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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. Here is what Rashi says about Nephilim, which I actually think is quite interesting:
  2. Sunesis, you have posted bits and pieces about fallen angels in the past. I seem to have a fuzzy memory of a thread where you went into greater detail. I wish I knew a good search term to resurrect that thread. I believe there are other spirit beings, call them angels or whatever you will. I am not entirely sure about the "fallen angels" doctrine. Though it does seem pretty clear that something other than humans once bred with humans and created some sort of halfling - I wonder if this is where some of our fantasy writers get their ideas :) . I know many sects within Judaism believe in angels and the Chabads teach that a specific and particular angel comes to join you in your rest on Shabbat, but I am not sure how they come to that Biblically. I am interested in this subject of angels, though I have not yet gotten to a place where I have researched it much yet. I have too many memories from childhood that were scary and I don't care to ressurect them, perhaps. But I would appreciate anything you care to share on the topic, as you have time and inclination.
  3. eh hemmmm. Attempting to get this thread back on track . . . . I was raped the summer going into my senior year in high school. I was at a party and got totally smashed. I was raped while unconscious and came to in the middle of the act. I was raped by a boy I had known and been friends with for 5 years. I never saw it coming, never would have expected it, he was someone I trusted. It was years and years and years before I really talked about it. Hell, it was years and years and years before I even truly acknowledged to myself that what occured was even rape. It took my life completely off course and sent me spiraling into sex, drugs, alcohol, and eventually TWI too. And who would have believed it was rape? I broke up with the boy I was dating because I felt guilty, like I had cheated on him. I didn't tell him why. Eventually, a couple years later, I finally did tell him why. It took him many many many years later to find me and finally ask me why I didn't fight back. I was dumbfounded. How could I fight back? I was unconscious!!! But on some level, some part of me was so angry that he asked me that question, that something finally snapped inside of me and I really truly came to understand that what happened to me was not my fault. Yes, it was dumb of me to get so drunk. But I was with people I had known and trusted for years. I never, ever could have imagined one of them would do that to me.
  4. Interesting, Linda. I guess I view his teachings that way too, though I had never actually applied the terminology. Have you studied much of the midrash? What are you writing your disertation about?
  5. This week's Torah portion includes admonitions against worshipping strange gods. In my more literal days, I would have viewed this as worshipping God by any other name than JWHW, the God of Abraham, etc. These days I have a very different point of view on what it means to worship strange gods. I am wondering how others view this. Anyone care to take a crack at it?
  6. That was way out of line, Pond - to take something I said to you, and twist it into an insult toward CatCup. Yes, perhaps anyone can look up the statistics on the internet, but CatCup is the one who took the information and put it together into a beautifully written summary explanation. Likewise, the only reason she went into her educational background is becuase YOU asked her. She was not being egotistical, she was answering your question.
  7. Welcome, LindaR. Yes, this place can be very addicting, so you might just as well have some coffee while we converse. :) Dan, you were smart to get out when you did. You left right around the time I was joining up. :)
  8. Pond, You can do your own research on the internet and you will find that research data supports exactly what Catcup said. It isn't hard to do and would only take abut 30 minutes or so.
  9. Neglecting the baby teeth can have serious, long term negative consequences on the adult teeth - which will be even more expensive to repair. It can also cause other health problems. Some kids are just naturally more prone to cavities than others. There are preventatives beyond brushing and flossing, including limiting sugar filled food and drinks. Floride treatments and sealants also go a long way. Every state is different, so while what Pond said may apply to your state, it also may very well not. I would investigate the medicaid possiblity as well as CPS if necessary. If she is neglecting his dental health, what other issues might she be neglecting as well?
  10. Dan, I think I am going to really enjoy your presence down here in the basement. :) How long have you been away from TWI? And where are you planning on putting that little boat when you are done fixing it?
  11. One day, a year or so ago, Sushi and I were shopping together. As with any typical shopping trip, he was off checking out sporting goods, electronics, clearance items, etc., while I went in search of provisions. As I was working my way down the meat isle I noticed a man cowering in the corner of the case where the meat is kept. I caught his eye for a moment and he looked utterly petrified. Quickly assessing the situation I realized that he wanted to move back out into the flow of shopping carts toward the produce and bakery section, but he just couldn't figure out how to do it. Well, I have learned the southern technique of being rude with a smile - it is a very useful tool to have when you are only 5' tall. :) So I smiled shamefacedly as I rudely inserted my cart into traffic and blocked it so the man could get out. He gave me a sheepish grin of appreciation and went on his way. Some time later I ran into him again at fresh baked goods section. The poor man looked like he was on the verge of tears as he was trying to figure out how to navigate his way back into traffic again. I said, "I know it's a bitch, eh?" and smiled. He replied, "People are just so rude!!" and I swear I saw a tear welling up in the corner of his eye. At which point, I once again gave my shamefaced and embarrassed smile to the group of shoppers as I proceeded to shove my cart into the flow of traffic and create an opening so he could once again get out. Shortly after this Sushi found me. I told him what occured and suggested we should go find the poor man so my 6'5" Sushi could be his linebacker (is that the right term? I don't follow sports) while this poor fellow finished his shopping. Thankfully, when we next saw him, he was standing in line at the checkout counter with a look of sheer relief on his face. I'm wondering now, was that you Socks?
  12. And is it in anyway related to Malcome in the Middle?
  13. Quite a lengthy survey, Dan! I will poke at the questions and we will see where things go, I guess. :)
  14. ROFLOL - that picture is a picture of me as a girl. I think it was taken at my dad's house when I was somewhere between 8 and 10. I am 40 now, BTW. But thank you, I get the heart behind what you said. :) :wub:
  15. Why are there only two choices? Why only one of two extremes? Why not a balance of something in the middle? How many people do you know who have never had times when they felt drown trodden, beaten up by the world? Is that not a part of life too? Can we not live the good life at the proper times, and likewise at the proper times deprive ourselves of earthly pleasures for a time?
