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Everything posted by HAPe4me

  1. There are many reasons other than TWI or WayGB to not post your real name. I certainly have no fear of them, but google searches for your name will bring a person to these posts. That may or may not be something you would like to have happen. Only you can decide the answer as to whether it matters. Some possiblities include job applications, political aspirations, customer inquiries...... Just something to think about ~HAP
  2. HAPe4me

    Ryan's paper

    thanks Oeno! ummmm does the .pdf have a dictionary built into it? yikes, that kid has a vocabulary.
  3. It appears our friend Trefor has not signed in here in 3 years, I pray he is well. He is a man I enjoyed hearing from.
  4. besides there are fun people in the chatroom sometimes.
  5. HAPe4me

    Can I share?

    Thanks for sharing that!
  6. HAPe4me


    Welcome Onewhoisfree, Steve Kunkel did a song called "Like a Butterfly" as I recall. I think I heard he was still in TWI as of this summer?
  7. HAPe4me

    The WAG of Hanna

    I'd watch Darryl Hannah's wag, but I see they named this storm without the second H.
  8. HAPe4me

    The WAG of Gustav

    Maybe those religious zealots who were praying for it to rain on Obama's outdoors speech tonight had their prayers backfire. Maybe God is gonna rain on the RNC instead to teach them a lesson! ~HAP edited to note that I am just JOKING! I truely pray for everyone's safety.
  9. I am not sure exactly what information you are looking for, is it just what kind of discharge a person has? Also, is this for a relative, yourself or a deceased relative? Next few days is gonna be tuff to get it so quickly I thihk, privacy rules and all, also, are you looking for OFFICIAL (like from the Navy itself) info or just some verification ~HAP
  10. Ummmm DUDE! we don't have clambakes very often in CO, but if you make it out this way perhaps I could wrassle you up some oysters (Rocky Mountain version) and we could have a nice fire at my couple of acres at 9500 ft.. ~HAP
  11. HAPe4me


    At 1:52 am MT time, the Obama campaign sent this via text message: QUOTEBarack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama/Biden rally live at 3pm ET on www,BarackObama.com Spread the word! I think it is a fine choice. ~HAP I am posting this here simply as an announcement. Discussion should take place in the Politics forum.
  12. In my AC73 class notes at HQ, I wrote "ALL cancer is a devil spirit". "All" is capitalized, indicating to me that it was stressed by VPW. I apoloigize profusely to anyone to whom I later passed that error on to in my teachings. That teaching is from the pit of hell if there is a hell. Beyond that I don't give a flip what caused his cancer, cost his eye, or otherwise proves his buttholey existance and sorry excuse of a man. ~HAP
  13. I never heard the fishhook story before, and it seems highly unlikely to me that such an accident would lead to removal of an eye immediately. Especially the size of hooks we use in the MN northwoods. a corps grad I knew who had only one eye told me she loved VP because now he too knew what she lived with most all her life. (hmm, I wonder what became of Nancy anyway). Eye always was given the impression that the I was diseased, but the nature of the disease was never revealed. In my experiences, it was "assumed" to be a late developing issue from the filming. uhhuh, 10 years late. We always winked at that explanation. ~HAP
  14. well, I also have no proof that I was being humorous
  15. hehe without photo evidence, we are left only with your opinion that bumpy was there!
  16. thanks Tzaia. its also in the Memorium forum. (not that I disagree with you posting it here too. It almost makes better sense actually to be here). John tells me Charlie was a funny guy. ~HAP
  17. hey there Andy! how do I artfully say this? Oh heck, Happy BIRTHDAY!
  18. FYI, the other thread on this topic can be found at: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=3123
  19. HAPe4me

    Snooty Pans

    I'm not coming, go ahead and eat.
  20. hey, its a free country and the road is public. Why shouldn't the chicken cross the road? As long as it does not hinder, or overly burden emergency vehicles, or cars that are in a hurry to get to a dinner appointment! ;) ~HAP
  21. where are they getting their chickens from though? Actually I have not eaten at McD's for a long time, but for other reasons. Edited- Thank you OKC
  22. HAPe4me

    The Rules

    Maybe you care who they are, but I don't. And really I don't want to know. peace and heart, ~HAP
  23. HAPe4me

    The Rules

    and what you are insinuating annoys me! Hence I am just saying......... I doubt if "the rules" will include a guarantee against not being annoyed, nor should or could they. Your protection against getting annoyed is your ABSOLUTE right to not read here, but what fun would THAT be? I am extremely glad that it appears our host is getting help in all the fascinating arenas that make up his life. heart, HAP
  24. We almost got Bambi with a golfball at 240 yds yesterday. Near as we could tell Bambi was able to scramble up from the middle of the fairway just in time.
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