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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. Clay, I have never viewed it from quite that perspective before. I think it is a very interesting and cool way to see those verses/concepts. What I am wondering though, is if it took Adam to get the ball rolling and Jesus to complete it, what happens to all those people who lived and died in the interim? Are they "saved" because they looked for the coming Messiah, then?
  2. I would add two things. 1) when done right, this stuff really works!!!!! and 2) you may find things in some of their examples that you don't agree with - either they don't fit your value system or you feel your child is too young/too old. What we have done is modified their examples to fit our values and circumstances. For example, I just plain cannnot wrap my mind around the idea of allowing elementary school children to play in their bedrooms as late as they want and then go to school all tired. I'm not convinced they would make the cause and effect connection very quickly and I think it is a horrible thing to put their teachers through - lol. So we use the choice method - Would you like to go to bed now? (usually said about 15 minutes before we want them to go to bed) Or when your show is over/your done with that? (whatever fits) Also, would you like to go to bed with books or without? Another example is mealtime - I am very opposed to withholding food. However, I have no problem with sending a rude child away from the table and allowing them to come back and eat later, alone, when everyone else is done. Likewise, I have no problem with a child fixing a pbj sandwich, grabbing some yogurt, or some other healthy food, if they don't like what is on the table. The keys for us are, it can't make extra work for the adults,(the child must be responsible for finding and preparing the alternative), and the food has to be healthy.
  3. Abigail

    Health tips

    Avoid any and all trans fats aka hydrogenated oils. That is the true culprit behind heart problems. They are in many many processed foods, so read your labels. For cooking I am a fan of olive oil and rarely use anything but that. High fiber is getting easier to find and is also good. If you hate whole grain breads, Wonder has a "whole grain white bread" that even my kids will eat. I also use whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta. Read the labels for fiber content.
  4. FullCircle, I am sorry you felt the need to delete what you wrote. I did read it and found it very encouraging. There have been so many wonderful and helpful responses to my question that I have had a difficult time keeping up and processing it all - hence, it took so long for me to comprehend what Rocky, Krys and some were saying as well.
  5. Wow ExC - you may really be onto something with this!!!!!!!! I am reading and totally fascinating, it is so descriptive of what goes on with Jacob, now I am even wondering if ADHD isn't a misdiagnosis. I will definitely be discussing this with his pediatricain and the assessment team at school!!!!!! There is one main discrepency though, in that kids with this disorder often do not have much of an imagination and Jacob most certainly has an incredible imagination. However, I still think it is worth checking into.
  6. Yeah, I was having a dense moment last night. Forgive me, and thanks for suggesting I do some research on gifted kids. :)
  7. Great, you raise him! LOL I'm kidding. Yes, he is very bright - never had him tested for "giftedness" and probably won't, certainly not before high school. The reason for that is in our state, we have no programs for gifted kids until they reach highschool. However, because he has been diagnosed with ADHD, he can qualify for an IEP which could include more challenging work. But in answer to your question, he has an incredible imagination. I always say that he got a double dose of imagination because his older brother didn't get one. :) Mostly, I just want to find a way to help him figure out how to navigate in THIS world to the extent he will need to, in order to grow into a relatively well adjusted adult.
