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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. "I'll explain it in small words so even you can understand it, you warthog-headed buffoon" The Princess Bride
  2. You mean Mark Lewis? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time!
  3. You innies lurking, take heed. Which will you regret more in coming years? Especially after TWI folds. Will you regret missing some TWI function more, or will you regret missing your family's events? C'mon, the TWI stuff is dry and boring and the same from year to year - you can almost write it out verbatim before you even go!
  4. Hmmm, I rarely get flu shots, but maybe this year . . . Socks, that Alpha Lipoic acid in conjunction with L-Carnitine is going to be heard about a lot more in coming years - it cleans out free radicals like crazy!
  5. Another kewel tag is CENTER. It allows you to center text horizontally. like this: God Here is the construct: <center>Your centered text goes here</center>
  6. Mikey - If you have a scanner, then you should be set. What you do is you run your scanner software and do a "save as" - it should allow you to save the picture as type .jpg or .gif instead of .tiff. But I really don't know why your website won't allow tiffs - something sounds off about that. But tiffs are basically fax images, so it would be better to upload a jpeg or gif anyway. Perhaps it is because of space - a tiff is far less compressed than a gif or jpeg.
  7. Yeah, look at all of the marked & avoided people in their mid to late 40's or early 50's that are now trying to scrape together a life. If they had listened to some of this advice way back when, they would be doing well now.
  8. Well, you could, if this forum supported attachments, whichit does not.
  9. Ahhh, Dennis Quaid and Garrett Morris. Good flick.
  10. My brother is the VP of the Champaign IL Amateure Astronomy Club. In case you don't know, Champaign is the home of University of Illinois, where Netscape was invented, and where the Cray Supercomputer lives. Anyway, I've been trying to take Chinson and the chinettes down there for the last six weeks, because the Champaign Amateur Astronomy Club has an actual observatory. But EVERY DAMN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT in Illinois has been clouded over for the last 2 frickin' months! Damn!
  11. Ouch. My uncle "checked out". My great great aunt "checked out". Over very trivial things. It just ain't worth it.
  12. and if God HAD to forgive you, what would that be worth?
  13. Miss Gardener, and Mrs. Printer, will you both (and dates) be coming to our wedding? Atlanta is only a couple hour flight, and Indinapplis is only a 5 hour drive (or so). We'd love to have you all.
  14. Piers Anthony's Xanth series started out pretty well, too - if you like PUNS. Then as it goes along, it gets tired.
  15. Oldies, you don't have to hate docvic(praise be his name), no one is asking you to do that. It is just very difficult for me to understand why you are clinging to any respect whatsoever for this man, given the voluminous data regarding his plagiarism and the numerous direct testimonies of his philandering and worse activities. And again, if you go back and read a previous post, it said that BG did NOT copyright his works, therefore he COULD NOT HAVE SUED. You seem to have this unshakeable idea in your head the docvic(praise be his name) is worthy of worship. It is my opinion that you really need to get over that.
  16. It has been suggested by more than 1 person that a topic of this magnitude belongs in the Open Forum, so I've done exactly that! Happy birthday, my dearest Cindy! ly, tmd, ats
  17. I am posting this 4 days early because you deserve recognition for more than 1 day. Happy Birthday! ly,tmd,ats
  18. I'm sorry, Oldiesman, you are an idiot and blind. There is a difference between "influences", "quoting", and "word styles" and out-and-out plagiarism. Hagin's work was an out-and-out plagiarism, notwithstanding what that one author said. That author said, "If I have to try to remember everyone who has influenced one of my teachings and give him credit, I'll go crazy" (total paraphrase). Hagin absolutely went way beyond "quoting" or "being influenced by" Kenyon. Again, you are trying to protect your hero, docvic(praise be his name). Is your ego so fragile, are you so locked-in to the idea that you utterly refuse to see what is right in front of your face? Are you so desperate to excuse the acts of that deranged perverted man that you are willing to overlook what are more than just minor character flaws? I pity you, I really do.
  19. JSN, the bumper sticker picture IS an actual image file. Rafael has set it up as a hot spot, so that you can click on it and it will take you to www.livingepistlessociety.org. That pic just happens to live at that website. It's simple HTML code, really. If you right click on the picture, then click properties, you will see http://www.livingepistlessociety.org/MayJu...iles/bumper.jpg
  20. THEre is no H! THEre is only THE!
  21. Naw, I think you're still upset because you've never gotten the Oscar Mayer Weiner whistle that you asked Santa for when you were 3.
  22. Hmmmm, maybe your prostate exam was scheduled for today. Or maybe you ran out of hemmorhoid cream and didn't have time to pick some up before work. Or maybe you miss the presence of Mike. Do you sense a common theme in the preceding three sentences? Perhaps your Wheaties went soggy before you could get to them. Perhaps your cat ate all the Stilton. Perhaps a moose bit your sister.
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