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TED Ferrell

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Everything posted by TED Ferrell

  1. Moony Sure am glad you did not tell on me about how when we were looking at home to buy last weekend and how I asked the real estate lady some questions which she answered. But I only heard what I wanted to hear and repeated my take on it to our mortgage lending helper .oops!! I guess that puts me into the I vote too bunch :blink:
  2. Kathy and Moony; Ok here is the deal about bean soup and chicken. Kathy should Moony make us a meal how about have her make us CHICKEN bean soup Hey I will bend a little :D :D Sorry if I derailed the thread a bit.
  3. ahh! heck fire Kathy I thought you posted that lovely picture for us males to gawk at hahahaha I took it as a fun thing and I know so did my Moony by her response.
  4. Hi John; Yeah this good old boy is a very happy man. .Moony is a wonder filled lady and we love each other dearly We will be living in the Largo Clearwater area and are believing to buy a home with a mother in law suite for my Mom. John you may know Moony and should you want to know more email me ferrellsplace@cs.com Give my regards and love to Hope Soon as I get moved we must all get together for some good times.I'd like to do that very much cause both you and Hope are two of my favorite people. Ted F.
  5. Hey Rick Was it not Leadbelly that wrote the tune The Rock Isalnd Line that was later recorded in the 50's and became a monster hit for Lonnie Donnegan ?
  6. Nah! Kathy she is cute but could not compare with my lovely lady moony. And I ain't posting no pictures of her so forget it fellows.
  7. Exie; Thank you dear one. Perhaps sometime after moony and I get settled in our FL. home you could come for a visit.You sure would be welcome. I would love to see you again. You will always have a special place in my heart. Love Ya! Ted
  8. Hey man don't let the birthday blues get you down Counting backwards causes feedback to the sound Pick up one of your guitars and play a few bars blue In the meantime Rick HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU And I mean it Bluzeman Ted F.
  9. To All Of You; Thanks again for your congrats.and welll wishes .Moony and I greatly appreciate your kind words. Hey did Ted find a treasure in FL. or what ? woweee!!! this old boy is one happy camper. See Ya! Later Ted F.
  10. Thank you Chat Kat that is a great funk bllues tune .And hey where did you get the idea I don't like rockin blues guitars. I loved it . Man if I would have had that song to play in FL. it might have saved me from getting down on my knees when I proposed to Moon Girl ha ha ha She is at church right now but when she gets home will have her give a listen . Moony just in case you forgot this song is just for you and the answer is _ _ _ Thanks again Kathy you de best
  11. To All Of You; Thank you all so very much for your heart felt words to Moon Girl and me. It means a lot to both of us because we did find each other here on Grease Spot. For way too many years I have traveled alone and lonely I prayed to God that there must be a special someone out there for me. So when the time was right He has bleesed my life with a treasure that is far beyond measure. Moon Girl is more than I ever hoped and dreamed my love would be..I am so very thankful to God that He has brought us together. We will keep you all updated as to when and where we shall take our vows to become as one flesh. God Bless All Of You Thankful To God I Am Ted
  12. Moony Happy Joyous Birthday To You: From my heart to yours I wish and pray for you to have a lovely day filled with love and caring from the ones that love you. And dear one you are so loved by many, May all your hopes and dreams come true. See ya! God Bless Your Tender Heart Ted
  13. Kathy My goodness!! one more time I am going to tell you that you do have a great voice .You have a tender sweet easy sound that many a female singer would like to have. I have recorded you many times and because of of how you sing and deliver a song lyric makes you one of the best.To this day I stiil love to listen to ya! You know how I gave songs to you some you did not care for too much. But you gave them your best shot and that makes you a trouper So back of girl I know what I'm talking about and it's not beacuse you are my friend.You do not try to copy anyone else you sing from your heart and it comes across.So there chew on that for awile. This brings up a subject that I hope others of you will join in on. Most popular artists be it singers or musicians have their own unique sound.Once you hear them the next time around you will know who they are. Many who become famous do not have the greatest voices in the world or are the finest of all musicians. Off hand I came name a few that come to my mind.In the country field we have Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash (that bless his heart sang off key sometimes) In the pop side of the coin .there is Rod Stewart.Mic Jagger.Neil Diamond ,Bette Midler The Beatles,Bob Dylan and yes even Elvis.I could go on and on in this field. The jazz greats that had their own sound.Louis Armstring.Dinah Washington ,Loius Prima Al Hirt,just to name a few. And Rick in the blues style I am sure you can add to this list so I will leave that one up to you. A smart record producer is always on the lookout for one thing, does that artist have a sound that is llike no one else and can they get their message across The rest is icing on the cake . Moony now don't you think for one minute you are going to be a shower singer all of your life,Hey shower stalls makes for great reverb.So someday I will give a listen ( not in the shower with you but at a distance ) of course) and who knows you just might be better than you think you are. .
  14. Hey Rick now that's a good happy blues tune. Thanks for sharing . And ny friend you are just being modest about your fine as wine playing cause I've heard you and you are darn good. .Far as having fun playing music that's what is all about.When it stops being fun then it's time to put the axe in the closet.And I don't think we are going to go that route. Ain't that right Kathy and you keep on singing too you hear me!!! .Rick and I would be proud to be in your band.hmmm1 lets see now what would we call your band how about Kathy and The Chatty Boys Hey that will work.. .
  15. Kathy.. I sure do know you like the blues and your man Eric Clapton .Why not tell us some of your other favorite blues arists and why . It wold be a good read. And say hows Bluzeman doing these days? Now folks there is a good paid my dues blues man be it 12 or 16 bars of wailing. Monny me worried nah! not me just shaking in my boots that's all ..I'm All Shook Up
  16. TED Ferrell