  8. Wow, leave for a while and see what happens WW, I am really glad to see you here!!!!! I love picking your brain about this stuff, you are always such a big help!!!!! First, I have been through the Aspergers and PDD-NOS stuff with Aaron and I am 90% certain that this is not what Jacob is dealing with. I say 90% because in kindergarten I insisted for the entire year he didn't have ADHD either. If PDD is what he is dealing with, it has to be a very mild form, because other than "living in his own world", he really displays no other signs. Likewise, he really doesn't have any language issues beyond an almost undetectible speech impediment and issues with written expression which are a result of the visual/motor integration problem. He does great academically - straight A's. At home, we have attention issues which require a lot of patience on our part, and we have to really watch him out in public so he doesn't wander off, but other than that, he's fine - but then he lives with a family of misfit geeks, so he fits right in here Mostly, my concerns are regarding socialization, or the lack thereof, and the potential self-esteem problems that could come with it down the road. I like that he marchs to the beat of his own drum, really. Aaron does too - but Aaron seems to have found a good balance that allows him to make friends pretty well too, Jacob hasn't found that yet. Yes, Belle, he can play with kids. He plays with his cousin, who is younger and he has one friend who he absolutely loves and those are good things. He also plays with his older brother, when big brother is feeling especially bored or benevolent. But it seems, developmentally, he should have moved into the stage where he is starting to socialize more - to make more school friends. The fact that the other kids seem to NOT want to play with him is concerning. I think that is a result of some of his odd behaviors. Some of those behaviors I am aware of, but I think I will need to get more information from his teacher on that score. If my memory is correct, by this age most kids would be more aware of how other kids behave and would sort of naturally modify their own behavior to fit in a bit more. I would assume the reason he hasn't done that is because he is completely unaware of what the other kids do or do not do. Which I guess comes back to, how do I help him to be more aware? And now I am off to google Gardener's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. :D
  9. For instance, he will put on the weirdest clothing combinations and when I point out that the clothes don't match, his response is "who care's their comfortable." Well, its pretty darned hard to argue with that now, isn't it. Or, when eating, he might point out that is is so much easier to pick up the food with his fingers, even if it is spagetti. Or, why should one be embarrassed about burping and farting, they are natural bodily functions? Clay, it isn't simply an issue of being harrassed by a few kids. Actually, the teasing that does occur doesn't seem to bother him overly much yet - sometimes yes, but mostly I think it confuses him. The problem is bigger though, in that it seems most of the kids don't want to play/interact with him and/or he doesn't play/interact with them. The way it was put in the assessment report was the he "plays along side" the other kids, as opposed to playing with them. Now, playing along side is normal in 3, 4, and 5 year olds. But if I recall correctly, by 7 he should be playing with, not along side. My concern is that, while it doesn't appear to be overly upsetting to him now, I'm betting the day will come when it will be. When the other kids are invited to birthday parties and he isn't. When no one wants him to play on their team in sports, etc. Vegan, thanks for the links, I will look those over more thoroughly tonight when the kids are in bed, along with the info from George.
  10. Thanks. WW and I have emailed back and forth a bit when I was helping Aaron work through some stuff. He, BTW, is doing fantastic these days! Unfortunately, because I took so much time working with him, I nearly missed the fact that Jacob was dealing with his own issues. Thankfully, he has wonderful teachers who made sure they made me aware. :) He doesn't have an IEP yet, though we are working on that. He also has some visual/motor integration issues, which we recently had him assessed for and we are supposed to have his first IEP meeting this month. Ideally, I'd like to have all the issues we are aware of on the table, and I'd like to be prepared to discuss them from an educated standpoint. He has one friend and a cousin at school. Beyond that, a lot of the kids tease him because he is different and he just doesn't get the social stuff. I can relate to that, but unfortunately, I am not sure exactly how to help him with it. I can explain to him some of it, but then he asks me really great questions and I just don't have the answer, because quite frankly I happen to agree with him about a lot of it. Also, I want to find a good balance so that he can fit in, but be a leader and not a follower. In other words, I don't want to teach him he should simply "go along with the crowd", because that will cause potentially worse problems down the road. George, those all sound like interesting possibilities which I will look into later today.
  11. I can't explain rationally or logically why it is I believe in God. All I can say is I do. For that reason, I don't blame or judge those who do not.
  12. I figure if he believes that then he was too uneducated to be elected and if he did manage to get elected believing that, his political career will be short.
  13. Most of them are liars and crooks, so why bother having them take an oath anyway? That being said, I have no problems with him using something that represents his religious beliefs, nor would I if he were Jewish, Christian, Pagan, Hindu, whatever - it makes more sense to use something that is meaningful to the individual being sworn in. Belle, I would add in regard to your link about what Muslem's believe about "white men" - you can find some very negative and offensive beliefs within sects of any religion. The OT is rife with the killing of those who did not adhere to Judaism, yet I think you would find very few Jews who would propound such acts today. The history of Christianity likewise has some very very dark eras, yet again, I think you would find few Christians who would support such acts today. Note, I said few. There are extremist sects within most religion groups.
