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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. a name? I don't know, I never thought to ask it :lol: :P
  2. We brought home a chair that someone left behind. Unfortunately, we don't know who the owner is. So all you weenies out there - do a chair count and let me know. :) HEY - at least I didn't ask you to string em!!!! :o
  3. Okay - the hair thing. I don't think I "flip" my hair, but I will pull it out from underneath the collar of my shirt, which is where it often seems to end up. It get's itchy having all that hair down the back of your shirt.
  4. Jellystone was great, Sudo! But it sounds like Littlehawk has a place staked out for us next year. An island about 2 hours NE. We're also talking about moving the date to September.
  5. HA - and people complain about us liberals here in America
  6. We have room for you in our cabin, Hammeroni. Fear not. :)
  7. "We ALL have to deal with the monthly mess, just in different ways. In recent months (going on for the past couple years) ours have been 'messing' four three weeks out of four." Ah yes, but Galen, trust me it is not the same. You think that it is only females who are concerned about this?" No, but men don't obsess about it the way women do. How many men will ask you if they look fat in their new jeans? Or if their butt looks to big? "I think shaving my legs is far less uncomfortable than shaving my face would be. BUT I'd rather shave my face than certain other body parts. hmm, I think that my face (and your face) is far more sensative than your legs. A face has more shapes and curves, more blood vessels up close to the surface, and more nerves. I think that a face is much harder to shave, a face bleeds more, and a face is more sensative to shaving; than a leg is." Read it again, Galen. I said what you said. The more sensitive area I was referring to is quite a ways below the face. At least most of the time. :lol: I have heard of this one too. Wait, be patient, let her take her time, love her, be patient, wait, take her time, ... So when she finally gets a libido, we are so old our flesh no longer works. Hah, great. Yeah, God has some sense of humor, eh? "... Vulnerability, we believe attracts the sharks in our world like blood in the water. Our training in this area starts when we are quite young." Also in school, boys will group to attack a 'weakling'. This is one of the things I would like to understand about boys/men. Although women have their counter part too - its just more subtle and I often think, more cruel. Course it could just be that I think it is more cruel because I am female and have been on the receiving end of it - but never experienced it in the way boys do.
  8. I would like to understand (though I am not sure I want to experience it) the competitiveness between men -especially young men and boys. And they way they can insult each other, but its not really an insult. I've met very few women I could jokingly call a whore and still be friends with - yet so many men will say all sorts of awful things to each other and it rolls right off.
  9. It's by Robbie Robertson, formerly of the band - off his solo album. That particular song is performed with U2. If your interested in more of his stuff let me know and I'll see if we can figure out how to email it to ya. :)
  10. Munchies would be good so would pop. Can we get a diet pop or two? I'm figuring roughly 14 - 15 adults 10 or 11 kids. Gonna have one heck of a crew!!!!!
  11. I have two more for ya, as soon as Sushi is ready to post them for me. One is for all the women on the thread and the other is in honor of Rosh Hashanah, I'll let you figure out which is which.
  12. yup - ya got the name of the song - now who dun it? :) and with whom? :o
  13. okay - Fannie, Annie - you got me on that one BUT, Rick, I can't believe you didn't get my song. I'll give you a hint - it was the perfect follow up to yours.
  14. Highway - it's not Fanny either - lol, it's Annie as in Anna Leigh. Sushi's song (MY song in follow up) is working now, but it takes a couple minutes to load. I want to know the name, the singer, and what band he used to play with. :) OH and for an easy bonus - who is playing and singing with him as a guest appearance. Not that I'm asking much, but I'm thinking Rick just might know it.
  15. Well I'm waiting (sic) to see if anyone gets Bluz song by The Band
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