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Everything posted by Steve!
Shrek 2 is coming out in May, that should be pretty good.
Hoper - You are correct in that the plus sign means bigger than normal, the minus sign means smaller than normal. When you just use a number without a sign, that's not a relative size but a hard size - a 1 is specific, -1 is relative. "1" is the smallest font and "7" is the biggest. "4" is the normal size. If you say "-1" and your font is already at normal, then you get a "3". If you had set your font at "2" and then you say "-1" it will be "1". And that HR tag can have sizes, and it can have color, and it can have shading or no shading. And you can set it so it takes up only half the screen too - <hr size="20" noshade="false" align="left" width="75%" color="red" /> <hr size="5" noshade="false" align="right" width="60%" color="blue" /> <hr size="15" noshade="false" color="green" /> [This message was edited by Steve! on December 27, 2003 at 22:14.]
No Jim Carrey! Bzzzzt! Wrong answer! Not gonna see it, nope, wouldn't be prudent. Aliens? Are we talking Alien 5? hmmmmm
Scooby Doo 2? God Forbid! The Mask 2? way kewel!
Oh, don't worry, "Mike", those that don't know you very well will quickly be brought up to speed by me and others. All I will have to do is copy and paste old posts of yours and they will see the tupos of buffoonery.
You never see purple mountains from a plane!
I went WOW instead of to college,and then for a couple of years running I was apprentice corpse. A couple of years after the poop paper I started back at college and graduated as Valedictorian from a 4-year program that you complete in 3 years. And I've since gotten 2 Master's degrees.
There is an IRS auditor's office at my client's site, and today there was a guy in it with absolutely the worst comb-over that I've ever seen. The thought struck me that it would be completely stupid to tell him that.
11 was score 5 to nothing 9 was something else You know, I bet it's in the piffle silly bus, isn't that where most of these were taken from?
12 - speaking in tongues 11 - ? 10 - giver and the gift 9 - ? 8 - renewed mind 7 - body soul and spirit 6 - ? 5 - it's Christ in me 4 - 4 crucified 3 - receive retain release 2 - no p.i. 1 - believing equals receiving
Our dog's name is Frisky, and it fits him reaaallly well - just ask Oakspear, RottyGrrrl, or Lindyhopper. Our cats are named Moon, Star, and Ceci (short for Cecilia, after the Simon and Garfunkel song, you know, "Cecilia, you're breaking my arm . . .") Our fish are named Honey (a honey gourami) & Kehless (a Siamese Fighting Fish a.k.a. a Betta), and I forget the names of the other 2 fish. Josh's snakes are Danny and Jackie, because we don't know if they are male or female, and those names are good for both.
Weren't there excellor sessions in B. G. Leonard's class for the Healing and Revelation manifestations?
SSwenton, you're not even a grad of piffle? and you post here? Kewel.
She is now the poster known as JC'smyfave
Dang, I thought Mozilla was that Japanese monster that got eaten by a giant moth.
"Your Methods May Vary"
Well, I actually saw a case where someone's medication started causing an adverse reaction, and that person went back to his doctor, and the doctor was completely mystified because this person was cured of an incurable disease. So that statement can have some validity. God CAN work that way if He wants to - *I'M* not going to tell Him that He can't. But I understand what you are saying - that just because docvic(praise be his name) said something, it was always "Also Sprach Gott" - Thus Spake the Lord. And your points about Oldiesman are spot on - if he didn't experience it, it must not have happened. Ever. He comes here, he posts like that, and people rebut him, and then he acts like he is considering what has been said, and then he disappears for a while, and then he comes back spouting the same cr@p about how wonderful TWIt was when he was there, and how it only went downhill after his beloved docvic(praise be his name) stepped down from the presidency. Give it a rest, old man. Your one-note song is getting REAAAALLLLY monotonous. Go join smikeol's cult if you so want to have docvic's(praise be his name) baby.
No matter how you left, all that they heard was what Charlie Brown heard when adults spoke - "Wa wa wa waa wa wa waaa wha wha waaa" Leaving "nicely" is like trying to teach a pig to sing - it wastes your time and it annoys the pig. Trying to reason with people so enmeshed in waybrain is like trying to reason with someone that has a lot of devil spirits. Ain't gonna happen. In my opinion, your approach was very reasonable.
OM, to paraphrase - It is better for your keyboard to remain silent and you be thought a fool than to post and remove all doubt.
S4az - are you talk!ng about t4e "|-|eart" papers?
Once I was driving my WOW family home from some limb meeting, and the fog was SO thick you could almost cut it with a knife. We had 70 miles to go, and it was dark. I prayed, and there was a tunnel through the fog that just exactly accommodated our car, all the way home. Really wild! Another time, in our stick, er, twig, there was a guy who had had a bone problem in his foot. He had had his foot x-rayed one day, and that night was his second time at twig. The doc told him that he was going to need an operation, and if he were to put any weight at all on his foot, the bone would crush like an eggshell. At twig that night, he asked to be prayed for, and at the end of the prayer, the twig leader told him to stand up, and to stand on that foot only. And he did. The cast was off the next day, no problems at all.
Oh, no, you can't come back like that and just say "oops". I expect some serious groveling! Well, but I didn't know that it wouldn't be in the third movie either, and I should have thought about that before posting my 2ยข worth.