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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. Well for starters, and probably the biggest benefit was that I got sober and off drugs. As scary as this may seem in retrospect, my fellow TWIer's were the most normal people I ever knew, up to that point in my life. I was very young and lost, terrified of trying to make it in a world I was clueless about. TWI became my parents. They raised me and taught me how to take responsibility for myself and my choices. When I was done being raised and ready to try my own wings - I did. For all the bad in TWI that I experienced, and there was plenty, I doubt I would be the person I am today and I really like who I am today.
  2. "Maybe I am feeling like there is no shame in being good and damned mad any more. Maybe it is ok to mourn that which was stolen from us....the casualties incurred." YEAH - RASCAL!!!!!!!!!!! There is no shame in being damned good and mad at those who deceived you, stole from you, hurt you and those you care about. In fact, I'd say its damned healthy.
  3. rooms are filling up fast, thought you should know. I have two tents. One is 10' X 20' - the other is smaller and missing the rain flap but I'm thinking we could rig a tarp over it. I'll bring them along in case we need them.
  4. You cook breakfast over an open fire, Ron, and I'll do a dinner. But ya'll are gonna have to go fishing and catch it. :)-->
  5. Abigail

    Shock & Anger

    Belle, it is so frustrating isn't it? People just don't seem to care about others anymore. When I was about 8 months pregnant with Aaron, I got stuck on the highway on my way to a TWI class, in JANUARY. NOT ONE PERSON stopped to see if I needed help.
  6. Justice, Def. I am not a vengeful person.
  7. Shell, it will take some arm twisting to get Sushi to a place with no plumbing, but I'm a veteran. I'm looking forward to it!
  8. Abigail


    So back to relationships - do you think it is harder to trust post TWI, or was it ALWAYS hard to trust?
  9. Abigail


    well, my initial thought was to tell his mom and make the kid do some work around my house to pay for the food he took and the use of my space. But then I heard that he stole his sister's van, has been stealing money from his mom, and has basically been out of controll since his father moved out. Soooo, I decided I'd rather see him in trouble with the law while he was 14 than when he is 19, so I filed a police report and am pressing charges.
  10. Abigail


    Interesting timing Shell, given the trust that was just broken at my job. And here's what happened today. When I went to our Michigan gathering, I had one of the neighbor's teenagers take care of the dog. I trusted him with a little known secret - I don't usually lock my back door. I've always figured, with neighbors around, latched gates on front and back, and THREE dogs, there wasn't much to worry about. For the past week or two I've come home 3 or 4 times and found the back gate unlached. I figured either Sushi came home for breakfast or I simply forgot to latch it when I left. Today I came home a couple minutes early for lunch and caught the neighbor boy and one of his friends coming out my back door with a bag of pretzels (mine). [And here I thought sushi was eating all the junk food!] I confronted him nicely (as is my way when I am caught off guard) and he said he was hungry and there wasn't any food at his house. So I asked him if he wanted some cheese to go with the pretzels. . I'm waiting now for Sushi to get home to discuss this with him. Another trust broken. Now, what to do about it.....
  11. When I went to leadership because my ex (we were still married then) was leaving bruises on our children with the spoon, the response was "sometimes that is what it takes to get a child's attention"
  12. I'm sick of waiting for the "next life" to see justice. I want to see some fricking justice NOW
  13. Paw, check your PT's :D-->
  14. well I just peeked at their website and they are still calling themselves a RESEARCH ministry - or at least claiming they do research. Course most of us know they haven't done any true research in years. I peeked at the WayRag articles posted too - It was like I never left nearly 5 years ago. Same old same old - rehashed. Well maybe this will wake up a few more people.
  15. Whatchyou talking about Herbie - it says 4th! ;)-->
  16. You should know - if you stay in a cabin you need to bring your own bedding and pillows. They also have bunk houses that sleep anywhere from 6 - 40. Great way to save on expenses! The bunkhouses do not have a kitchen - but we are willing to share ours. :)-->
  17. p.s. - see new thread for details here
  18. Arkie, Little Hawk says Jellystone is just up the crick a bit from him. :)-->
  19. oops - yes Belle you are correct. I fixed the date. :)-->
  20. The weenie Roast will begin Friday October 7th and will take place at Jellystone park in Cave City, Kentucky. Details on the park and location can be found here I have reserved an Amish cabin. It sleeps 9 and has a small kitchen. We still have roughly 2 - 4 open beds (pending confirmation from potential bunkies). If you are interested in bunking with us e-mail me at Abigail0900@yahoo.com. There are a number of different styles of cabins, but there aren't many left and I'm told they will fill up fast. There are still a ton of tent and R.V. sites available. Either way, make your reservations soon. 800-523-1854. We need to plan some meals too. I will bring a huge pot of chili and I'm betting 1000Names will make sausage gravy for breakfast one morning. Rumor has it Sudo will bring some Stew. We will also need drinks and paper products.
  21. I will be calling early evening to check on reservations and openings. Then I will post the specific details and dates.
  22. I was looking at Natural Bridge Park earlier today. However, Cave City could be cool too. Before we decide, we need to check on airports and bus stations for those who may want to fly or bus in. If Cave City is relatively close to access for plane and/or bus, then Cave City it is. :)-->
  23. Belle, thanks for posting the links. I think we want to stay in the Lexington area - preferable within say 45 minutes of Lexington. I can't drive all the way to West Virginia with the little ones - too far away. The other link looks good, but it doesn't look like they have camp grounds. The ideal would have camp grounds and cabins, that way those who want to share a cabin can, those who want to bring tents or campers can. Not asking much, am I? :D-->
  24. Okay - after discussing things with the benevolent dictator, we are looking for a campground WITH CABINS as close to Lexington Kentucky as possible. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Roast will be over Columbus Day weekend, naturally.
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