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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Don't pout, Cindy!, it's *my* fault, I posted an incorrect link, and you followed my bad post.
  2. Ahhh, smikeol, thine false humility is not necessary, you are among sycophants! If only docvic(praise be his name) were here to see how grout Thou hast become in his (docvic's(praise be his name)) word. Look! Look! The Spot made by Grease has a Prophet of the Most High God! Truly he is a legend in his own mind!
  3. Oh Thou Great and Glorious smikeol, we thank thee for thine all-encompassing grace! We thank thee for thine concern for our well-being! Behold, and Angel of the Lord hath descended from Heaven and said, "Verily, Thou art smikeol, Prophet of the Most High God! Verily thou art a legend in thine own mind!" We are on our knees, prostate, thanking the Most High God that He hath deigned to hear our prayers and send us smikeol, the Prophet of the Most High God!
  4. Oh thou Great and Glorious smikeol, thou hast verily spewed thine vomitus all over the pages of the Holy Spot of Grease. Whatever shouldst we have done without you? Whatever couldst we have done without you, with your Blessings of JesusTM upon your every work? Everyone, Behold! Hereso Goeth a Prophet of the Most High God! Verily a legend in his own mind!
  5. Since he's in Iraq, it may be a while before he posts, but don't let that stop you from sending stuff! As far as cigarettes - I'm sure hard pack vs. soft pack is not really that big a deal, as long as they are Camel Filters. Of course, he's in a war zone - which do you think would be the better to send? My guess would be hard pack. I'm pretty sure that M & M's would be pretty welcome - they were actually developed for people in this type of situation. I'm also pretty sure that if you were to send some hard candy that he could give away to local children, that that would be welcome too. Other American things like toothpaste and toothbrushes, chocolate chip cookies, etc, help to brighten a military person's day. OMedic, I hope you don't mind my posting in your stead.
  6. Def, please, that's what this game is all about! Apologies? Congratulations are in order!
  7. Dumb and Dumber Jim Carrey Me, Myself and Irene
  8. Oh great, yet another thread infected and infested by smikeol.
  9. Steve!

    Caption Contest

    Where will YOU be when your diarrhea acts up?
  10. Steve!

    Caption Contest

    Okay, the Arkieman's all the way back. "Can you hear me now? Good!"
  11. Ummm, you mean the 1954 version, Raf. The 1976 version is the one I referenced. And my bad, before this I hadn't realized there *were* versions.
  12. Steve!

    chat room?

    You're not holding your mouth right.
  13. Barbra Streisand Yentl Amy Irving
  14. Well, of course it's the world in general. It's just that in a Christian organization, you should feel free to let your guard down. You shouldn't have to always be looking over your shoulder. Someone once said that true Christianity is the way of a Father with His family. Is that the kind of family you would want to be a part of?
  15. Why would anyone want to be a part of an organization like that? How Godly is that? And you think God has nothing better out there?
  16. There's only 2 weeks or so left of school, so unless Pawtucket gets him in the mail to you today or tomorrow, Flat Stanley needs to go back to school.
  17. Ummm, I don't know, Raf, why *did* you know?
  18. On another thread, Belle mentioned that she was scared that someone would receive revelation that she was looking at internet sites. So this is an open question to innies. Do you believe that your leader.... receive revelation? Have you seen evidence of it? Or is it just another case of mental assent? Tom Oakspear inadvertently tested his leader.... for a few years, and found out that none of them were truly tapped in. If you have the capacity to question, if you have the ability to think critically, ask yourselves this question: if the leader.... aren't receiving revelation, then what are you afraid of? And why are you sticking around? Those people are the *best* that God can do? God's not big enough? Puh-lease!
  19. Hey, what gives? THEre ain't no justice! Where are all THE loyal followers of THE? How can this be?
  20. I'm not being nit-picking. I'm curious. Why did you think that anyone in TWIt would get revelation? Has anyone demonstrated any proficiency in the manifestation of Word of Knowledge? Has anyone in TWIt been seen as getting accurate revelation these last 15-20 years? In my recall, I can't think of *anyone* above me actually receiving revelation, that I could tell, from the time I got involved, although people were able to see it in me, and I was able to see it in me.
  21. Well, it's been posted that he had HPV - a.k.a. genital warts.
  22. There's a song by Will Smith from a couple of years ago that is just wonderful. It's called "Just the 2 of us".
  23. Yeah, G, a pic of Yoda smoking a spliff. The caption on the pic is "Fear leads to anger . . . Anger leads to stress . . . Stress leads to Doobies . . . and Doobies lead to Twinkies."
  24. Dang, I always make it too easy.
  25. Nope, not "Spiderman 2". I'll add another quote to narrow it down: "But they were all bad men."
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