Steve!

    Bad Manners

    Sharon - one thing you will need to do if you go to smileycentral is be sure to install some spyware blaster or adware removal software on your computer. Smileycentral loads all kinds of crap on your computer.
  6. Steve!

    If Pawtucket Were God

    And people would dress up in their finest Greasespotcafe T-shirts for their Sunday religious service.
  7. Why not name this thread what it *really* is? "Here is a thread just for om just so that he won't derail other threads with his extremely narrow, biased, screwed up point of view".
  8. I had a cat named Schrodinger once, but mostly to save time I called him "dammit" - "dammit, your litter box is over there!", "dammit, the door's open, are you coming in?", "dammit, you knocked over a plant again!".
  9. Sure. He's the CEO of a Forbes 100 corporation. Guffaw! I can't even type that with a straight face! At last report he had 2 jobs - loading trucks for UPS, and working as a personal trainer at a well known health club.
  10. Well, Dave, on your way to Indiana, you are certainly welcome to stop and visit at the house of !.
  11. David - the counters are not exactly reliable. They hardly ever reflect the truth.
  12. Chas, you're not serious, are you?
  13. Duh, of course it was, my bad.
  14. Wordwolf, there's no point in trying to argue with om. Some people just naturally have no sense of empathy. Their brains are wired differently. One person can look at what happened at the World Trade Center and cry for days at the humanity of it all, another can look at it and say, "Shame. Those were nice buildings." There is a characteristic that is common among people that lack the natural emotional response of empathy. That characteristic is they tend to focus on a few specific things. You could write a post in the prayer forum about a woman that was run over by a car, and a person without empathy would post, "She had some accountability for the accident too! She should have looked both ways, she shouldn't have been in the street" etc, etc, ad nauseum. Trying to explain a legitimate empathetic response to someone who has no empathy is like trying to explain the color fuchsia to a person born blind.
  15. VHF, starring Weird Al Yankovic Danish? Da-a-a-nish?
  16. Unless God is telling you what to say, anything you say would be heard like on the Charlie Brown cartoons - "wa waa wa wa waaawa wa waa". Meaningless noise. Just like every single one of OM's posts.
  17. So then, Def, you might know Tim and Coll**n Nich#ls#n? I knew Dave and Jen before they got married. Smatter of fact, I took Dave out for his bachelor party - a few of us went to a bar in Portland called Claudia's (LingoJonny, if you're reading this, does that ring a bell?). Beforehand, Jen had me promise that he wouldn't get too drunk to get married. Well, to keep that promise, we took him out 2 days before the wedding so that even the hangover would be (mostly) gone by that time. We got a pitcher of beer between the 3 of us, and other bleevers kept drifting into the bar, buying him beer, so by the end of the night he'd had 8 or 9. But what he didn't know until 2 days later was that I had been spiking his beer with vodka! Which would explain why he had no recollection whatsoever of that night or the next day.
  18. Jerry Maguire Renee Zellweger Chicago
  19. There's always the electronic mammary gland, the good old glowing baby sitter. 3 year olds *love* to watch the same video over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ad infinitum, or rather, ad nauseum. Just stick a "Beauty and the Beast" DVD in, or "Aladdin", or any of those kiddie movies. That will keep his jaw slack for a while.
  20. Well, you could leave him alone with a roll of duct tape and a tube of super glue . . . bad steve
  21. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Keanu Reeves The Matrix
  22. I've never seen him before in my life.
  23. Wow, I had no idea we had someone so famous here at da spot!
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