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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Nope! That's the right era, though! Let's add a bit - "Manic actor/singer, comic and movie producer conspire to ruin the career of an up and coming beautiful starlet by publicly humiliating her, showing the world the secret to her success"
  2. Okay, try this - "Manic actor/singer, comic and movie producer conspire to ruin the career of an up and coming beautiful starlet"
  3. It sounds like it could be Cleopatra
  4. Dang, I made it too easy. I should have said "GROUP of mutant freaks. . ." Yep, GStG, show us how it's done!
  5. "Stranger Than Fiction" wasn't all that obscure - it just came out last year, and played in theatres for several weeks. Next movie - "Quartet of mutant freaks prevents brilliant billionaire from realizing his aspirations"
  6. Nope. "Stranger than Fiction" (I think that's the name of it) starring Will Ferrell, in one of the very few roles that he does a decent job in.
  7. Oh, good, I was thinking that I would have to get a whole lot more blatant. Take it away, Wolfie!
  8. "How many is 3?" "Yes, it is I, *Sup*-er Grover! Protector of small children and bunny rabbits! " "Today's show is brought to you by the letter C!" "Mr. Looper!!"
  9. "How many is 3?" "Yes, it is I, *Sup*-er Grover! Protector of small children and bunny rabbits! "
  10. Right click on each icon, click "Properties", and edit the "Open with" textbox - type in "iexplore.exe".
  11. On www.filecabi.net, there is a video titled "Worst Dancers Ever". I watched the video, and noticed all kinds of familiar details. At the end, it said "Copyright The Way International". Take a look!
  12. Steve!


    Ron - The previous storm system that you mentioned that Chicago dealt with was the remnant of Hurricane Gustav. And we actually started getting rain from Ike at about 2 AM Saturday, and it rained - hard! - for most of the next 36 hours straight.
  13. Steve!


    The effects of Hellstorm Ike are far-reaching - here in the Chicago area, there are schools that are closed, and a lot of people have lost power, due to flooding from all the rain we got from Ike. For the first time ever, the Chicago River overflowed its banks. For a lot of people, it took 4 or 5 times as long as normal to get to work this morning. It's this bad over 1000 miles from Houston - I cannot possibly imagine how hard life is going to be in the Houston area for the next month!!
  14. All right. Since you're being so VERY insistent. My real name is George St. George. I feel much better now Steve!
  15. It's not Becker, but you're on the right track!
  16. It's obviously TOS. Is it the one where Vincent Price plays a scientist that puts his mind into the body of an android?
  17. For the first picture, you mighta used this instead:
  18. Oh, Strange one - Do. Or do not. There is no try.
  19. Well done, Raf! Of course, my intention was Gal Axe Eek! West
  20. Well, you got the last word right! What's another word for lady? And once you put the first word together with the correct second word, which GstG had, that should give it away.
  21. The first word is something related to gender - another word for "woman" You got the second and fourth For the third, what appellation might you give to this creature?
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