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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. I would say the same to you, nevercuver.
  2. Just what we need here at GSpot - another Prophet of the Most High God. For those of you that don't know, nervecurve is a legend in his own mind. Some have speculated that "nervecurve" might be loyboy's screen name.
  3. Oh, good, nerdcurve's back. NC, signals is new here. He/she hasn't yet had the time needed to experience much catharsis. Besides, who appointed you the boss? Last time *I* checked, posters here weren't required to obey *you*. Has that changed?
  4. MH - our cats can catch birds in flight! Squirrels are no match for them.
  5. Our cats can catch squirrels - squirrels don't mess with our cats!
  6. Whine, whine, whine. I liked you better when you were smoking! ;)-->
  7. I don't get it. Is there a joke in there somewhere?
  8. I can just picture it - loyboy, rozilla and whoever meeting in a room after wayap runs at least once in every region - loyboy says, "Are they still here? Oh my God, they'll believe *anything*!" rozilla answers, "Now what are we gonna do? How do we get these people to leave?" loyboy responds, "I know! Let's start browbeating and micromanaging these people - THAT will get them to finally go!"
  9. I don't know why anyone has to "go" anywhere. Of course, people get so used to going - going to fellow...., going to limb meetings, going to branch meetings, going going going. Wake up, people! God doesn't really care if you "go" ANYWHERE!
  10. Dang! I never saw that movie, I was just guessing.
  11. So are you going to do a "If RuPaul were straight" thread now? ;)-->
  12. Steve!

    oil shortage

    Thanks, +odd, for clarifying that.
  13. John Candy Summer Rental Richard Crenna
  14. It's a learned accent. He grew up in Yorkshire. I saw him on a British interview show not too long ago, and he demonstrated his York accent and dialect for the audience, and he was nigh unintelligible.
  15. Why "obviously"? Is it a known fact that she will die shortly after or during childbirth?
  16. commodore runs town he owes me apology sailor wins them all
  17. I can see om's point about how the money helped you be committed. If you hadn't had to fork over any cash, would you have stuck around through all 12 sessions? See, cuz the REAL money wasn't in the piffle class - it was in the weekly "abundant" "sharing" and "love offerings".
  18. Radar, please check your PTs!
  19. Sure, Tref, in some states, squirrels are considered a delicacy. You can even order squirrel in some restaurants in Kentucky, or so I'm told . . .
  20. Steve!

    oil shortage

    Uhhhhmmmm, what? It cost about 1 barrel of oil to get about 30 what? 30 barrels? How can 1 barrel of oil cost 30 barrels? Splain, please!
  21. Yup, sho nuff, and he called her "maman" (mah-maw, roughly) which is French for mama.
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