    gc So happy to hear you are OK I asked about you during and after the storm and was praying for you. Should you have lost the CD'S I sent you let me know and I will replace them for ya! God Bless Your Heart Ted
  17. .Kathy Yes here are happy blues but the kind I'm speaking of is Hit The Road Jack
  18. Well by golly I got loged in OK my server was blocking it as spam but here I am . Chatty and Moony you two are ganging up on me and I can tell you want to know my soon to be reveales secret.When I know you all wiill know .I'll write you all a song about it hope it's a happy tune and no singing the blues. :)
  19. Kathy And Moony Why is everbody always picking on me? Hey now you two cut that stuff out. Just be patient cause later on what I believe I can share with you is gonna'rock this joint. eh! eh! eh! wouldn't you two like to know. Soon the mystery will be revealed in His due time children In His due time.
  20. Moony you been reading my mail or what? The only thing differnt about being in The Stete Of Confusion is being out of it.And you know something moon girl think I may have found some help and as you know good help is hard to find these days. Quick as I know something about the work at hand you will be the first to know.I will send you a PT Have another cup of coffee and soon all this will make some sense Sorry if you have felt neglected but I will do better.You are a good lady and I like reading what you write.
  21. Moony Yeah I'm still here well kinda' Sorry that i have neglected you all. Been working on a project with someone that takes up a bunch of my time but it's all well worth it. Quick as I can will tell you all about it. I think it will bless you cause it sure has and does me. Meanwhile back at the ranch perhaps some of you would like to share some of your poetry or songs that you have put together.I would very much like to read and so would others. Gotta' go now cause I have a phone call or two I need to make and some new tunes to write. Have Fun Everyone Ted
  22. Kathy; There is one special quality you have that few in this world have.It's called heart And to be quite honest with you I would rather hear you sing more so than all of the so called greats. I do not consider myself to be a great singer or musician and if I had listened to some folks I would have hung it up long ago.But can't and will not do that. Long as I can crawl upon the band stand by God's mercy and grace I shall do so. When a song is in our hearts regardless of what we or others may think or say.We need to let that song be heard And Kathy for sure you are dong that and I'm so thankful you are. There is a song Karen C.sang many years ago called Sing A Song and that's the name of that tune.
  23. Chatty K. Love it love it that bluzeman put your song on for all to hear. See I told you stick with me kid and I will make you a star sign here______________________________ hahahahahahaha
  24. White Dove Bob Dylan is a great artist Most all his songs I dig. Love Minus Zero one of my favorites. Thanks for posting that's a good one Do you recall the album that's from?
  25. David is dong what this song is about. Keep rockin'David Bob Dylan is not an easy read when you just look at his lyrics. Later on tonight perhapss I can do some edit.work on meter for lines and get this baby ready for the music tracks Yeah Belle you are hired. Mint Juleps sure would add to the mix.
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