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Everything posted by Abigail

  1. B e r e i s h i t (I had to put the spaces in or the editors made it read beredang - lol lol) The Torah's first word, bereidang, is an acronym for B r e is h i t -- "two firsts" (in Hebrew, the second letter of the alphabet, Bet, is also the number "2"). This is to say that the world was created for the sake of two things called "first" (reidang) - Rashi; Midrash Rabbah "In the beginning" refers to the beginning of time --the first, indivisible moment, before which time did not exist. - Soforno From what I can tell, the most accurate translation into English would be "in the beginning of"
  2. Welcome aboard, Rose! Would you care for some dinner or desert? I think each individual has to decide for themselves what to do with what they learned in TWI. Personally, I did throw it all away. The only premise I kept, and I even questioned that one for a time, wasis there a god or perhaps even many gods? From there I did my own research and drew my own conclusions. I may once again believe some of the things I learned while in TWI, but now I believe them based on my own research and my own relationship with God, not because TWI taught them. Nor do I give TWI any credit for what I believe. I trust God led me to where I am today and He can have the credit.
  3. Here's an interesting quote from one of Sunesis' links:
  4. I dunno Rascal. I tend to shut down inside when I am yelled at too. I don't usually just sit there and take it - I usually walk away, but the result is more or less the same. I have on occassion been able to stand up and give it back - but it is very emotionally draining to do so. I think that is one of the reasons I like the debates on the forums, it allows me to practice for real life. :)
  5. I hear ya ExC. This particular dentist, instead of explaining what she was going to do and talking me through what she wanted me to do, just jumped right into things and then started yelling at me when I didn't respond the way she wanted me too. Her jumping into it started the panic and her yelling only further increased my panic until I finally just pulled her hand away from my mouth and yelled at her that I couldn't breath.
  6. Curtain Climbers - roflol!!! 5!!! OMG, Eyes, you are a brave and wonderful woman! I have two and the reason I have two is because I do not think I could handle 3 - lol lol!!!
  7. I think your experience is also very appropriate to this thread, Rascal, and appreciate your sharing it. We think of rape as sexual - though really sex is only the means to the end and not the motive. I think rape can occur in non-sexual forms as well.
  8. Fascinating and very helpful CatCup!!! Both of my boys were c-section. Aaron was breach and with Jacob, interestingly enough, I never dilated past 4 cm. My sister (who was also sexually abused) likewise could never fully dialate and ultimately had a c-section too. It helps me make sense of a recental dental appointment gone awry too, perhaps. The dentist was severely lacking in bedside manner and I can't help but wonder if most people wouldn't have either decked her or at the very least gotten up and walked out much sooner than I did, or in some manner or another "fought back" and expressed anger. I won't go into the long story, but sufficite to say when I finally made my way out of that office I was crying so hard I coudn't drive the car. I had to call Sushi to go get the kids and then I just sat in the car for about 15 - 20 minutes until I had myself under control enough to drive.
  9. First, DWW, I am not a self professed Christian at this point in time. I do not shut the door on the notion that I may one day call myself Christian, but at this time in my life, I do not. I would agree that it is God's work in us and not our own works that ultimately "save" us. I disagree that even the most "perfect Christian" cannot please God. In other words, I agree that it is ultimately God that works in us and God that provides forgiveness, mercy, grace, salvation, etc. etc. But I also think God does care about what we do - that what we choose to do does matter to God. It isn't about throwing sin at people or about judging people, it is about striving to be well pleasing to God, it is about learning what is pleasing to God in the same way a child desires to learn what is pleasing to his/her parents. As parents we don't condemn our children, but we do teach them right from wrong, we do teach them what is pleasing to us. If my older son hits my younger son, that is not pleasing to me. It doesn't change my love for him, but it does mean it is necessary for me to teach him that he made a poor choice in his behavior. It does mean I have to find ways to encourage and teach him to behave better.
  10. This section from the book of Enoch reminds me of Merlin being trapped in the crystal cave:
  11. Glad you stopped in DWW, I was starting to wonder if you got fed up with us. I get the receive/release thing. It happens to me too - I go with the moment so to speak, post when I am inspired to, read when I am inspired to, take a break when I am inspired to, etc. The numbers - well that part is beyond me. I have serious issues with math and numbers, always struggled in school with them. I think in pictures, images. Some are verbal learners - we are all different. I have a son who thinks in numbers and patterns, his mind amazes me. I suspect my younger son is like me, visual. Time will tell. Anyway, it is nice to hear from you and I am glad you haven't give up on us altogether.
  12. Sunesis, I will definitely be reading the book of Enoch and will check out the other book as well. On some level it does sound crazy, but as you said, on another level, it does fill in some banks and tie things together.
  13. Thanks C! It looks like a very interesting read. The following is from The Book of Jasher Wikipedia says the following about teh Book of Jasher:
  14. Linda, I have to tell you, you did a wonderful job of answering my questions! Thank you so much for taking the time to write that all out in terms I could understand. Now I can go back and re-read the initial post you made regarding your dissertation. :)
  15. Thanks Dan. Somewhere, perhaps on the second or third page now, there is a thread I started call "The Harlot by the Side of the Road" which was based on a book by the same title. There is quite a bit of discussion there about J and the possibility J was a female. There is also quite a bit about the heroines (sp?) of the bible, who seem to have gotten lost over the ages.
  16. This is interesting too - apparently it is documented in the book of Enoch, which I have never read. The book of Enoch is referenced in the Torah, but quite obviously is not a part of the Torah. The entire article can be found HERE I guess later I'll have to go read Daniel. :)
  17. Dan, somewhere in this thread, I believe it was you who said you did not believe Moses wrote Gensis, pointing out he would have had to write about his own death. I thought you might find this interesting. It is from Wikipedia and the entire article can be found HERE
  18. welcome to the cafe, Outfield. Will you stay for some coffee and pie?
  19. Wow, Linda!!!!!!! Actually, I didn't find your explanation confusing at all. If anything, it cleared up some confusion. Midrash is a term I understand well. Exegesis on the other hand, was one of those terms tossed around in TWI that I never could quite grasp the meaning of. Now I have the meaning. Thanks!!! I must admit though, I am completely lost on your dissertation. What is 'Menology'? What is the sacred calendar? Are you referring to the Jewish calendar, which is based upon the cycles of the moon? What is chiasmic? As an aside, the menorah has 4 branches on each side. The center branch is used to light the others with.
  20. Well, I've reading Wikipedia and come across some interesting things. From HERE Another theory suggests the sons of God were descendent's of Seth and the daughters of men were the daughters of of Cain. This latter version is somewhat easier to believe, in that it doesn't require a belief in supernatural spiritual beings beyond God. However, given the Torah and the NT both make many references to angels, the former seems to fit more in overall context. Also, because the Torah documents geneology so clearly in many many places, it would seem odd that if the references truly were to the children of Seth and Cain that the geanology wouldn't have been more clear in this set of verses. CMan, what you said could also fit very well. It is my understading that various tribes, cities, cultures followed their own God, but fully believed in the existence of the God's of others as well. Even within the Old Testament and Judaism you can see that at various times the Israelites seemed to acknowledge the existence of other god's, even if they didn't worship those gods.
  21. I guess I more or less believe in reincarnation. Our souls come back again and again until they have gained the wisdom they need. God says he will write his word in our hearts. Does he do that because one spoke forth a couple of verses? What about those who never even heard the verses, do they just miss out? I believe the wisdom we gain through living is the process by which God writes his word in our hearts.
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