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TED Ferrell

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Everything posted by TED Ferrell

  1. Yes Kathy did email me indeed and asked say don't you think it's about time for you to post something turkey Man what a slave driver she is ha! ha! just kidding Kath I have read what all of you have posted here and you all sure know your music.Keynote glad to see you adding to this thread. When it comes to classical music I lean more toward the romantic composers but more about that later. The middle sixties and beyond had some fine tunes and artists.Needless to say The Beatles kept cranking out hit after hit but that Motown sound was headin' south out of Detroit on Interstse 75 The Supremes.The Temptations Four Tops were at the top of the list in 1965.out of that year there was a song that remains one of my favorites to this day,Youv've Lost That Lovin' Feeling by The Righteous Brothers,When people first heard that tune most thought they were black cause no white boys can sing like that. As 1966 rolled in it was prety much more of the same but along came Frank Sinatra with his block buster hit Strangers In The Night and even his daughter Nancy got in the act with These Boots Are Made for Walkin' 1967 comes in strong wuth The Stones and The Betles were stiil taking charge and a song that Aretha Franklin busted into the top ten with Respect and that arrangement still cooks. 1968 was kind of a strange brew with songs hitting the charts by Herb Alpert and a haunting instrumental Love Is Blue Ottis Redding was found on The Dock Of The Bay As The Doors were on the pay phone doing Hello I Love You Beatles sang Hey Jude while Marvin Gaye told us He Heard It Through The Grapevine.Simon and Garfunkel were sleepin' with Mrs.Robinson and there was a Nasville song writer named Tom T,Hall who reallly told it like it is and had Jeanie C.Riley reveal the whole sorid story about The Harper Valley PTA 1969 was much the same as 68 The Stones were out with Honky Tonk Women and there was a new age ush ushered in It was The Age Of Aquarius,,The Achers asked for more Sugar Sugar and Peter Paul and Mary took us on a trip with a John Denver classic Leavin' On A Jet Plane. and Elvis was back with us doing Susipicious Minda. And so we say so long sixties you brought us some dam good songs and music The Beatles were the fab four of Rock and Roll and Detroit gave us soull All in all it was a superb decade for pop music that added new sounds songs and creative ideas to the culture of our good ole'USA Next stop the seventies and that is gonna be a fine excurison down memory lane as The Beat Goes On Thank You All For The Chance To Share Ted F. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on December 10, 2002 at 18:13.] [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on December 10, 2002 at 18:25.] [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on December 10, 2002 at 23:40.]
  2. Sorry about this fo;ks but this dumb thing has a mind of it's own and I made a post that was not complete so had to erase .The next one is OK I think. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on December 10, 2002 at 18:02.]
  3. Kathy I would be more than happy to help you by putting music to your lyrics. Heck who knows we might even come up with the next big HIT ha! ha! so send what you will by email. Socks man I sure enjoy your comments and knowledge on this thread.John you still de! best. All of you who post here I read each and every line and am somewhat amazed of how much all of you know and how music plays such a vital role in your lives past and present.So let's keep this jam rolling Will try to post something later on tonight if I have time Take care all you gs music buffs Ted F.
