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Oh, I've got AdAware on my computer (running ME), it was Chinson's computer that had the Free Scratch Cards problem - and I will load AdAware on it tonight!
Ig - Okay, so I stand corrected. I didn't know that AdAware could handle "Free Scratch Cards" and its ilk.
Sorry, Bluze, that wasn't really my intention. It's difficult to convey voice tone with text.
So then what you said does not apply to what I said. "Free scratch cards" was something that we had on a Windoze 98 computer. It does NOT use the messenger service - it is an executable on your hard drive. And you DO have to go into the registry to clean it out. And you DO have to edit your favorites to reset them. And you DO have to delete an executable from your hard drive.
Ig, you're talking about 2K or XP. Will that work for 98 as well? ME?
There's another kind of program out there that causes popups as well. Go to McAfee.com and do a lookup on "Free-Scratch-Cards". It's not a virus, it's an application, but it gets loaded on your system as part of a Trojan Horse - some file sharing software or other transports it and loads it on your system when you execute it. It causes popups when you start up your computer. You have to go into the registry to clean it out, and you have to edit your favorites folder and change your home page back to whatever you wanted it to be, because this app changes all of that. Oh, another plus - it also acts as spyware. So not only is it irritating as all get out, and it slows down your puter, but it tells on you - what sites you visit, etc. Nice, huh? Here's the link for more info: http://vil.mcafee.com/dispVirus.asp?virus_k=100219
How about vagina reductions? Wouldn't that serve a similar purpose as penis enlargements?
Questioning THE is pointless. What is THE? THE just is. It's like asking "If the universe is NOT infinite, in what is it contained?" Just bask in THE glow of THE.
1. Two peanuts walk into a tough waterfront bar. One was a salted. 2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The barman says "I'll serve you, but don't start anything." 3. A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says, "Sorry we don't serve food in here." 4. A dyslexic man walks into a bra and orders a reeb. 5. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer please, and one for the road." 6. Two aerials meet on a roof, fall in love and get married. The ceremony wasn't much but the reception was marvelous. 7. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?" 8. "Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass of Home.'" "That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome." "Is it common?" "It's not unusual." 9. Two cows standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, "I was artificially inseminated this morning." "I don't believe you," said Dolly. "It's true, Dolly, no bull!" 10. An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either. 11. Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, "I've lost my electron." The other says, "Are you sure?" The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive..." 12. Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before. 13. A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet and says, "My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?" "Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him". So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth. Finally, he says "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to put him down." "Why? Just because he's cross-eyed?" "No, because he's really heavy." 14. Apparently, 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese. And there are 5 people in my family, so it must be one of them. It's either my mum or my dad.... or maybe my older brother Colin or my younger brother Ho-Cha Chu. But I'm pretty sure it's Colin. 15. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any. 16. I went to the butchers and I offered to bet him 50 bucks that he couldn't reach the meat on the top shelf. He said, 'No, the steaks are too high.' 17. A man in the hospital after a serious accident was coming out of the anesthetic. He shouted, "Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know you can't, I had to amputate your arms." 18. I went to a seafood rave last week.... and pulled a mussel. 19. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly; but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, thereby proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too. 20. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh. 21. Two termites walk into a bar. One asked, "Is the bar tender here?"
sir yes sir, simplesimon, i didn't mean it, please don't yell at me . . . Hey, waitaminnit! Be fruitful, and multiply - but not in those words! Hey, you got time to lean, you got time to clean! er, if you've got time to post, you've got time to post a poll! Don't use "lack of knowledge" as an excuse!
Scuse the interruption from the peanut gallery . . . To start a poll, it's reaaaaallllly easy. Go to the top of the screen, and at the top you see the GreaseSpot Cafe banner, then you see the "Resources etc" drop down list, a couple of lines lower you see "Chat room", the "www.gscafe.com". The first blue bar starts out with "New". Click on that, then click "Poll". Then just type away. That's it. Really. Back to your regularly scheduled program . . .
Datway, you seem to be taking this rather personally. Also, I feel like your replies are meant to be somewhat of an attack on me. Having read many of your prior posts, I sort of think that this is probably not the case. Anyway, the difference between hearing it on the radio and recording it for personal use, and recording it from a CD and distributing it, is this: for one thing, there is an inherent difference in quality. For another, when it's played on the radio, the DJ will often talk during the beggining and ending of a song while being careful not to "step on" the lyrics. And third, when a song gets distributed via a file-sharing service, the reason for it is so that other people don't have to pay to have a copy of this song. Sure, many will say that they are "previewing" the song. But if they like it, do they delete it and buy the CD? or at least send in a check for, say, $1 to the artist? Please keep in mind that the artists get paid on a per-CD sold basis. You are probably absolutely right when you say that the laws are extremely vague when it comes to this situation. But aren't the laws for the lawless? Do you feel that it is ethical for people to share MP3's the way they are being shared?
