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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Could you have made it more obvious? "The Trouble With Tribbles"
  2. Right in one! And in a couple of years the sequel finally comes out . . .
  3. What??? No, nowhere even close!! "On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy" "My User has information that could... that could make this a free system again! No, really! You'd have programs lined up just to use this place, and no MCP looking over your shoulder. "
  4. "Are you a user?" "I've gotten 1,247 times smarter since then" "Hey, hey, hey, it's the big Master Control Program everybody's talking about"
  5. "Are you a user?" "I've gotten 1,247 times smarter since then"
  6. Yes, and I can see that our canine friend knows the episode.
  7. I dunno, that partly sounds like the one where Spock battles Kirk to the "death" to win his wife, but then ends up giving her to the guy she really wants. And then when Kirk turns up alive, Spock smiles - weird!
  8. "I will have to say that this morning, I was the leader of the universe as I knew it. This afternoon, I am only a voice in a chorus. But I think it was a good day."
  9. That's the one where terrorists hold the bridge crew captive in the party room, and Picard is still on board the Enterprise because he left his saddle. The terrorists on board the Enterprise spot him, and he tells them his name is Mot, the barber. It's a cool episode.
  10. "Phantasms" is correct, of course. Here is the passage WW was referring to: Data lying on an analyst's couch, staring up at the ceiling. DATA It is difficult to explain. Counselor Troi's body was -- a cake. Freud raises a bushy eyebrow, intrigued. FREUD Her upper-body... (scribbles a note) Describe the knife you used to... "cut" the Counselor. DATA It had a black handle and a serrated blade. And it was quite long. Freud reacts. FREUD How long? DATA Approximately twenty-five centimeters in length. Freud nods and grunts, as if this has great meaning. FREUD What happened next? Data remembers. DATA One of the workmen pointed to her right shoulder. At that moment, I felt an overwhelming urge to cut a piece out of the cake. FREUD And did you... ? Data's face darkens slightly -- he's troubled by the memory. DATA Yes. As I began to slice the cake, she reacted as though I was causing her pain. And yet, I could not stop cutting. (beat) It was then that I woke up. FREUD Mmm... Freud jots down another note. DATA I am curious, Doctor Freud... what do my nightmares mean? Freud takes a moment, then he sets down his note pad and stands... moves to a nearby cigar box and takes out a VERY LARGE CIGAR. He toys with it throughout the scene. FREUD I believe you are experiencing a classic dismemberment dream. Or in your case... being a mechanical man... a dismantlement dream. DATA I do not understand. As Freud explains, he moves about the room, quickly rattling off his theories with great enthusiasm. FREUD Your mechanistic qualities are trying to reassert themselves over your human tendencies. Ego and id are struggling for domination. The "workmen" symbolize the ever-present id constantly working to destroy the ego. (beat) The image of Counselor Troi, a female, is devoured by you... clearly indicating an unconscious desire to possess your own mother. DATA But I do not have a mother. FREUD (quickly) Do not interrupt. The knife and its violent connotation suggests a certain feeling of sexual inadequacy... DATA I have no sexual desires. FREUD (reacts) Ach! Repression on top of everything. It is all becoming clear to me now... (thinks) There might be a paper in this... I could call it "Mister D: An Analysis of Android Dementia." Data stands up from the couch -- he's had enough. DATA I do not believe I am being helped by this session. Freud turns to Data, raising his voice. FREUD Classic transference! Your anger toward me is, in fact, the animosity you feel toward your father. (beat) You are a polymorphously-perverse individual, Mister Data, and I recommend full psychoanalysis. He glances at his note pad. FREUD (continuing) I believe I can fit you in... next Tuesday. DATA That will not be necessary. (to computer) Computer -- end program.
  11. Nope! Perhaps if I add the accent . . . "Kill zem! Kill zem all!" "Cellular peptide cake"
  12. That's from TOS. That's the one where the Klingons arm one side of a conflict between 2 primitive peoples, and Kirk arms the other side. Kirks blond haired friend is married to the local healer who heals Kirk and tries to bed him.
  13. Steve!

    Pick a Car!

    I'm melting!!!
  14. Steve!

    Pick a Car!

    We looked at the Solstice, and it turned out to be too small - I'm 6'2", and my knees would have been in my face in that car. We looked at a Honda CR-V, which is kinda sporty, but not quite "it". We looked at a Pontiac G6, with its retractable hardtop, and that wasn't quite "it". The Pontiac dealer also deals Hyundais and Buicks, but none of them appealed to me. Then we went to Mitsubishi. I test drove an Eclipse Spyder. I fell in love with it the moment I sat in it. I take delivery of it Monday. Here's a pic of a 2007, but it's almost exactly the same as the 2008. Oh, and just like with the Outlook, we really didn't intend to buy a car today. We were only going to comparison shop, and do test drives, and stuff. But they wouldn't take no for an answer, and they even let us leave them a post-dated check. And they came down a couple thousand on the price. Next week we will not be shopping for a mortgage.
  15. Steve!

    Pick a Car!

    On the Pontiac sight, I just saw the Solstice - if that feels as good as it looks, that may be it!
  16. Steve!

    OH MY GOD!!!!

    I have rarely seen Cindy! so psyched as today. This is the first brand new car that she has ever bought, and I am so glad that I can be a part of it. She really deserves it after all that she had been through in prior years, and all the hard work she has done over the years to overcome it, and all the effort she put into protecting her children, and into helping them get over the bad stuff. It really is a well-deserved reward for her!
  17. In my first marriage, I settled for what I thought was love, because at the time I was so darned lonely. I found myself having to give up my friends, having to give up on cats, having to give up on my dreams - I didn't get to be myself any more. I thought that I was happy - for a while. Until I figured out that I was far too confined, and that I was never going to be able to do many of the things I wanted to do, at least not without an argument. She had less than a college education, and I have 2 masters degrees, and yet many things I would say, she just plain wouldn't believe until she heard it from someone else. She often told me that until she knew me, she had never felt loved before, not even from her parents. I was very empty, but I didn't really know it at the time. Then along came Cindy! and my life changed completely. The first time I put my arm around her, we both felt that we were "home" for the first time. Since getting with Cindy, I've found that I have the freedom to explore who I really am, and who I want to become. We are havens for each other. I can have the crappiest day going, but as soon as I see the light in my Cindy!'s eyes, it's all forgotten. We'll see Hollywood depictions of love and marriage, and we'll both think, "These people are living SO far below what they could have!" We now know the reasons for marriage. Every day is a new day with my Cindy! and being with her never gets old. Just my 2 cents.
  18. Home Alone Joe Pesci My Cousin Vinnie
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