  4. Linda; So many good memories of The Way We Were and as I read many of the posts here that song comes to my mind and one line in that song that asks If We Had The Chance To Do It All Again Could We Would We and to that I would answer yes yes.I know some of you wonder how long we are going to be sharing about the good old days and move on to the next era of music which would be the seventies. To this I would ask let all who desire to recall and reflect of days and music gone by let's give all who want to share plenty of space and time to do so. Thank you for your patience. Linda you mentioned Bob Gibson one of Americas great folk acts.Well here goes Ted with yet another story. ha! ha! I was playing at The Ormonde Club in Virginia Mn.and along with us they had booked Bob to do two shows a night.Bob comes in with his banjo in a case that was to small for his five string banjo and it.s long neck was sticking out of the case,he also played a twelve string guitar.We were asked to give him back up for his two nightly shows which we did.and had a ball doing so.He did a wonderful show of folk songs and calypso tunes some qute humorus.Fact of the matter is I stole one of those humorus tunes called Woe Is Me and did in in clubs for many a year..Bob and I got along great and he asked us if we would join up with him and do an act together,we declined.Bob at that time was unknown but he went to Chicago right after we worked with him and started playing at club called The Gate Of Horn which became a venue for all the top folk acts of those times such as Brothers Four,The Limelighters.Ian and Sylvia,Chad Mitchell Trio one of that trios members was John Denver Also you spoke of Buffy St.Marie did she ever have a voice a vibrato that would melt your heart.Another I just loved to go see there was Odetta. I would go there often as I could cause I loved that music.The reson why I could hang out there was because I was playing at the Hyde Park Hotel in Chicago and we played a lot there months at a time, so got to catch a lot of fine acts all over the windy city including a jazz club named The Cloister Inn on Rush Street there I heard Ramesy Lewis Trio.Anita Oday,Chris Conor Gerry Mulligan Four Freshman and others to many to mention.I sure loved Chicago and of all the big cities I have been in Chicago is stiil my favorite. Thanks you guys for letting me ramble on here just blame it on Linda z it's all her fault for getting me all fired up ha1 ha! Kathy if this thread keeps rollin on like this you may have to start your own cafe and call it Kathy's Club!! Hey I'll come by and do a few sets and I'm sure others here would too.Hey John let's put that blues band together we talked about Sunesis would join with up with us I'll bet Maybe I should call Lepenski tonight and do you think you could talk Skip into doing it (dream on Ted dream on) I sure am having fun posting and reading here on gs It's a good show Love You All Ted F.
  5. You get back in here soon as you can cause I want to hear more of what you have to share about folk and country music.Actually the two are very entwined together and bluegarss that's a horse with a another color. Sure loved old Bill Monroe.and Flatt and Scruggs who were in the sixties almost worshiped by the youn folk acts .Do any of you recall Skiffle music from England Lonie Donegan was the best well known with Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight fun fun vibes nd leave us not foget the jug bands those were usually small young folks who made music with hardly any real musical instruments they made music with such items as combs, kazoos wash boards slide whistles got bucket bass a hrmonica or two and nything else they could make any kind of sound with.any of you recall that or am I just the older guy around gs, Prochaine when ou get your chores done check back in so we can do some serious picking together. Ted F.
  6. You sure know your guitar stuff and I always enjoy your knowledge and comments Say hi to your wonderful wife for me. John lot of people that post here on gs never got to hear you play or sing I do however have a few cuts of you doing your thing and if it's ok by you for a couple of people that have asked I will make copies of what I have and send them out but first I wanted to check with you Love You Brother Ted
  7. Steve yeah white blues is pretty far out term but Rogers appeal was to whites who in no way would listen or buy a black man's record singing the blues.And Jimmie did the blues in what was called blue yodels that gave it almost a cowboy flavor. Steve there are some things I know and have seen but also lot less I don/t know or did not see.Boy should I ever try to write this stuff down I sure would need someone to pretty up my words or better yet interpert from hillbilly to english. ha! Thanks Steve for yor kind comments. Kathy so if I were to hire you as editor and chief of Ferrell's Foly how much are you gonna charge me?? ha! ha! Only kidding Should I ever do anything like Steve sugessted Kathy you with your beautiful heart and love for people would be my choice.
