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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Holy mackerel, you were fast! I figgered it would take someone at LEAST half an hour or so!
  2. 21. Snacking during the teaching shall be required.
  3. Okay, then: "We call 'em 'Woof Sweets'. Dogs love 'em."
  4. 16. Questioning of the sMOG during the middle of the teaching will be highly encouraged, and interrupting the answer with some half-baked additional question is even better.
  5. Right, then. Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl?
  6. But those women don't sing, do they? Oh, but they would take better care of the mog, wouldn't they?
  7. They spent *months* comparing the quality of video and audio between beta and VHS. What they didn't take into account was that Sony had all the patents for Beta all locked up, and therefore Beta could never rise to be an industry standard, and therefore the price could never come down below that of VHS, and therefore would never have a competetive edge, and therefore die a painful death. I *did* prefer the quality of video and audio of Beta, and I *did* prefer the smaller size of the Beta tapes. But I reaaaaallly resented the fact that my Beta machine was obsolete before its time.
  8. Monty Python and the Meaning of Life?
  9. Okay, then . . . Molly Ringwald The Pickup Artist Robert Downey, Jr. Is Robert Downey, Junior the brother of Morton Downey, Junior?
  10. It's not about not replacing the paper - it's about being such a moron as to not notice it's gone until it's too late and then blaming someone else for his lack of observation skills.
  11. Or maybe you could PT her and ask her for her line?
  12. So he was demonstrating that he was completely inept, was he? If he was so damned sharp, why didn't he "receive revelation" to look at the toilet paper holder? Geeze, what a moron!
  13. I've heard nothing but good things about this. If I were at all willing to sit through another (*shudder!*) class, this would be the one I'd take. Oh, I remember you - you were never with TWI but you were dating B*ll Gr**ne's son, right? So you wouldn't recognize references like Maggie Muggins, Herman Bulloco, Johnny Jumpup and Snowball Pete - these were all "characters" in docvic's(praise be his name) piffle class, "borrowed" from B. G. Leonard's earlier class.
  14. Coolchefadelphia - it will probably be released for retail consumption in March 2006 - March is usually when it's been released. Don't anyone tell Cindy! but I'll be taking her and the kids to see this for her birthday.
  15. My wow fambly cooordinator said that docvic(praise be his name) said at advanced piffle 79 that Wendy's used worms in their hamburgers. Uh huh. As if.
  16. It's your own damn fault you need a flak jacket!
  17. Hmmm, interesting, Johnyouare. But it would have the opposite effect - it would distract, and people would lose focus, because it was so idiotic. As far as devotion with motion - what's so "motion" about keeping your hand up in the air until your increment is reached? And it was *reaaaaally* bad when he would do this more than once during a big meeting. Urggggh! find me a barf bag!
  18. My roommate was a stick leader for a stick that I wasn't involved in, thank goodness! He would often conduct prayer that would last an hour or more. Everyone would be sitting holding hands, and he'd pause for 3 or 4 seconds between each request. It was gawd-awful! I didn't want to interrupt stick fellowship once when I came home during the proceedings, so I waited in the garage for 45 minutes. I'd peek in every 10 minutes or so, and they'd still be praying! 3 or 4 of them would be sound asleep at any given time. And song leading! He would take that song "Peace, peace" and have his stick fellowship sing it 4 times, first time "peace, peace, wonderful peace", second time "joy, joy, wonderful joy", third time "love, love, wonderful love", fourth time "peace, love, wonderful joy" - it would go SOOOOO SLOOOOOWLY. The glazed looks would start before even the second time.
  19. "The greatest leader among you shall be the greatest servant" indeed!
  20. Here's a hilarious one: "You are welcome at The Way"
  21. Whoops, guess we did. But you're right, go ahead.
  22. "I told them I had a meeting with Britain's premier equestrian reporter."
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