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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. wow - it sounds like most of Michigan has left TWI. I know there are still some going strong here in Lansing, but had no idea the Grand Rapids was basically done.
  2. I dunno, JL, I suspect by and large most people aren't offended at the jokes, regardless of race - especially if the one telling it is of the same ethnic background that is being poked fun at. Being Jewish and Polish, as well as having grown up in the upper penninsula of Michigan (which is where all the northern "rednecks" are from), I find most jokes that poke fun at stereotypes funny. I guess I see them as a way of showing how silly (and therefore inaccurate) the stereotypes really are. and while I'm here What does Bill Clinton say right after he get laid? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I'll be home in about 20 minutes, Hillary"
  3. "What other gods were/are they worshipping? Who are they? Name them. Be specific. Don Wierwille was an administrator. Who did he worship, the Administrator God? " How about money, power, greed, lust, fear (of being exposed for what they truly are).
  4. I don't know the answer to your question. But I began studying the O.T. from a jewish perspective a year or so ago and it really put the N.T. in an entirely different light in terms of understanding it.
  5. D!!!!! I never knew you looked so young!! What's your secret? ;) Happy birthday - and many more fiddle pickin years to come!
  6. Greasy - it would seem there is a good possibility we know each other. I was active in TWI in Michigan during the time frame you mentioned. I had NO idea the Lichts sent away all the Michigan leadership though - I just thougt it was ours local leaders who were shipped off to Siberia.
  7. roflol - well now I know why he was scratching his head. Well - between my attempt to say it to him this morning and the note, I think he got the idea. :)
  8. Well, ya must not have done too bad Raf. I watched one parent scratch his head in confusion towards the middle, but in the end it seemed to communicate what I wanted. :) And, I was finally able to contact one of the bilingual parents and he agreed to come and translate! Thank you for helping ensure that an imporant part of the school community was not left out of this upcoming meeting. :)
  9. Thanks Mark, that is a website I will save to my favorites for future needs. Raf, I'm sure your version is MUCH MUCH better than what I came up with on my own. :)
  10. We have a very important meeting coming up at my boy's school on Monday regarding changes as a result of budget cuts. Their school has a number of Spanish speaking families who know little to no English, yet they are among the very few parents I see within the school daily and I believe they very much care about what happens at this school. I was hoping to ask one of the parents that I do know speaks English well to translate, but so far I haven't been able to find him, I think his son has been out sick. I think I can find a translator for the meeting itself, through a local community center - but I need to get the information ABOUT the meeting out to them TODAY. Can one of you tell me how to say the following in Spanish: IMPORTANT SCHOOL MEETING Monday, October 24, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in the school gymnasium Due to budget cuts a number of changes will be taking place. Some of these changes will impact your children. Your attendance at this meeting is important. Please come and show your children, their teachers, and the administration you support. I put this through a translator thingy on the internet, but I suspect it is gramatically very inaccurate. Thanks for helping. :)
  11. Abigail

    history lesson

    Sami, I'm sorry I forgot to call you back. Will call tonight or tomorrow regarding Saturday - but so far it is a go. :)
  12. Oakspear, I am thrilled that the "real world" has become a place you want to spend more time in. But I know you won't abandone us completely :) Please forgive my brief derail below: "Another way of saying that people for all their 'chest beating' don't really give a hoot when it comes to you before them. Nothing but excuses. That is why I STILL go Gods' way, never be disappointed in my expectations." Which is another way of admitting you're too chicken to get out there and form real relationships with people, but instead prefer to hide behind a book, which you can also use as a weapon to beat other's over the head with, when they show that they are actually human and disappoint you.
  13. Mr. Hammeroni, Where you stand? I think you have been told where you stand but you refuse to accept you. You continue to try to twist it around and make it what it is not. Read what is written and take it for that - quit trying to read things that aren't there. If that isn't clear and you would like to remove this from the board, email or PT me.
  14. are now in the "gallery". The "gallery" button is on top of the forums next to the "chat" button.
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