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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. I do understand the attempt at humor. Perhaps if you substituted another name instead of Ann Coulter it would make more sense. Maybe Hillary Clinton or Rozilla Rivenfart might be more appropriate? or Cameron Diaz - not that she's a bad person, or anything, she's just dumb as a tree stump.
  2. By the way, ( * ), I don't see anyone disputing the therapeutic value of hyperbaric chambers. You are incorporating fallacious logic by trying to say that since hyperbaric chambers and oxygenated water both make use of pressurized oxygen, they are co-equal in benefits. That's like saying that iron dietary supplements and cars both make use of iron, so you might as well eat a car. That would pretty much be a moronic statement, wouldn't you agree?
  3. ( * ) 1. The previous post mentions NOTHING AT ALL about oxygenated water until your closing comment. 2. A major case of the pot calling the kettle black. If it weren't for comments like these, many posters would have much less problem with your pompousness and arrogance.3. I see much more of that coming from you than from anyone else. Again, pot and kettle.I repeat, ( * ).
  4. Oh, great. Gee, thanks! Now I've got "Lady of Spain" running in my head and can't get it out.
  5. Cindy! makes a lamb roast on the barbecue that is out of this world. She marinates it in plain yogurt, rosemary, and some other stuff, grills it until it's dark pink in the middle, then it keeps cooking after you take it off, so that by the time you serve it 20 minutes later, it's absolutely mouthwatering.
  6. Chevy Chase National Lampoon's Vacation Anthony Michael Hall
  7. Beware thou Pharisees, hypocrites! Don't misinterpret the words of smikeol! he is verily a Prophet! of the Most! High! God! Do not incur his wrath! He might do something REALLY mean, like maybe leave! Verily, smikeol stands approved in the eyes of docvic(praise be his name), and it would be folly to run afoul of such an one. For surely docvic(praise be his name) will one day arise from the grave, for the grave is no match for his abundance of brains and brawn, and he will smite you with such a smiting that verily thine great-grandchildren will feel it.
  8. Oh smikeol! You have verified that I am unworthy! Thou art completely ignoring my posts! Oh the shame of it all! But in the words of docvic(praise be his name) "Pride goeth before the fall". Oh, to be deemed worthy to sit in the stench of smikeol! the Prophet! of the Most! High! God!
  9. Oh, smikeol! I am not worthy to grovel at your feet! Verily, I am not worthy to be the toilet paper that wipes your foot! God is so kind to us, so benevolent, to have found such an one as yourself, to give to us. And to keep on giving to us in the face of unceasing opposition, when a lesser (or perhaps smarter?) person would have washed his hands of us long ago! Teach us OLGs what it means to properly interpret TVT! Teach us how to find all of the extremely hidden secrets in the Secret Lost Last (or was it Last Lost?) Teaching of docvic(praise be his name). Hey, everyone, come and sit at the (smelly) feet of smikeol, the Prophet! of the Most! High! God!
  10. Verily, when smikeol was new born, an Angel! of the Most! High! God! came and said unto him, "Thou art smikeol, and thou shalt be third in my kingdom - first comes docvic(praise be his name), verily I have given him an abundance of brains and brain; then comes Jesus who is Christ, who even now is learning from the teachings of docvic(praise be his name); then you, for thou art smikeol, a legend in his own mind." Woe to you, hypocrites, who reject the guidance and loving reproof of smikeol! For thou art as a cockroach, fit only to be trod upon, with thine guts smeared across the floor and the bottom of smikeol's shoes. Turn away from your sins and judgmentalism! Turn away, I say, and do it now! Heed the words of smikeol, the Prophet of the Most! High! God!
  11. Oh, smikeol, many of us our down on our knees, begging, pleading, "smikeol, what shall we do? what shall we do? Lead us, please! Show us OLGs the True! Way! of Piffle! while helping us to avoid the pitfalls of TVT" For verily thou hast been sent by an Angel of God the Most! High! to bring us to the plateau where an Advanced Christ can Form WithinTM. How can we do this without The smikeol?
  12. Steve!

    Its Field Day!

    It's been *years* since I've practiced, but I can still decipher Morse Code at about 8 wpm. I used to could do about 18.
  13. I stand ashamed before the throne of the Most! High! God! smikeol's words have cut me to the heart. Yea, verily, I must have upset smikeol very much. Woe to those that mess with smikeol! For verily, it were better that a millstone were placed around their necks and they were cast into the sea! Such will one day be their rewards! Do you all hear me now? smikeol hath said "Thou shalt not mess with the smikeol, for verily the Most! High! God! and docvic(praise be his name) don't much care for that kind of thing!" I feel so bad, smikeol must be sniffling into his tissue still, after having been smited so stoutly. Perhaps smikeol should heed the words of Simon the Lesser: "Don't go away mad! Just go away!" or the words of FDR: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
  14. Or if you want, you can send Stan to us, and we'll show him a good time (but not TOO good - after all, he IS a minor!) and forward him whereever.
  15. Steve!

    Its Field Day!

    I participated in one back when I was in high school, quite the event it was! I was on a 2-meter handheld, and through repeaters I was able to talk to someone 3 states away. Our group also had some equipment for Novice class kids to use - a 40 kHz code key radio. The farthest state we got on that that day was California, I think.
  16. smikeol has spoken! All praise the Most! High!God! for He hath verily showered blessings upon us by giving us a Prophet! when we didn't even know we needed one. When we didn't even want one. There's no need to fear! smikeol is here! He shall guide us OLGs around TVT, into the light of the True Piffle!!! If only docvic(praise be his name) were around to see it, with his abundance of Brains and Brawn, which may have served to make up for his lack of an eye. Oh, how the ground quaked! with every step he took! And now smikeol is here to trumpet the way of docvic(praise be his name). But make sure you don't eat too much paste in the process.
  17. Steve!

    Its Field Day!

    Oh, so your QSL is Michigan, is it?
  18. Belle, you must not have looked at all the pictures - they DO have 4 bunk beds in some of the rooms!
  19. And notice how Kevin Corcoran's character's name is "Moochie" in almost everything he was in, including "The Shaggy Dog", "The Adventures of Spin and Marty", etc. That's just like Tony Danza - he only plays characters named Tony. Is this some sort of mental deficiency or something?
  20. Not only that, but to change would mean that they would have to admit to themselves that they aren't "believing" for God's abundance, and it would mean that they would have to face the reality of what life will be like for them when they reach their "golden" years. It ain't a pretty picture.
  21. Ummm, what Donna are you talking about?
  22. Correction - with two of the dirty dozen!
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