  14. I wasn't getting any spam until just the past few days. Beyond that, I can't comment because this is a new area of learning for me. Naturally none of the adults had anything to do with setting up the domain name or email accounts - a teenager did that for us I can access the dummy account and check it once a day, that's no big deal. Mostly I am just relieved to know that I am bug/worm free and that no one is somehow getting my password.
  15. I think yahoo tech fixed it - they changed the "catch all" account from my account to a dummy account. Thanks!!!!
  16. greasy I am trying to, I changed my preferences to show the header, but every time I try to post it here it won't let me - I keep getting an error message that says The resource is not available And no, that isn't or ISP
  17. Here's one, Greasey - THANKS!!!!! From: postmaster@dte2k.de Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert To: xdbo@hallmatsonlaw.com Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 12:49:23 +0100 Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed. tgbyvfepampntuc@poseidon-kiel.com Message/delivery-status Reporting-MTA: dns;mailc0915.dte2k.de Received-From-MTA: dns;p508976A6.dip.t-dialin.net Arrival-Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 12:49:20 +0100 Final-Recipient: rfc822;tgbyvfepampntuc@poseidon-kiel.com Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Forwarded Message [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ] Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 12:50:18 +0100 From: "Olive" <xdbo@hallmatsonlaw.com> To: tgbyvfepampntuc@poseidon-kiel.com Subject: The doctor can sew the meniscus back in place if the patient is relatively young, the injury is in an area with a good blood supply, and the ligaments are intact. HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ] However, since these medications seldom completely banish attacks an acute treatment should be close to hand to treat those attacks that still occur. What is fibromyalgia? Mass outbreaks of the disease are rare. Research suggests relaxation techniques, to help with stress, may be useful for some people in managing their blood pressure. Most operations takes less than one hour, and can be done using keyhole surgery techniques. Are they any long term problems? Other less common causes of dysmenorrhoea are previous pelvic surgery and a pelvic infection. Therefore, light rays fall in short of the retina - the area at the back of the eye that interprets the image - and results in blurred distance vision. They are also frequently are unable to work because of their disability. This is especially true as you get older, as blood pressure goes up with age. If there is an underlying disease causing the dysmenorrhoea then this should be treated. Most babies will not be harmed if their mother is infected, but GBS can cause early birth, stillbirth, late miscarriage and complications. If liver damage is severe, then a transplant may be the only option. This occurs when fluid in the eye cannot drain properly. Can transmission be prevented? Though the infection is generally acquired early in childhood, the disease may take years to manifest itself. What is fibromyalgia? There have also been cases of fertilised eggs being mixed up in the laboratory and the wrong embryo being implanted in the woman, leading to fears about how the process is carried out. Certain cancers can also develop and damage the skin, brain and nervous system. The viruses are never the same each year, but normally the surface proteins undergo slight changes. The doctor can sew the meniscus back in place if the patient is relatively young, the injury is in an area with a good blood supply, and the ligaments are intact. Some people are said to be short-sighted or myopic. It can also be passed on through sexual contact, as the virus can be present in bodily fluids such as semen. There is no specific treatment for infectious mononucleosis, other than treating the symptoms. When there is no underlying cause, simple analgesia with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen might be all that is needed. The increase in cases is due to a number of factors:the disease is becoming resistant to traditional treatments. Many anti-histamine tablets are available over the counter in chemists. All adults should have their blood pressure checked at least once every five years, but preferably more often. Smoking is not a direct risk factor for high blood pressure, but it does increase the chance of heart attack, heart failure and stroke. However, as the test is looking for signs that the body's immune system is trying to fight the virus, it may not be positive for a few months after infection. Septicaemia is the blood poisoning form of the disease. Of those that survive GBS meningitis, up to a third are left with long-term mental and physical problems. Broadly, there are two types of bacterial disease: meningococcal and pneumococal. Physical injury to the penis, spinal cord, prostate, bladder or pelvis can also be a factor. Many people are offered drugs normally used to treat depression. and here's another one that looks different: Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 20:59:50 +0800 From: "Mail Delivery Subsystem" <MAILER-DAEMON@singnet.com.sg> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert To: veg@hallmatsonlaw.com Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details The original message was received at Wed, 3 Jan 2007 20:48:07 +0800 from mx11.singnet.com.sg [] ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <suki1118@pop3.singnet.com.sg> (reason: 550 5.1.1 User unknown) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 550 5.1.1 <suki1118@pop3.singnet.com.sg>... User unknown Message/delivery-status Reporting-MTA: dns; carbon.singnet.com.sg Arrival-Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 20:48:07 +0800 Final-Recipient: RFC822; suki1118@pop3.singnet.com.sg X-Actual-Recipient: RFC822; suki1118@carbon.singnet.com.sg Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Unix; 550 5.1.1 User unknown Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 20:59:50 +0800 Forwarded Message From: "Boggs X. Viola" <veg@hallmatsonlaw.com> To: suki1118@singnet.com Subject: straddle Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 13:47:21 +0100
  18. in the Computer forum at my thread there. I am having serious issues with my business email account and am running out of ideas for how to fix it, short of deleting the account and setting up a new one, which is very problematic in and of itself.
