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Everything posted by wwjesuslaughat
Weenie Roast Roll Call & Post-Roast Thoughts & Pictures
wwjesuslaughat replied to Oakspear's topic in Open
Hey Oak! Potential roomie is an ex-TWI'fer who I've told about GS but can't navigate the internet well enough just yet to find the website! I'll be there noonish Saturday and stay til Sunday afternoon. -
Sometimes it seems like modern-day American Christianity is turning into another Mars Hill. I've read a little of "Purpose Driven Life" and, rebel that I am, have not "committed" myself to reading it for 40 days straight. I can't get past even that mandate. Don't get me wrong, I believe that if something gets you closer to God and Jesus, hooray. As for me, I'm still in the process of learning not to follow men or movements. I'm learning how to select the parts of a book or ministry that I can apply to my life without letting it take over. I don't know if I'll ever get to a point where I can give myself to a Christian ministry or group the way I did TWI and CES. It just wasn't healthy for me. But I believe everybody has to go through that same process that I'm going through. Even in Christianity, I believe there's such a thing as information overload, when it's not the Bible you're overloading on.
Weenie Roast Roll Call & Post-Roast Thoughts & Pictures
wwjesuslaughat replied to Oakspear's topic in Open
Oak, I second that 11 days! And I may have a roomie! -
What former TWI person writes this strange material for CES?
wwjesuslaughat replied to fortunateone's topic in About The Way
Ever read any of Frank Peretti's books? He talks about angels, spiritual warfare and the power of prayer. I'm not saying he's completely biblically accurate, he writes fiction, but the imagery is very illuminating. -
Things you can say in church, but not to your wife or girlfriend
wwjesuslaughat replied to Steve!'s topic in Humor
As I lay my hands on you, receive the power! -
Weenie Roast Roll Call & Post-Roast Thoughts & Pictures
wwjesuslaughat replied to Oakspear's topic in Open
D, Shoot! No pickin' and grinnin'? :(--> -
What TWI didn't share - What Jesus is Doing Now...
wwjesuslaughat replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
Jeff, Dude! Why can't you just hang out at Wal-Mart during your time off like the rest of us! :D--> -
Toad, Just so you know, I got witnessed to by a Lightbearer in the MALL! Stranger things do happen, and who's to say that time was a complete waste, even if it felt like it? You just don't always know how your actions will impact someone else's life.
In their hearts CES/STFI may think they are moving away from TWI, and perhaps in thinking they have reached out a little, but in structure, especially in the last 2-3 years, they are inching ever closer to a TWI organization. They have a WOW program, they have bought land to do their own camps, conferences, and "Rock", they are ordaining people, they have leadership conferences, etc. All of this would not raise an eyebrow if another group not involved with TWI implemented these changes, but I get the feeling they believe they can do "The Way" ministry "right" this time. With so many options available for outreach and teaching, why are they going back to so many TWI programs, albeit different names?
Oak, "Donnie and Marie"...that is too funny! I can hear it now... "I'm a little bit cultish..."
Herbie, I'm relatively sane, but given my eyesight and my dismal dating record, apparently I can't distinguish between man and beast. -->
Satori, You beat me to it. "Stiffy!" I really didn't like the name change, to me it still sounds like a local community church, but I think I can get used to the acronym. Thanks!
What the Hay: I don't know the numbers, but I'd say there's one born every minute.
DMiller: White Dove is correct. Since the egg is not a traditional bluegrass instrument, I can understand your not knowing about it. It's a little quieter than a tambourine, which I can bring too if you like. As far as the fiddlin' part, afraid I never got around to that. I just sing. I've had the opportunity to sing in different groups with the DeB***l boys in NC. They are fantastic musicians. I'm sure we'd have lots to talk about!
If I can get off work that weekend I hope to be there. If anyone's got space in a cabin, I would be happy to share expenses. I'm a single female, no kids, no pets, ('cept maybe a flea or two I don't know about) DMiller: I play a mean egg and sing a decent Alison Krauss.
Raf and Wordwolf: quote: "Gopher Boy (not that John Lynn knows or even asked me to post his letter here, I was just bored!) I took that to mean that Jeff took it upon himself to spread joy, sunshine, and CES all over the place. Like I said, knowing Jeff it doesn't surprise me that he would do that and ask questions later, if at all.
