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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. I dunno Shellon, streaking through a store actually could have its a'peel'
  2. Abigail

    My Generation

    Mark, that was way cool and very moving. It made me miss my grandma something awful though, because she would have loved it. She was learning break dancing in her 60's and was young up until the day she died at 78. Wow, I just did the math to figure out exactly how old she was when she died and I never would have guessed she was that close to 80. My dad turns 70 this summer, just retired from his lawfirm a couple of months ago and is still practicing part-time out of his home. He also works for the state and travels all over. No way is he old. As I watched the video, I couldn't help but also be awed by all the years of wisdom that was gathered together to make that video. Imagine the questions they could answer - the experience they have, the "history" they have lived through!! No way should such precious and wise people be locked away in a "home" like a criminal or other unwanted scourge upon society.
  3. Abigail

    Momma has to Brag

    Thanks you guys, he's tickled to pieces too. A charter school is sort of tough to explain. In Michigan we have regular public schools and we have charter public schools. A charter school is chartered by a university and paid for through state taxes on a per student basis (like a traditional public school) but they do not get any local funding through property taxes. They are run by their own individual board of directors. The basic idea was two-fold. First, it was to say that we could educate our children better (and for less money) if we operated on a smaller level and took the politics out of the boardroom. Second, it offers parents more choices on where they want to send their kids to school. For instance, you might have a montessori charter school - which is a very different teaching style than traditional teaching. You might have one that puts more emphasis on arts or music. The one the boys attend is a leadership academy - the focus is on leadreship and responsibility. It is also a micro-society school. For the last hour of the day the kids run their own society within the school - they open business ventures where they make and sell goods or provide a service. They earn a salary, pay taxes, pay rent for their business space, etc. They can get ticketed for breaking rules and then must go to court. It's really a cool program.
  4. Abigail

    Momma has to Brag

    CLICK HERE And you will see the smiling face of my younger son. He comes up again in the video. This is a TV spot that will be airing this summer in Michigan to promote charter schools.
  5. You too Chas??? No kidding! Me and my ex as well. I knew Jerome long before he became involved with TWI though. I sure would love to hear from him - we go back a long long ways.
  6. Abigail


    Thanks Rocky. I didn't post all of the nutritional information simply because Radar only asked about the carbs. I posted the fiber and glycemic information because that is also important in figuring the true carb count.
  7. Abigail


    Here ya go Radar, Food Item: Quinoa Food Quantity: 1 tbsp Carbs: 27g Dietary Fiber: 2g Net Carbs: 25g Quinoa and Carbs Grains and oats (like Quinoa), have a high carb count but a lower "net carb" or "digestible carb" content. They contain several vitamins and minerals. Grains and oats are often a good source of dietary fiber, which has a number of health benefits. For example, fiber helps protect against digestive disorders and disease. Healthy low carb diet plans typically recommend grains and oats in later phases of the eating plan, when you are permitted more carbs - although whole grain varieties are preferred. Quinoa and Glycemic Index Oats and grains which are higher in insoluble fiber content (mainly cellulose) are digested more slowly, and are thus lower on the glycemic index, which helps to maintain more stable blood glucose levels and healthier glucose metabolism. Eating more fiber helps to reduce the effect of high glycemic index foods by lowering the glycemic value of meals.
  8. So that is more or less the traditional take via Judaism. I am sure, though, that there are rabinnical arguments for other interpretations as well. :)
  9. Here are the verses with some of Rashi' commentary: And he drank of the wine and became drunk, and he uncovered himself within his tent. and he uncovered himself Heb. וַיִתְגָּל, the הִתְפָעֵל conjugation, [the reflexive]. 22. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness, and he told his two brothers outside. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw (Gen. Rabbah 36:7) Some of our Sages say: Canaan saw and told his father; therefore, he was mentioned regarding the matter, and he was cursed. saw his father’s nakedness - Some say that he castrated him, and some say that he sodomized him. — [from Sanh. 70a] \b 23. And Shem and Japheth took the garment, and they placed [it] on both of their shoulders, and they walked backwards, and they covered their father's nakedness, and their faces were turned backwards, so that they did not see their father's nakedness. 24. And Noah awoke from his wine, and he knew what his small son had done to him. 25. And he said, "Cursed be Canaan; he shall be a slave among slaves to his brethren." Cursed be Canaan You have caused me to be incapable of begetting another fourth son (Gen. Rabbah , manuscripts, and early editions read: a fourth son) to serve me. Cursed be your fourth son, that he should minister to the children of these older ones [shem and Japhet], upon whom the burden of serving me has been placed from now on (Gen. Rabbah 36:7). Now what did Ham see (what reason did he have) that he castrated him? He said to his brothers,“The first man [Adam] had two sons, and one killed the other so as to inherit the world, and our father has three sons, and he still desires a fourth son!” - [from Gen. Rabbah ibid. 5, 22:7] 26. And he said, "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem, and may Canaan be a slave to them. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem Who is destined to keep His promise to his seed to give them the land of Canaan. 27. May God expand Japheth, and may He dwell in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be a slave to them."
  10. Actually there is biblical documentation to the contrary. In Noah's day and before, the son's of the gods were marrying the daughters of men and created nepheshem (I know that is the wrong word, but it is close). Basically they created some sort of superhuman and that is why God allowed the flood to occur.
  11. Well, it would appear Esther's birth name was Hadassah and Esther was a "throne name" - so I would guess Ishtar was the inspiration. In Judaism Purim is the celebration of Esther and the deliverance from Haman' evil plot to kill all the Jews. However, its timing and parts of the ritual suggest it is tied to the spring renewal festival and the 'casting out of the scapegoat of the old year" (perhaps Bramble could explain what that means?) Apparenlty Esther is the only book of the Bible not represented by the Dead Sea Scrolls. hmmmmmm.
  12. Feeling a bit better today, though tired. :) What is your question Eyes? Curiosity is killing me - lol! Anyway, here is what I found within Judaism on Evening Star, Morning Star, and the Serpent: There is very little information on the "evening star" though what I did find would link it to venus and also to Ishtar. The "morning star" is also lined to venus, as well as lucifer (in Isa 13). However, it should be noted that within Judaism, Lucifer is not seen as the Christian Devil, but is understood to be a referrence to Nebuchadnezzer and his attempt to rule over Israel. Another reference, which I found very fascinating and sort of ties the evening and morning star together, was a reference to Esther beeing a woman like the morning star because she cloaked her identity until the proper time to reveal herself arrived. Another article linked Esther to Ishtar! Okay, the serpent - there is much and often conflicting information on the serpent within Judaism, but here is a brief summation. First, I have to say I found it very interesting to find that Rashi (a Hebrew scholar who predates Jesus) teaches the serpent account in Genesis in a very similar fashion to the way TWI taught it. He states that some of the verses are juxtaposed. He also says the serpent saw Adam and Eve naked (hence the need for god to provide clothing later) and having sex and that the serpent desired Eve. Rashi points out how Eve added to what God said regarding not touching the tree, and that made it easier for the serpent to deceive her. Further, the serpent was hoping Eve would feed it to Adam first, thus causing Adam to die, so the serpent could have Eve all to himself. One interpretation of the tree account, which I have shared before, is that God always intended for them to eat, but they needed to wait until the proper time. The idea behind this is that prior to eating, Adam and Eve had only animal instinct, much like dogs and cats. In eating their eyes were opened (they gained wisdom). They ate because they wre seeking wisdom above animal instinct and in order to gain such wisdom one must understand the concept of duality. In judaism, the serpent is equated to the angel of death, as well as duality. The serpent is also seen in ancient times as a powerful and positive allie to the woman. and now I get to run amok amok amok :) I was thinking, "in the day though eatest thereof though shall surely die" or however exactly that was worded. Obviously they didn't die. Perhaps what was really intended is that Adam and Eve, having only animal instinct, had no knowledge or concept of death - they would have eventually died like all animals die, but they weren't aware of that fact. Once they ate, they became aware of the concept of what death really was?
  13. Why exactly do we care about any of this? Why do we feel compelled to take a side, defend our position even if it means insulting people we actually know, in some small way, to prove our point, which is what anyway? The fact is, the entire thing is sad, perhaps tragic. A little girl caught in the middle of a war between her parents. Yet here, it is just a feeding frenzy - another thing we can fight about. Not one person here knows squat about what really went on or goes on in this family - yet we will sit back and form judgements, based on one blip in time that was made public. I am not defending him, I am not defending her. I am simply trying to understand why this is so important that it has been debated for pages already.
  14. Abigail