Well, Datway (the poster formerly known as InDebtSaysWho (tpfkaidsw)), I am not disputing what you are saying about the commercialism of the music industry. And many artists out there, disgusted or otherwise put off by the hoops you have to jump through, or the idea of compromising their artistic integrity, that produce and market and sell their own CD's. And while you may be right to say that the music industry overcharges for their product - and again, I feel that way too - the issue isn't whether or not they are greedy. A company, an industry, or even a person, can charge whatever someone else is willing to pay. And if that other party is not willing to pay, then that other person should walk away without the product or service. To do otherwise is theft. You are saying that many people steal from the music corporations because the big corporations are greedy. That may be *ONE* reason. It may be a major reason. But let me ask you this - would the situation disappear if those companies charged half of what they charge now? One fourth? I really doubt it. And just because these people say that they have a good reason to steal does not make it right. Stealing is still stealing.
Nope, sure don't. Although if it's on broadcast TV it's fair game. Nope, this is an untrue statement. That's what a lot of people think, but it's just not so. Hey, rationalize it all you want, but stealing is still stealing. The recording industry and all those associated with it have a right to make a profit. If people don't like the prices they can vote with their feet. If enough people don't buy CD's, the prices WILL come down.
Right now the recording industry's overall revenues are down $1 Billion from previous years. Who is it hurting? The musicians, the record companies, and all employees associated with the production and distribution of music CDs. Sure, one person got turned on to Donovan, and purchased a CD. But more people will just download more MP3's instead of purchasing CDs. Let's look at it from a different point of view. Suppose you were a writer for a magazine. Suppose you got paid on a per magazine sold basis. Suppose one person bought the magazine, then retyped YOUR article and emailed it out to 10 of his/her friends, who each emailed it out, and so on. So your article actually gets read by 5 million people, but the magazine only sold 10,000 copies. Who is that hurting?
Zix: pretty much
hehehe I stand corrected - I've got it coming, after nitpicking on you for a similar offence, er, offense Now that could be a kewel thread - Cultmasters and Serflings?, the RPG based on docvic(praise be his name) and his minions.
Zixar: gah-gah-gah-GEEEEEK! ummm, no offence intended
I'm sorry, I just really don't see the difference between downloading MP3's and walking into a CD store, grabbing one off the shelf, and walking out without paying for it.
Well, it *is* stealing . . .
Well, Seth, sounds to me like you are buying into all the propaganda that you've heard about weight loss. Here's a link that may perhaps dispel some of the myths that you've posted. Atkins Center.com
Time for me to add my 2 cents. I used to try diet pills - for a couple of months, I was on that cousin of Fentermine-Dexfenfluoromine (fen-fen), but my heart would race like a lab rat, and then they said that it can rot your heart valves. I tried Chitosan and FatBurner. Chitosan made me belch alot, and it was some foul belches, let me tell you. FatBurner was ephedrine - need I say more? I tried SlimFast, but I was always hungry, and I got close to no results. I went on a yogurt kick for a few months - no results. The point of the yogurt kick was to reduce calories. I reduced calories, all right, but had nothing to show for it. And once in a while I would have an overpowering urge to eat anything I could get my hands on. And then I saw here on Greasespot where Dot Matrix was talking about Atkins. My brother had tried Atkins a couple of years ago, and had lost some weight, but got off it and gained it all back and then some. And I had heard all of the typical, "It's so dangerous!" spiels, and "you have to stay on it for the rest of your life!" and everything, and before gspot, had rejected it. Well, based on what's been said here, I decided to look further into it. And I found out that Atkins includes a lot of vegetables besides just all the protien. And nuts. And an occasional glass of wine or lite beer. And things like the Pure De-Lite candy bars (which are pretty good!). And chicken. And fish. And mayonnaise. And eggs. So on February 1st, I started on Atkins. And 2 1/2 months later, I am here to report that it is truly astounding! I've lost 35 pounds so far. That's 3 1/2 per week! Before every half pound was a struggle, and then keeping it off was a nightmare. I used to always be hungry. Not any more! I used to get hunger pangs in the middle of the afternoon. I was never satisfied. Now I feel satisfied most of the time, and I'm eating less than I was before! And there's almost no will power (or should that be "won't" power) involved at all! IT'S SO EASY! Sure, I miss pizza - I can eat all the toppings but not the crust - and cinnamon rolls and yogurt. But I'm so much healthier now, and I'm down 4 pants sizes. I apologize if I seem a little bit over-exhuberant. But it was always so hard before, and now all I have to do is avoid most carbohydrates and not think about it. It won't work for everyone. With 6 Billion people in the world, there can be no such thing as "one size fits all". But I sure am glad that a few g-spotters started talking about it, because it sure works for me!
Pirate - yes. Mike - are you that egotistical as to think that you have followers? Are you so self-important that you think anyone is going to search the internet looking for your rubbish, and try to stop you from spewing it? Get over yourself, man. Nobody is that interested. The consensus seems to be that as long as you keep posting this guff here, you will receive back grief. And furthermore, anytime you post and your attitude is NOT "I am an expert on everything and LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU", posters respond much more favorably. As far as I'm concerned, you are welcome here, but your viewpoints about docvic(praise be his name) and piffle and mirrors are about as welcome as LCM would be.
Crapé diem! Not such a good day!