  8. Before we move on there is one other road I would like for us to go down.And that is country music and it's roll in pop music past and present.Now I know some of you may say I hate or dislike country music .I believe there is some merit to all styles of music and worthy of giving a good look and listen I listen and perform a wide variety of songs no matter what style they may hail from a good song is a good song To do otherwise would be saying I have musicial tunnel vision.I have and will continue to travel this highway in the middle of the road as The Beat Goes On. The very first recodings were from the country folk and was called hillbilly music and many of those artists were popular not only in rural Americs but in cities also .Jimmie Rogers sold millions of records and he is considerd by music historians to be the father of country music and white blues. In the forties country music was heard acroos the land as folks tuned in by the masses to The Grand Old Opryi Nashville would soon become the hub of the country music industry and in the years and days to come would produce recordings that shall live on for many a year. Ah! yes let us not forget the country fifties and the coming of age of none other than Hank Williams who wrote simple melodic somewhwt haunting three or at most five chord songs his recordings were on most every juke box in the good ole USA Some of us still sing Han'ks gospel tune I saw The Light Many a pop artist covered and recorded his songs such as Tony Bennet.Rosemarry Clooney and others.The pop artists changed the style from country to a big band setting sound, that sound was for people who did not like that hillbilly stuff but liked the songs .Also from that era came Bob Wills from Texas with his Texas Playboys Swing and on the west coast a new sound in country was born somewhat copied from Wills but just a tad different.It was called western swing a meld of country with the big band sound.Artists like Spade Cooley and Hank Thompson turned out hit after hit from sunny Ca. As the sisxties rolled in country music was gaining ground rapidly and in that decade the styles and songs of such noteables as Jim Reeves.Eddy Arnold. Loretta Lynn George Jones and the legend of all female country legends Patsy Cline Had Patsy's Llife not been cut short by an airplane crash I believe she would have been the biggest female country music star of all time The recordings she made in the late fifties and early sisxties are stiil on the top selling album charts to this day. I meet Patsy once in Dubuque Iowa we were both staying at the same hotel and as I got on the elevator I noticed this lady standing in back of elevator she was a big boned woman ( not fat) and was fairly tall she was dresed in a simple house dress .I looked at her and by a picture I had seen I knew who she was.Now at this time she had only one hit out Walking After Nidnight and itwas on the charts with the rest of pop stuff of the day.I said hello to her as I introduced myself and told her I enjoy the record you have out,she thanked me and as the elevator door opened to my floor Patsy got off too she was staying on the same floor..We stood there for a few moments and talked about music.I noticed there was a couch there by the elevator so rather than standing talking we sat down Patsy told me about where she was from about her family and her music.She said I am thankful I have this hit out right now but I have no intentions or desire t to be in the rock and roll muisc scene of today.What was on her heart was to be a country artist and to sing easy listening more melodic country songs with a little different flair.I wished here well in her queat and hoped she sold and made millions. as we parted she thanked me for time spent. as well as I. From experience I can tell you ladies out there if you are going to be or are a lounge vocalist You had better have a repitore of Patsy Cline songs in your bag because you are going to get asked by young and old alike .Hey honey know any Patsy like Crazy.I fall To Pieces or say how's about Sweet Dreams and if you reply I don't know those songs more than likeky you wiil hear.ah heck and I thought you were pretty good too.as out the door they go. Country music was and is a viable part of our music culture it's many fans are life loyal to thier favorite artists as The Beat Goes On. Okay you country dancers i'ts your turn to line dance or do the two step. Love To You All Ted [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on December 02, 2002 at 19:00.] [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on December 02, 2002 at 19:10.]
  9. Yes Kathy I loved what Ron shared and posted Thanks Ron Maynard is a musicians musican.Great post Ron you are a man of good taste and know talent.Photos excellent. And John and Hope's's teenage daughter was super thank you for giving insight about the current music scene I listen to some of todays stuff but you know the score listen and obseve what the industry is putting out and marketing to the youth of today. Ted F.
  10. Hi Everbody; Linda z.yeah I think we would have a better showing at The Rock Hall rather tha Applebee's why we might be even asked to do a show there ha!ha!So let's do it will call you soon. Many a good post here from so many of you I love to read what all are sharing. Before we move on with the sixties music lets look at that decade of much tragedy and upheaval in our nation.The mudrer's of JFK ,RFK,Martin Luther King demenstrations for many causes good or bad.Camelot was gone and a new era was brewing within the youth of that time.It was the hippies that would shock and shape the very core of the establishment and for the first time a culture would have it's own music hair and clothing style and in protest scream We ain't gonna take it anymore.It was a time of rebelion aginst parents family,fiends church and goverment. When the birth control pill was put on the market women and men could now have sex without fear of pregancy and make love instead