    Wow Vegan, Thanks!! I really enjoyed the quinoa I made with all the garlic and am looking forward to trying out your recipes too!
  15. Hi Eyes, Thanks for posting all of that information. I've been wanting to get back to this thread but have been busy (birthday parties for kiddo's, work, etc.) and then sick. :(
  16. Abigail


    I bought quinoa for the first time last weekend (if you've never had it, it is a seed like rice, but very different in texture than white rice). I'd never even heard of it before, but was at an organic food store and it looked interesting. It is supposed to be very healthy. I cooked it and mixed it with some bulger wheat and a ton of sauteed garlic and butter. It was wonderful, even Jacob liked it - though Aaron didn't. Do you have any recipes for it?
  17. I second what Paw said. We've never had a problem getting our movies quickly - always in time for the weekend. No late fees, eitherl :)
  18. Thanks for the update, Belle. BTW, Nicki finally came in the house yesterday and ate some chicken and rice. I called Nutro and they said they do not buy their rice gulten from the Wilber-whatever company. I asked them if they import it from China and they said they did not. However, it occured to me after I hung up that whoever they get it from may still have imported it from China, so for now I'm sticking with home cooking.
  19. I guess TWI was good for something! lol I got 93%
  20. Yeah, I think I'm hooked. It is interesting. Jacob (my 2nd grader) figured out the March/April question in seconds. I struggled with it. But man, I bet that guy is really kicking himself for not going for the million bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Thanks Belle - the food I just bought is on the list. :( Given that Nutro recalled its wet food, I'm wondering if it isn't a matter of time before the dry food with the rice protien gets recalled too. I called my vet and they are checking into it and will let me know what I can do to have the food tested.
  22. I hear ya. Well, I haven't seen signs of vomiting either, but my husky won't come in the house. She's been hiding out in her doghouse for 2 days now. She did come out long enough to eat some homemade food this morning, but not until I went back in the house. She won't let me near her. Now, I did give her a pigs ear last weekend and it is r possible she is just guarding that (you can't take bones away from her, I gave her the pigs ear thinking it would be gone relatively quickly). Unfortunately, at this point all I can do is wait and see.
  23. Garth, Just got off the phone with my sister, the problem is with the 4 cylinder engine in the 1999 Saturns. It is a manufacturing flaw that effects the 3rd cylinder. The problem usually arises around the 75,000 mile range.
  24. My understanding is that the problem is limited to a specific range of years, but I don't know exactly what years. I will try to find out what year her car was. She's not at her desk right now.
  25. They are both great books! I have been meaning to post more here, but have been busy with other things. :(
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