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Everything posted by Steve!
Switching over from phone line to cable question!
Steve! replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Computer Questions
Chattsy - The cable modem will absolutely speed up your internet experience. As far as firewall software, yes, you should have it, unless you install a router. But you would only need to install a router (cost: about $60) if you are going to connect more than 1 computer to your cable modem. -
Another moral is: she may be beautiful on the outside, but inside she's still a witch!
Hey, if you are in the Downtown Chicago area, I wouldn't mind meeting up with ya. That is, during the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. time period. Or I could stay late one day, but I've got to go teach on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Cool! Congratulations! They say that a man isn't complete until he's married. And then he's finished. Have fun! and best wishes!
There are some "system events" that cause hard reboots like that. There are some viruses that can do it as well. I would go to http:www.antivirus.com and do a complete scan on all hard drives on your machine if I were you. It's free, you don't even have to give your email address if you don't want to. This may find a virus that other antivirus software doesn't find. I found 3 viruses on my computer that Norton Antivirus didn't find. Try that and see. If it finds and cleans viruses, that might fix your problem. If not, is your puter still under warranty?
How often does that happen? every day? once? once an hour? More info, please!
I have a question regarding posting images
Steve! replied to gladtobeout's topic in Computer Questions
Goutie, just make sure you type in the whole URL between the two image tags, including the h t t p : / / But it's probably easier to type the URL into the box when you click the "image" button down below where you type the contents of your post. A box pops up, and you just type into it. Oh, and the tag isn't IMAGE, it's IMG (and of course /IMG for the close). -
All right! the Loy Loo! how perfect.
Hey, lookin, that was quite a well thought out response. And, umm, I didn't mean to sound like I was trying to corner you, or to accuse you of talking out of both sides of your mouth. Sometimes we aren't totally aware of the words we speak (or post). Sometimes we don't even really know our own feelings until and unless someone says, "Hey, didja realize that . . .". Yes, you are correct, I cannot say that ALL leadership are hard hearted. But the core of leadership is. I personally do not attend any sort of fellowship or church, not currently. But there are a lot of posters here that attend varying services. And we have a poster that is a pastor of a Presbyterian church! His handle is Plotinus. There are those that will swear by the TWI off-shoots. My feeling is: they are all TWI "lite". Some really like the Joyce Meyer ministries, because she sounds as if she could be a PFAL grad. Have you thought that perhaps you think that TWI is the "best thing going" is because they are always telling you that? (now THAT'S a tongue twister!) Do you think that God is so powerless, so ineffectual, that He would limit Himself to one small "ministry" of fewer than 4,000 people? Somehow, that doesn't sound right to me. Regards, Steve!
Ya know, lookin, I was wondering that same thing myself.
Umm, Wayferlooking, I'm hearing some conflicting messages. I'm not trying to be snide or accusing. If it's the best thing going, then how come you can't trust your heart to them? If it's the best thing going, then how come they have that micro-management run-your-schedule-past-your-hfc thing going? If it's the best thing going, then how come the leadership from the top down to the LC level and even below have all become hard hearted? And I'm sure you can come up with more questions like that on your own. Are you really so sure that it's the best thing going? Even if their doctrine were 100% sound - and I believe that I understand their doctrine, being a PFAL Advanced Class grad - is that reallllly the kind of people that you want to fellowship with? And what if some of the posters here are right, that their doctrines have fundamental flaws? Research Geek was in the research department. He's got a top 10 list of how TWI misses the boat. And wasn't fellowship always supposed to be so sweet, that even if we got to heaven, and it wasn't there, we had the greatest time going? If you are really happy with your fellowship, then far be it from me to criticize. I say, God bless you, and more power to you! But your very own posts say that you don't have that koinoneo, that full sharing. Regards Steve
Hey, Uppity, weren't the Elliotts 8th corpse?
JustWanna - I think you mean "necrophilia". Or maybe you mean necromancy - that's working witchcraft via the dead. I would call you a sadistic, equestrian necrophiliac, but wouldn't that be beating a dead horse?
I just got this in my email . . . Medical Sex Facts 1. It takes 116 muscles to climax, but only 17 to smile. (But who cares?) 2. Sex makes you alert and ready to face the world ... it's an ideal substitute for a hot breakfast. 3. The greater the orgasm, the deeper the sleep. Multiple orgasms (20 or more per hour) can induce a coma and near-fusion with the mattress. 4. Eat and drink sensibly. The combination of alcohol and sex, especially after long abstinence, can cause spontaneous fizzle. 5. Improved breath control increases oxygen supply throughout entire body, prevents asphyxiation during mighty kisses, trims and tones the pelvis, promotes a stronger upper body enabling you to hold on tight and keep partner from damaging furniture during moments of ecstasy. 6. Better coordination prevents confusion during intricate manipulations, permitting you to talk and perform at the same time. 7. A single ejaculation, especially from a man, contains enough sperm cells to fertilize every woman in the Marines. 8. Oral sex is a great way to firm the lower face. (For whom?) 9. After 16 steady hours of sex, it is wise to check your insurance policy. 10. "Where am I?" should not be considered an abnormal response to immense orgasm. 11. Men who experience difficulty with insertion should see a guidance counselor. 12. Too much arousal can bring on a hard-attack. 13. It's perfectly okay to have sex on an empty stomach, especially if it belongs to your partner. 14. You know that you've had too much sex when your life begins to flash before your eyes. 15. You know I've had too little sex when my partner begins to flash before my eyes. 16. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and in demand. 17. Good sex can correct poor posture, or at least make it stand up straight. 18. Thirty percent of our body heat escapes through the head (wear a hat during sex). 19. Sex on an inclined surface (an anthill, for example) builds endurance. 20. The length of an orgasm is usually anywhere from three to eleven 21. 1970 FDA approves spray-on Vaseline. 22. To prevent bedsores, oil the sheets. 23. Maintenance tip for massages: change the oil every 10,000 strokes. 24. Sexual survival depends on knowing the difference between a birthmark and a rash.
Was, I'm sorry, I don't see what Syrinx has to do with THE, unless . . . Unless you're talking about THE buried tablets under the floor. THE has assumed control! THE has assumed control!
Waitaminnit. I take issue with number 4. Who says ya don't need special sneakers? You do the way *I* do it . . .
Me, too. I was given an optical mouse as a gift. I love it, love it, love it. Incidentally, that junk that gets in your keyboard and mouse is called "kruft". Oh, And Garthp, I was always under the impression that you were someone that would *enjoy* playing with mouse balls. My mistake. (jus' yankin yer chain)
Yes, Plasma, in all likelihood your mouse will never be the same. Attach a little motor to it and give it to a cat as a toy.
How do you spell "brain damage"? p-a-w-t-. . .
That's pretty funny. I just got a postcard the other day - "The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful."
I just know I'm going to get crucifried, but here goes . . . Why does it take longer to make a blonde snowperson than a non-blonde? You have to hollow out the head. ----------------------------- Why is Japan smarter than the US? No blondes --------------------- How can you tell where the blonde's desk is? Wite-out on the monitor
Act2, your ignorance is no problem at all, pull up a chair, enjoy the hospitality, cruise around in the forums, laugh, cry, shout, be outraged. Soon you won't be a newbie any more. Just fyi - a post like this one should go in the Friend Tracker forum.
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely granddaughter This is the dusking of the age of Aquarius
Please credit Dave Barry. This is from his book "Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys".
Catfood? to my dog, cats ARE food!