of war became the slogan of the day..I recall an inicdent that happened to me in early 1968.I have lived and vistied San Francisco many times and loved to take walks in Golden Gate Park which is a lovely place.So on this day in 1968 I was strolling through the park ahen I came upon this young couple having sex on the grass in broad daylight.The man had very long hair and the girl did not look to be more than sixteen.I stood there shocked in utter amazement almost frozen in time as I watched this young couple going at it.The man turns his head and says hey man I will be through here in a minute if you would like to have her.I almost ran from the scene.it was my first oberservation of free sex and the hippie culture. The hiipies were the dropouts from society most from middle class families but who wanted to live together in a comunne like setting,smoke pot,drop acid have lots of sex and protest against anything that moved. There were also some good works involved like feeding those hungry and helping some who were down and out.There were some great bands songs and music that showed up in the late sisxties and early seventies so many worthy ones that would take me a long time to post here.You all have your favorites and know who you liked. In Aug of that same year 1968 I went to The Way for the very first time because I had turned on a TV show and as the announcer told of guests on that day he said we have a hippie with us who is holding forth the gospel of Jesus in San Francisco Bay Area. Thought to myself yeah right and I have some ocean front property in North Dakota too.But I did watch and this hippie dude comes on it was Steve Hefner and he said something that got my attenion and that was the curch today has the same power within that Christians had in the first century church.When the show was over I called the Tv station and talked with Steve.I asked him so where are you getting your info from he replied he was here in Ohio studying with this farmer on his farm in NK The follwing Sunday I drive over from Columbus thinking I was going to a hippie comune but when I got there it was all older people and their children Steve and Sandy were the only hips there In the five years that followed the hippie culture flocked to NK and other areas of TWI and had a major impact on and in twi That culture was the catylist for the rise and expanison of twi which without the youth of those days twi would have remained a little country church with a few adult believers scattered here and there. The question that I would like us to consider is Did The Culture Of The Late Sisties And Early Seventies Get Into The Way or Did The Way Get Into The Culture or a combination of both??? Thank All Of You For Reading And Reply. Ted F. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on November 30, 2002 at 19:54.]
  11. I knew you and hopper were having fun but when hop talked about the layover in kankakee.that broke me up/ Grass you have a good sense of humor and Kath you ain't so bad yourself. Really gotta get back to work now. Ted F.
  12. Hello GS BAND Well I'm back and since gone you all have been adding some real good melodies and beats to this jam. Socks I sure love it when you come on to add a few bars to the song You are the best my friend. Sunesis so happy you are strumming some chords here while playing some fine leads and between you and socks we may have a new sound brewing up here. I will try to write a few more lyrics to this rock opera tonight.Have some work to do in studio plus answer a bunch of emails so it may be real late before the next set.Should I not return tonight I will book this gig for Saturday Sure thank all of you for playing your solos here you are doing super and I know Kath is getting a real charge out of all thiis being how she is the leader of this band. Hey grass glad you made it home Ok And Hope thank you for tuning in you are great. Will be back later after the break so stick around. folks Love To All Ted F.
  13. That's a bummer caue I had some fwds to send you about some music stuff you asked about I found for you om the net but will do later.MAan this high tech stuff is good when it workd huh!! Ted
  14. excathedra' I love that song I may go find that cd and cry with you . Love You My Friend Ted
  15. Thank you for asking me to do something I should have been doing all along.Outside of using computer music programs I am not to swift on this posting internet thing There I get it is that better Hope? I am glad you p[ointed that out to me So sorry you all for lumping all my words together.Will heed Hope's advice.Gee you can learn something everyday. Hope did you get my email about finding contact info on Sammy Pryn? Thanks Ted F. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on November 27, 2002 at 14:50.]
  16. I think it's just about aLL twitched out but if we got the right grove going I still may have enough life in me to Shake Rattle And Roll.Your a good dude hopper and I always enjoy your comments. Ted F.
  17. Sunesis would you please hang around this thread cause I know how much you know about this stuff and along with you socks and others as we get into the late sixties and seventies your knowledge of those years would be priceless So please do not put your axe back in the case just yet I believe as we get into this area of music from the middle sixties on and seventies culture we perhaps shall find two very different cultures about to have a head on collision By that I mean the hippies from across the land and the laid back folks down on the farm at twi..Many of us were eyewitnnes to what happened and if we explore what did come down we may come up with some answers we have never considered Don;t know if most of us will have much time for the next couple of days since it is Thanksgiving but after we get our bellies full of the bird and other goodies Let's get on with the task at hand Love To All Ted F. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on November 27, 2002 at 13:04.]
