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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. Sushi is 100% right about sticking to certain catch phrases. I have found if one of the boys is not listening or is engaging in an unapproved of activity, all we have to do is say "No problem" and they immediately correct their behavior now.
  2. Happy Birthday Sami!!!!! Can your mom come and chat now???
  3. Mark, I have really enjoyed following your responses on this thread, as well as the input by Mstar. I am not a Catholic, by any stretch of the imagination. Nonetheless I find the subject interesting. On another topic within this thread - what you said above may have been true a long time ago, but unfortunately the cat is out of the bag now. Sushi says the best way to prevent aids is to use an aspirin. He had to explain what he meant, but once he did, I had to agree. [Put it between your knees and hold it there ]. The next best way is to stick with one partner for life. I have never heard of a case of two homosexual MONOGONOUS males contracting HIV. Unfotunately, needles are also a problem. I am not sure, but at one time so were blood transfusions, don't know if that is still true today. I know a man, however, who lost his wife to aides, which she contracted via a blood transfusion. He will one day likewise succomb to the same disease, which he contracted through his wife before they ever knew she had it. However, I hardly think one can blame the Catholic Church for HIV.
  4. Does anybody else find it odd that the "sex offender registry" links are at the bottom of this thread? No disrespect Mark, I find it odd that it would be at the end of most any thread in the doctrinal section, I wasn't intending to poke fun at Catholics. I'm sure there've been a few Rabbi's who have been convicted too. In fact I saw one on "To Catch A Predator" Edited to say, it seems the links are changed quite frequently - its gone now. :)
  5. Mark, I really appreciate you sharing that. I feel the same way regarding Judaism.
  6. ROFLMAOPMP - that is so absolutely true!
  7. The Old Testiment is not yesteryear. Everything written in the New Testament was based on what was learned from the O.T. If one comes to a deeper understanding of the O.T., they will aslo come to a deeper understanding of the N.T. Jesus did not teach a New Testament, he just simpified and summed up what was already there.
  8. I'm sorry Kathy, but I have no idea what you are referring to when you say "sacred ground" or about "a select few".
  9. Kathy, I get where you are coming from. I too grow tired of seeing every thread Mark starts that has anything to do with his religion getting trashed. BUT, Mark is a big boy and he already knows what is coming, before he ever starts the thread. AND if you follow your logic through, then anytime we trash someone's political ideology, we trash the person. Everytime we trash the teachings of TWI, we are trashing a person - because there are people here who still hold to his teachings. There is a difference between arguing the merits of a religion, a doctrine, a political opinion, etc. and personally attacking an individual. I suspect one of the reasons it seems so much like Mark is being trashed personally is because there are so very few who are Catholic here or who speak up positively regarding Catholocism. I have felt the same way sometimes regarding Oldiesman - that he was being attacked personally, even when he wasn't, because his religious views were being attacked.
  10. And isn't there at least some degree of pressure in the implication? "What? You don't want to participate in the program? Boy are you immature!!!" Yup, TWI tactics all over again.
  11. A Pi$$ing contest - roflmao - have Jacob mark the territory - you crack me up. Naw, if it were a pi$$ing contest, Jacob would win hands down. That kid can pee on the ceiling!!!! One dog is male, the husky is female. I'm pretty sure it is her, because little dog is very persistent about being let out. So persistent, that when Scrappy was alive, Buster would wake me up to let Scrappy out because Scrappy couldn't climb the stairs. My guess is she has picked Jacob's room, because dogs generally won't go to the bathroom near in their "living space." Both dogs will hang out in our bedroom, both dogs will hang out in the livingroom, and I usually find them both sleeping on Aaron's bed by morning. Neither of them ever really hang out in, or sleep in Jacob's room. Nicki isn't as good about communicating when she needs to go out. It is often difficult to tell when she wants out vs. when she just wants her ears scratched - huskies don't bark or whine, at least ours doesn't. So despite our frequently letting her out, we may be missing her signals sometimes. That was okay when she would take care of business in the basement where it was easy to clean up. It is not okay in Jacob's room. But you do raise an interesting point. Jacob has only recently gotten to the point where he is sleeping through the night without pull ups. He does occassionally have accidents. We clean his bed linens and the mattress cover, but maybe she is smelling what we cannot? If that is the case, how do we stop her, short of buying a new mattress, which I am not prepared to do yet? Yeah, I've been doing some googling and a trip to the vet may very well be warranted. I read that if a dog suddenly changes their "habits" it could be a sign of an infection or kidney stones.
  12. And yet, only a licensed professional should decided whether a person is or is not bipolar. Only a licensed professional should attempt to treat any form of psychological or emotional disorder.
