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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. Well, okay, maybe I'm wrong. I don't remember what my source was on that, only that this source was usually very reliable.
  2. Rocky - yeah, I figured that's what he meant. But no, Clinton is absolutely not a Rhodes Scholar, any more than his husband, Hellary, was named after Sir Edmund Hilary. He was completely unknown until well after her birth - he climbed Everest when she was 3 or 4.
  3. JT - Loy is a Rhodes Scholar? I didn't know that! Clinton sure isn't - he claims he is, but although he attended Oxford University for a time, it was NOT on a Rhodes Scholarship.
  4. Oh, and it's been documented in several first-hand accounts how much Loy enjoyed 3-somes. So lesbianism was okay, if you were with the mog at the time, but otherwise, and especially if you refused his advances, it was absolutely deplorable. Very nice double standard.
  5. Scuse me, Oaks? I would think that you would be somewhat afraid of the wrath of Chinson.
  6. Admittedly, this is hearsay. But it is hearsay from a very credible source. This person that I talked to had walked into the chalet and came upon Rozilla and Donna right "after". And every adult knows what "after" looks like.
  7. You've convinced me of the error of my ways. We will hear more of thee later. Do come back sometime and speak more on this. And please, talking about self-pleasure in this thread is highly inappropriate, don't you think?
  8. Yes, OMPhil, you are missing something. Insurgent is an "innie".
  9. smikeol, how can you say that he is sidestepping your logic? Your logic is so twisted and tangled and inapplicable, that sidestepping it is not possible.
  10. Zix, I believe the real phrase is "Collar and cuffs don't match"
  11. Catcup - the statistics you are referring to WRT women in the workforce and equal pay are somewhat misleading. When you look at college educated men and women, and compare the amount of time spent in a position - actual on the job time, not number of years since hire - and compare their pay, women are getting roughly 92% of what men get. What skews the statistics is when leaves of absence are not taken into account. Suppose a woman and a man both start in very similar positions in 1990 at exactly the same pay. This woman takes off 6 months in 1992 and six months in 1994 to have a total of 2 children. Should she get exactly the same pay raises those 2 years as her male counterpart? So in 2004, they both have been working at their respective companies for 14 years. But the woman only has 13 years of actual experience. Why should the woman make the same amount as the man? If you remove from your statistical analysis all the women in that category, and only compare women with continuous service to men with continuous service, then the "disparity" reduces to 2% or so. Include all those women in the analysis, and compare only length of service and don't account for extended time off, and voila! You have the "women only make 69% of what their male counterparts make" statistic verified. But it isn't honest.
  12. So, Mike, were you born stupid or did you have to take lessons? Of course, you must be at least 80 years old, because no one could POSSIBLY get as stupid as you in any shorter time than that.
  13. My favorite was always the solid chocolate bunny, and I always felt ripped off when I got a hollow one.
  14. P-Mosh - actually, it is VERY common to gain 60 - 80 pounds when you are in a coma, and on a feeding tube.
  15. Unless you are secret service, or FBI, or in some other law enforcement group, you don't get concealed carry permits in the Chicago area. But I *am* planning on getting a FOID (firearm owner's ID) sometime.
  16. WayferNot - After some checking, and a link posted by Zixar, I found out that, yes, you DO have to go into the registry and delete some keys. Go to this link: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/search_google and type in PeopleOnPage, and it lists a whole lot of entries about it. Oh, I just saw that Hijack This! takes care of PeopleOnPage - you might try that first.
  17. On that page, it lists what you need to do to get rid of it. I think that for you, the best option is the one where you restart in DOS mode, delete the files, then restart into Windoze, and then delete bridge.class.
  18. Well, it it says it's in the registry, then you have to open the registry editor and delete out the keys. You may also want to go into "Control Panel" and remove it if it is listed under the "Add and Remove Programs" option. Check that first. And as always keep your virus software up to date. [This message was edited by Steve! on February 12, 2004 at 23:13.]
  19. Brady, not Internet Explorer but Windows Explorer. There IS a difference.
  20. That may be a memory error. I had the same thing happening on my work laptop until the memory cards were replaced. There was also a virus on it, previous to that, that caused RPCC to unload, and therefore the computer to crash. Does your PC ever put the message on the screen "Send error report to Microsoft"? If it does, do that a few times, and you may get a web page displayed that lists some possible causes.
  21. Steve!


    There are a couple of things that you can do to contact posters here. One is to click on that poster's nickname, and then a menu pops up, and in that menu, there is a link that says "Invite so and so to a private topic". So you can start private topics with various posters that way. Of course, that method relies on the poster somehow being made aware of a private topic. Another way is to click on the nickname, and click "view public profile for so and so". That will show you if there is a publically listed email address for that person. And there used to be another way, I'm not sure if it's available or not, where you could click on something and it would allow you to send a private anonymous email to that poster. But I don't know where it is, if it still exists.
  22. There is something in your configuration or somewhere that is causing that to hang. If it is a virus or something virus-like that is causing that (which happened to me), then Symantec or Norton will have info on their sites about it. Also, is your computer completely updated? that is, go to "Tools", "Windows Update", and every patch and install is updated on your machine? That could take care of it too.
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