  19. Yeah, I did do a scan for viruses and it came up clean. So you are saying these could be coming from someone else's computer? That could make sense, I suppose, none of the spam is being sent to people I know. heck some of it went overseas and wasn't even in English. Well, my boss did find a worm on her computer - I wonder if that is where it is originating. What I find very very odd is that the sender address isn't mine. For example - say our business domain name is abigaillaw.com and my email address is abc@abigaillaw.com. If I were the sender, I would expect the email to say it was sent by abdc@abigail.com. Instead they will say there were sent by def@abigaillaw.com or hij@abigaillaw.com. They aren't all being sent by one sender, but by numerous senders all @abigaillaw.com. I've never seen anything quite like it. Oh yea, another piece of information. It appears when the boss' son set up our domain name he didn't "lock it" - whatever that means. So, in case that was part of the problem I did go in and lock it this morning and I verified that only the email accounts we set up were listed there. However, again, I don't understand how if I am not the "sender" they emails are being returned to me.
  20. It would appear that somehow spam is being sent from my business account. No one else at the office seems to be having this problem. I keep getting 40 - 50 "mail delivery failure" messages a day. All of them are for mail I did not send. All of them appear to have been sent from our business account, but do not have my specific business address listed as the sender. I have changed my password twice. I have run both Adaware and Norton's spyware. I also scanned for viruses. I did find and remove a hijacker, but I doubt that is what is doing this. My boss found a worm, but if it was on her computer and not mine, I would think she would be having the problem and not me. Any suggestions?
  21. Mark, people may not currently wish for a different skin color, but it is entirely possible there was a time (during slavery and even long afterwards) when they did. Another conern is that these treatments may be forced on those who don't want them. Imagine if you are homosexual and in a committed, loving relationship. Along comes big brother (not necessarily our government, could be any government in any country) and "fixes" you. What happens to that long term committed relationship? Here's Sushi's thoughts on the matter: Perhaps this is similar to what has taken place within the deaf community. There are now cochlear implants which will allow some deaf people to hear. However, being deaf has become such a part of their identity, they find it rather disturbing because it will oust them from their community/circle of friends.
  22. CW, as one who has had the "threat of exposure" hanging over my head for quite some time, I have a few things I would like to offer you and to anyone else who may find themselves in this situation. First and foremost, the moderators here do a great job of dealing with attacks that are prersonal in nature or that reveal personal information. This I know first hand. If one slips through (and that can happen through no fault of the moderators) and you let them know about it, they will handle it quickly and fairly. Now, I realize that means the moderators would have that personal information you didn't want anyone to know - again I have experienced this. All I can say is that it is embarassing, yes. But they will never hold it over you or use it against you. They are pretty good at being impartial and they are good about recognizing there is usually at least 3 sides to every story. That being said, I think you will also find that many of the posters here are very forgiving. They, like you, like I, like all human beings who have lived to adulthood, have their own skeltons in the closet. Most will not judge yours any more harshly than they would want you to judge theirs. This too, I know first hand. Finally, what makes the thought of exposure so incredibily intimidating is usually our own shame regarding whatever it is that might be exposed. Yup, there we go, back to the shame issue once again. Funny how we end up there over and over and over again. When we can come to terms with our pasts and forgive ourselves for our pasts. When we can look at where we are now, how far we have come, shame begins to lose its power.
  23. yeah D - take the quiz that EX10 wrote out :D
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