  13. We seem to be having problems with one of our doggies (not really puppies, they are full grown) peeing on the carpet on Jacob's bedroom. I'm not sure which one, as we have never caught him or her in the act. It seems to have started late fall, early winter. I suspect it is our Husky, who used to occassional piddle on the basement floor. That wasn't a problem because it was easy to clean up. I'm not sure, if it is her, why she has switched to Jacob's room, but it is really becoming a problem because I am tired of dragging our monsterous and old carpet shampooer out every week so to clean it up. If I don't, the smell is awful! Both dogs are let out regularly - someone is pretty much home with them most of the day. Yet almost daily I am finding new piddle spots. Any suggestions?
  14. Lansing just had it's annual fundraiser for Muscular Dystrophy (sp), wherein people dive into the river in January!!
  15. 1. If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you might live in Michigan You can tell Jeff Foxworthy has only visited and never actually LIVED in Michigan, otherwise he would have mentioned that you can participate in this particular activity 9 months out of the year. . If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Michigan. I do this. One day I met a man at Meijer who must be agoraphobic. He was all scrunched up against the meat counter with a look of sheer terror on his face. He couldn't figure out how to work his way back into the aisle. I stopped my cart (and the flow of traffic) and made room for him. I ran into him again and again as I shopped, always he would be stuck somewhere, unable to work up the courage or aggression to force his way into the flow of traffic. I told Sushi he needed to go be the man's body guard and help him finish shopping :D "Vacation" means going up north on I-75 I go at least once a year. You measure distance in hours Exactly, it takes two hours to get to Detroit, the bridge is 3 1/2 hours away, and my dad's house is about 7 hours away. What more does a person need to know? You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. Down South to you means Ohio. And man is it irritating when those darned southern drivers from Ohio slow me down!!! Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow Hell yeah!!!! You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction In other parts of the country, people know winter is coming when the leaves turn orange and fall off the trees. Here, we know winter is coming with the orange cones disappear. A brat is something you eat. Cooked in beer, with a pastie on the side. :D Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost On one 4th of July vacation, up north of course, I actually did experience this. You know what a Yooper is I better, I am one!!! Better a yooper than a troll! You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your Michigan friends I figured it would be easier to ask Sushi to post em here instead.
  16. Mark already started a thread on this :)
  17. Some may find THIS ARTICLE interesting: Record numbers in Michigan seek food stamps, other assistance Midday Update Associated Press About 1.9 million residents in economically struggling Michigan are receiving government food assistance, the highest number here in the more than 40-year history of the federal food stamp program and more than in all but five states. The cost of providing the food stamps for Michigan families grew to $1.24 billion last year, up 145 percent from just five years earlier. And the government estimates that more than 300,000 residents who are not receiving assistance could qualify for it. "We've seen a pretty steady climb since December 2000 and it's gone up by a few thousand cases each and every month," said Maureen Sorbet, spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Human Services. "There must be a time when we reach the saturation point, but it's difficult to determine when that will be." The numbers of people relying on nongovernment food banks, pantries and shelters for food needs are also growing. The Food Bank Council of Michigan says more than 1 million people received in excess of 75 million pounds of free food from charitable and religious groups last year. "Our agencies say there is more demand, more working-poor families and more people who are coming in for the first time ever," said Jane Marshall, the council's executive director. The trend is being driven by massive downsizing in the state's auto industry and the disappearance of manufacturing jobs. Michigan's December unemployment rate of 7.1 percent was second-highest to Mississippi's 7.5 percent and trailed the national average of 4.5 percent. Rule changes, such as a 2000 rule that increased the income threshold for food assistance, also have increased participation. The federal government pays 100 percent of the food stamp program and half of its administrative costs. The remainder is covered by states. In Michigan, that was $93 million in 2006.
  18. Is there a way for me to transfer my tapes to CD? If so, can someone tell me how? Thanks
  19. Somehow I missed that the liner is used WITH the crockpot. I had this mind picture of those bags you can make pot roasts in the oven with. My mistake. :)
  20. Aye, doesn't that sum it up beautifully!
  21. Yeah, well that is why in the rape thread I said I didn't think you could legislate a once size fits all deal - a jury needs to decide after being given ALL the information. One of the problems in our courts these days is there are so many ways to prevent all of the information from being given. Damned hard to make a sound decision when important parts of the puzzle are missing. Also, I have a huge problem with teenages being labelled sex offenders for having consensual sex with one another. It destroys their lives, it confuses the issue in the minds of the public, and it totally minimalizes the true horror experienced by someone who really was raped. Perhaps we would have better sentencing for rapists if we stopped calling them "sex offenders" or otherwise lumping them in with teenagers who had consensual sex with each other.
  22. Yeah, but can you make soup in them? Last weekend we made turkey noodle soup with the carcass of a smoked turkey, and a pot of chili. Today I made potato soup with a ham bone tossed in. Friday I will make lentil stew. I LOVE my slow cooker!!
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