  18. Sunesis; You mentioned Stevie's name and so have others and asked what ever happened to her Stevie and I did a full time set down house gig (duo) in 1986-1987 at The Tavern On The Green Colorado Springs.By that time I was getting into sequenced music and along with 2 sound modules and a Roland Drum Machine plus would lay down some live keyboard chord lines so we had a pretty good sound.When Stevie would sing NY NY complete with top hat and cane she would bring the house down We played that job till I went back on the road in 1988 with another girl singer Stevie wanted to go back yo college and get her music masters degree which she did and now is a high school music and choral teacher in Colorado Springs,Her choral groups have won many awards state and national.I talk with her now and than and folks Stevie Is doing just great. Lot of things coming up here on Kathy's thread and Im so happy to see so many of you are jumping in there.Right now I gotta go shovel my abode out.do that at least twice a year whether it needs it or not ha! ha! Hope we can get back to more on the late sixties tonight.In The meantime to all who may or may not show up hear today I would like to wish you all A Very Happy Thanksgiving. Ted F.
  19. Would you please email me would love to chat with you of thread.I always loved your playing and knew you felt fenced in. Love You Gal. email.....ferrellsplace@cs.com
  20. Thanks 7390 by your adding the lyrics of I'd Do Anything For Love to Kathy's mix it kinda jumps the gun into yet another music culture but that is fine perhaps we all need a break from the continued saga of the sixties music Ok Now you gals and guys 7390 has brought these lyrics of Meatloaf's to the table So do you think if you were parents at the time when I;d Do Anything For Love was popular,you would have said now that is a good song for my ten or twelve year old to listen to.Please go back and read lyrics .Now this one is mild compared to what is coming down the pike Now all I;m asking are the lyrics of this songr good or bad for young kids? It's your call. 7390 would you please repost and tell us what your thoughts are about this song.......Love to You All One More Post Before Carve The Bird Day. Turkey Ted. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on November 27, 2002 at 0:45.]
  21. Hey John You are on the front line with the current music scene and man I admire you and Hope for giving your 15 year old some space to grow.The kids are gonna have their kind of music and like many generations before her she will make it through with flying colors because she has some wonderful parents in Tampa Fl. Ok now The Big Chill Era of the early sixties comes to an abrupt end when the fab four from England with their crazy hair styles invade the beaches of the good old USA.and without much resitance caputered the hearts of the waiting for something to happen teens I don't know if any of you are like some I know but they can tell you excatly where they were and what they were doing when they first saw and heard The Beatles sorta like where were you when JFK got shot. No doubt about it these lads from Britian were here to stay and Elvis has left the building.And once again the parents are without a clue as to what the hell is going on.The fab four had 5 super hits on the charts in 1964. 1965 the boys score with 4 more biggies plus their albums were selling like hot cakes now they were not the only ones from across the pond that were making waves Tha Rolling Stones sound was coming through loud and clear I Can't Get No Satisfaction and Get Of My Cloud.So is all of our music gonna be imported from the isles nope.Barry Gordy in Detroit had another plan so let's get that R and B sound kicking in hey It.s called Motown Ok you guys thats all for tonight know untill I get back to this keyboard I wann see what you byrds have to add who were teens or younger in the midd sixties This sixty decade is gonna take some time to get through because some stages were set that will go on for another decade,Good Night All Ted F.
  22. Little while ago I received an email that read Ted if you knew so many top people in the music bizz.why did you not go for the gold.I am sure many that you knew would have helped you....Here is my answer. In the benging and down thru the years of my performimg career.I purporsely steered clesr of any of that you can be a star routine .As I entered the music bizz.I observed others who had made it to the top only to find in spite of fame and fortune not all but way too many were unhappy with their lives.I had no desire to give control of my life to anyone for any reason.I liked playing my simple little gigs being fancy free and going and coming as I dammed well please.I have not made a fortune by a long shot but have always had more than enough to get by. God has been good to me and has pulled me out of more jams than you could ever imagine By His grace mercy and love I have been able to do for a living what I like best and that is music. Will try to get back to the And The Beat Goes On part of Kathy's thread later tonight. Thank all of you for you kind words and patience. Ted F.
  23. So sorry guys but I messed up with double trouble Ted F. [This message was edited by TED Ferrell on November 25, 2002 at 20:29.]
  24. Lightside Thanks that is a good site One of my all time favorite tunes they did was Scotch And Soda which by the way would be a great jazz tune.Maybe why I like that song is because I have been known to put a few of those amber tinted glasses down.ha! ha1
  25. How come you have that photo.I gotta have it cause I think I know where it was taken.And looking at it brought back so many good memories Thanks Kath
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