  16. Nice to meet you Dan! Hope you will stick around and enjoy some coffee and pie with us basement dwellers. :) Not only are you joined with God (as if that isn't incredible enough) but in at least some branches of Judaism, they would say you are taking part in the rebuilding of paradise.
  17. Abigail

    In my 'hood

    OMG, I am in shock. My neighbor told me this morning that a group of teens (boys and girls) raped his daughter on his front porch a couple weeks ago. She was home watching the little one, he was out. I am just shocked and freaked. We were home and didn't hear a thing. I can only figure we must have been sound asleep or something. He just found out about it. His oldest daughter (an adult) took J to the hospital. They were afraid to tell him and her brother because they will be out looking for these kids now. holy dang - I am just blown away. That poor girl!
  18. Funny, Socks. Most of the time I enjoy grocery shopping. I love looking at the vast variety of choices, reading the labels, comparing the prices. Imaging the new concoctions I can cook up - knowing full well one child will eat it and the other will turn his nose up in discust (and never knowing exactly which child will do which). It is a challenge! When I leave, I feel strong, victorious, more than a conqueror. I have purchased healthy food to feed my family for a week and I have made wise choices on how I spent our money. This week we will feast on smoked turkey breast, smoked pork roast, and a stewed roast beef that comes straight from heaven. We will eat barley and beans, rice and lentils, couscous and flax seeds. We will add parsnips and turnips, fresh snow peas and corn on the cob. Canetelope, peaches, plums. Raspberry shortcake especially for Sushi. Oh yea, and you must never ever ever forget the garlic and onions. No dinner is complete without garlic and onions.
  19. well, according to the one verse you quoted, it is the truth that makes you free.
  20. I wanted to add that I generally chalk bad things up to three categories 1) the natural consequences of a bad choice I made. 2) part of the consequences of a bad choice that someone else made, that negatively affected my life too. 3) I simply don't know why it happened.
  21. Jean, I am sorry for what you went through with your chilren and TWI, but very happy that your husband was strong enough to stand against them and keep his family together. I could tell similar horror stories, but it is too beautiful a morning for that today. :) I do get what you are saying about blaming God and the fear thing. I don't know where I first learned such teachings, as my parents were not at all religious, but I do remember thinking that way, even as a young child. Something would go wrong and I would think God was punishing me for something I had done, or something I failed to do. I don't view it that way anymore. Generally now, when I am faced with adversity, I see it as a test (wrong word, but I can't think of the right one) of my strength and faith. Not that God is testing me, but that God is giving me an opportunity to see for myself what he already knows - that I can overcome, that I am strong, etc. I don't fear God. I don't think God punishes us. It rains on the just and unjust, so it can't simply be about punishment. I look at the Jewish people, a people who has faced adversity and persecution for hundreds and hundreds of years. Many converted to other religions under fear of death. Many gave up on God althogether. Many have been murdered simply for being Jewish. Yet, there still remains a strong number of people, who as a people have faced the adversity and come through it with strength and faith. I think it is the same for individuals as well. And yes, I get angry at God sometimes. But the beauty of leaving behind the doctrines of TWI is that I can allow myself to get angry at God without condemning myself. I can yell at Him and question Him, I can even rebel against Him as a teen rebells against his/her parents at times. And in the end I can come back to Him too. I can accept, even when I don't understand. Just as a child ultimately accepts from his/her parents what he/she doesn't understand.
  22. As in all things, it is a balance. After my experience in TWI, I will never again isolate myself to people who only believe what I believe. And honestly, it would get boring that way too. We all make choices. We can follow a friend down a path of destruction, or we can tell a friend, "I think that path is harmful and I don't wish to travel there. I hope you decide not to travel there too, because I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt." Your sister made a choice, her friend didn't make the choice for her. That being said, yes our friends can influence us, to be sure. Especially when we are young and still finding our own path, or when we are hurting and lonely and thus likewise vulnerable. It does pay to choose your friends wisely. If you look at the O.T. you will also find many instances where people of Israel befriended and even married those who were not of Israel and it was good. Moses' wife was not of Israel - that is the first example that comes to mind, but there are many others too. I think they key isn't having the exact same religious beliefs but having similar (not necessarily identical) values. With all of that being said, yes I have difficulty making friends face to face since TWI. I am not sure how much of that is related to TWI though. I think in my instance it is largely because having children, a husband, and a full-time job, I just don't have the time to go out for coffee or hang out with friends very often. Church can be a great place to meet people with similar values. Almost any denominational or non-denominational church will probably include a few people you might get to know and become friends with. Organizations where you can volunteer is another good option, if you have that kind of time and are so inclined. I have also made a few very very wonderful friends right here at greasespot. I don't get to see them face to face as often as I might like to, but it is pretty easy to arrange for some on-line "coffee and gab" visits, when the kids are in bed and we can just hang out.
  23. Jean, here's the reason I think TWI's doctrine regarding satan and sickness can be harmful to one who is sick, if you are interested. 1. As TWI taught it (at least in the later years) the implication is if you became sick it was because you were out of fellowship with God. It was your fault, you did something wrong. I cannot even begin to describe the condemnation one felt when a child was ill! 2. If you leave out the blame of the individual the implication is, Satan is more powerful than God, i.e. Satan can make you ill, even though God's will is for you to be healthy.
  24. You appear to be a sick, sick individual, WTH.
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