Reading back on this thread, I believe Jeff did answer the all-important question of whether JAL gave permission to post the letter on page 2, July 11. He said he was bored and just thought he would post it. That would be consistent with my interaction with Jeff and how he loves to promote CES at any down time in his life. Since he is back to work on full schedule, I imagine neither he nor JAL will have much time to respond to most of the questions posed on this forum. Steve, I have attempted to send you a private topic. Would you please check and see if you received it? By the way, I have read the responses to your posts about making your dialogue (yes, pardon the expression) with JAL public. While I can understand other people's views, I don't think you have done anything wrong or dishonest. You have been up front with JAL and he certainly has the right to decide whether or not to respond knowing it will be posted in a public forum. I think most of the principles of CES would say they are too busy with their ministry to correspond, so I'm not looking for posts from them. How 'bout them junior trustees? Have they got a few minutes to say a few words for the ministry they are now sharing in?
I've never been to NY, never seen the Twin Towers, and don't know anyone who died in the attack. I did make a trip to DC in Nov. 2001 and saw the Pentagon. That was enough to leave a lasting impression in my mind and heart for the rest of my life. Part of the problem, I think, in dealing with terrorists, is that we want to deal with them on "American, civilized, everybody's got rights, politically correct" terms. They know that and they count on that. Terrorists (and I don't even like that term, it seems to give people of that mindset a sort of power and control and yes, even respect. Maybe we could call them annoying gnats) have absolutely no regard for human life, not their own, not anyone else's. The people in that article were not paranoid, they were observant, and it seems rightfully so. Richard Reid, "the shoe-bomber" was stopped by observant passengers, who had to hold him down and physically stop him from trying to kill them. The annoying gnats are hell-bent on killing themselves and whoever else to further their cause. We have to continue to be observant, be sharp, speak up, and not be afraid. I won't give these people any place in my life but I also won't give them my life.
I would venture to say that the letter was not JAL's idea at all, and he may not know even now that it was posted here. JAL does not run CES anymore, having stepped down from the financial officer position he came back to last year; it's under the leadership of Mark and Karen Graeser.
Ouch, that had to hurt. I seem to notice several successful hookups here on Greasespot. How about it y'all...testify! I could mention the usual places, church, work, frozen foods at the supermarket, (that never works for me - too busy digging thru my coupons to notice anyone else!). Online matchmaking sites will open up many doors that may not be open any other way, but you have to be careful. The last 2 or 3 guys I have dated I met online, and they were pretty good guys. Of course, you usually end up meeting the right one in a completely different way than you planned. Good luck to us both!
Smurfette, I brought the other thread back up from the open forum. It helped me a lot. I believe there are other threads relating to the same subject.
I'm bringing this thread back up because Smurfette asked a similar question and I think someone referenced this thread. I am not currently dating the guy who inspired this thread, not for theological or religious reasons but, well, sometimes it just happens. I still think he's a great guy and we have kept in contact in emails.
"Eagle Inside" and "Give Christ a Try" are two of my favorites. One of my very favorite songs about Christ's return is Lisa Tracy's "Maybe Today." I sang a lot of hers and Branded songs in mainstream churches.
Yeah, yeah, doctrine, schmoctrine. Ex, have some chocolate and get back in there and FLIRT! Oh, and if any single fellers on the North American continent wish to indulge in good old American anonymous online cyber-flirting, I'm available. ;)-->(no TWI inference intended)
Wayfer, I was out WOW when VPW died, too. I remember the late night phone call and having never met the man in person, I can say I wasn't too emotional about it, but a little saddened anyway. I also remember thinking, "I'm 2000 miles away from my friends, family, and everything that has been familiar to me up to this point in my life. What the hell am I doing here? If I came to serve a man, I should pack it up and leave. If I came to serve God, I should stay." I stayed. Not for TWI, but to prove to myself that I could make a commitment and stick to it, no matter how hard it got. The ability to tough it out has stayed with me all these years, and while I am not thankful for many other things regarding TWI, I am thankful for that experience.