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Everything posted by Steve!
David - There is a "health drink" that is growing in popularity in India and in various places in the US. It is said that this drink cures a variety of ills and prevents a variety of other ills, even athlete's foot. This drink is sterile. Hundreds of thousands of people absolutely swear by this drink, and testimonials abound. Hundreds of thousands of people can't be wrong, can they? So to echo posts by you - before you go naysaying the health benefits of this beverage, please drink one bottle of it a day for 5 months, and then come back and tell us what you've experienced. Remember, YOU set this standard. No lie, this drink is - are you ready? - your own urine. So if you are unwilling to subject yourself to the rigorous testing that you yourself have demanded of others, you have no grounds on which to disagree with hundreds of thousands of other people, some of which may be reading this thread! Therefore, BY *YOUR* STANDARDS, you *absolutely must* accept this as true, unless you do the testing yourself. And if you disagree, you are a jerk.
they fly through the air with the greatest of ease and kick others senseless sorry Raf, happy now?
I sit corrected. Sometimes it's difficult to convey - and receive - tone via text.
I dunno, Raf, I'm thinking that lovematters sounds rather tense, and that his prior responses to me may have been somewhat less than sincere. Perhaps in addition to blowing bubbles through a straw into his bottle of water, he should maybe consider adding a couple of shots of whiskey? or maybe even not adding the water?
You're certainly welcome! I'm always ready to give some friendly advice when it's needed. I'm glad you appreciate it!
If you're going to post a question in public, it's open to anyone to answer it and it is realistic for the person responding to expect to NOT receive a bitchy response. If you only want David to see and answer your question, I suggest you PT him. And you would get about as much oxygen in water using a fishtank aerator as you would blowing bubbles through a straw into it.
JL - your best bet is just to completely ignore mike. He would bear docvic's(praise be his name) child if he could. His nose is buried so far up docvic's(praise be his name) figurative backside that he could tell you what was eaten 5 minutes ago, were docvic(praise be his name) still alive. mike is the idolater of all idolaters. he is the tupos. he is the penultimate, the quintessential idolater. So you won't exactly get an unbiased perspective from him.
I would have thought that after you left TWI you would have given up being pompous and the "I'm just absolutely right and everyone that disagrees with me is a jerk and wrong" attitude. Oh, well, wishful thinking I guess.
Hmmm, that could only be Memento
In places like this, there will always be peaks and valleys. The Christmas season is usually pretty slow, middle of summer is slow. So right now we're in a bit of a lull. It'll pick back up - it always does.
Dude, lay off the cannabis!
Umm, I wouldn't go installing any toolbars just yet. Most of the toolbars out there are spyware. Also, if you have your firewall up and running, keyloggers are not such a problem. A firewall will not allow unauthorized outbound traffic.
If Jesus Christ could find it in his heart to accept prostitutes, tax collectors, and murderers, who am I to go around pointing fingers and screaming?
I don't think that bringing corporal punishment back to the schools is a very good idea at all. Look at all the problems they're having with teachers and molestation. Plus if we had corporal punishment in the schools, liability insurance would have to be increased, and that money's gotta come from somewhere. And it really should be a parent's responsibility to administer a spanking if that's what's called for. But one of the problems is that there are too many parents who take the attitude "My kid right or wrong!" and assume that the teachers are picking on their kids or just plain don't like them. I *do* think that teachers should have some means of maintaining discipline in the classroom. But if teachers use good classroom management techniques, discipline problems tend to lessen both in severity and in occurrence.
Hmmmm, sounds intriguing - and quite lucrative. How do *I* get a piece of that?
It's not a matter of believing but rather simply accepting that what Paw says, is. As Yoda said, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
Yeah, if I could switch my bowling score with my gulf score, I'd be happier.
David - you call us ignorant, you call us uninformed, you call us jerks. How many Pulitzer prizes have *you* been nominated for?
Oh, I dunno. Rascal has posted about positive experiences she had with docvic(praise be his name) without being branded a docvic(praise be his name) apologist or worshipper. Others have, also. Methinks you paint with too broad a brush.
I think you did the right thing by switching.
We didn't get all that many pictures, but what we got will be posted. Hey, if you want to see pix, be in them! Get your butts on out to the next Gspot event! I think that will probably be the weenie roast, because I wouldn't presume to call the Oak/Reiki wedding a Gspot event.
Well, Def, it was day before yesterday.
Lessee, Saturday night, SecondJames showed up, ExWayDaryl came over, and Suz stopped by for a short time. Yes, there was drink flowing, but nobody got blitzed. Bowtwi, her daughter, and her fiance came Sunday morning, and we made omelets. They got a late start on Saturday due to a personal tragedy. Cindy!'s got all the pix in her cellphone, she may post them tonight.
Dang, I made it II easy.
"I *hate* manure!"